Day 59 – New Adventures

I woke up after a good final nights sleep. And as I woke, It sounded as there was water running somewhere. I went down stairs to turn the hot water on so I could take a shower and the whole kitchen was flooded and water was dripping through the ceiling from what looked to be Wardy’s room. I found a few buckets to put under the dripping areas and threw a few towels down. I was getting out of there at the right time, because who knows how long that will take to clean up and fix.

We still managed to get out of the house on time and get me to the bus stop. There was an weird feeling and the town was empty as we drove through. Yes, it’s Sunday, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Said my last good bye to Wardy as he headed off to training and I waited for the bus. Of course, it was drizzling. Just the way of life here in Derry. The bus arrived and I got on. Our trip wasn’t too bad to Belfast. I was dropped off at the Belfast International Airport, and I went inside but saw nothing for FlyBe, the airline I was traveling on. A quick check on my phone to find out that there is another airport in Belfast and that was where I needed to be. So I went back outside to look for a taxi, however my bus was still there. And so I went up and asked the question, and the bus was continuing onto the airport that I needed to go to. So the bags got put back in and I hopped back on.

After arriving at the correct airport, I knew one of my bags was going to be overweight. Thankfully, unlike other airlines and countries, the lady was lovely and helpful and I was able to unpack and sort things out. It just makes the experience so much nicer for me as I can breathe easier. Through security and out the other side. I grabbed some food to keep me going through my journey and then relaxed.

Truro-city-football-clubMy flight was quick and painless. I had wanted to try and stay awake to see the Irish coastline, however we got above the clouds and I passed out. Next thing we were circling just above Exeter as there was trouble on the runway. Soon enough we landed and my bags arrived, always a bonus. I went out and met Rory Fallon in the car park. Rory has been assisting with my new move and he is actually a Player/Coach at Truro City FC. Rory is also a current member of the New Zealand All Whites and famously scored the winner against Bahrain to send NZ to the World Cup in 2010. Rory is a lot more experienced and has been in the U.K. for 18 years now as a pro.

Rory celebrating that famous goal 

The drive from Exeter to Plymouth where he lives with his wife was filled will conversation of mostly football, and also Kiwi memories. We arrived at his house eventually which is a lovely wee place on the inlet. Currently another player from Truro City, Adriano Basso, is staying with Rory until he finds a house. So it will be a full house for a week, until should be getting my own place and Adriano finds a place so that his family can move down from Manchester.

Adriano Basso 

We had a lovely evening chatting and making a good feed on the BBQ. My Kiwi lingo will certainly be coming back with Rory always using it. I have the air mattress for the next few days, but I don’t mind at all.