Aug 28 – Sept 4: Hamden/NYC/Maine

It was another week of hard work and relaxation. My mornings were filled with intense training, in the gym, on the field, and with a ball. I feel like I am in very good shape physically, and mentally I am ready to get going again! The training program Coach Kudrick has put me on has been great, and I have been doing a few little extra things just for my personal mentality for me to really feel that I am prepared. And my bike has been a lovely blessing to have, getting me around the place, but also a nice warm up and cool down after each training.

img_4825As time went on this week I kept on checking to see whether my return label was activated, however it was instead an email received on Thursday afternoon saying my visa was accepted and it would be returned to me along with my papers and forms. Thankfully, it arrived Friday afternoon into the safe hands of my friend Ricky, whose address I used on the return label.

On Friday, I also planned a trip to New York City to visit my Aunt Anne. For the last 4 years, I have made numerous trips to the City to meet with her, as it is similar distance for her from Philly as it is for me from New Haven. So a great meeting place. I was surprised by seeing a couple friends and their parents while waiting for the train. I joined them for the trip down which was lovely and nice to have company on that long train ride. Once I arrived, I walked up 5th Ave to the bottom of Central Park to meet another friend, Marc. img_4827We spent a few hours wandering around Central Park, taking in the sights and sounds of street performers and buskers, while we chatted about all sorts of things. I then headed off to the restaurant Anne and I would be meeting at. Soon after I arrived, so did Anne. We had a lovely meal together as I filled her in on all the events that had occurred since I last saw her at Graduation.

After lunch, Anne and I set off on foot to the MET Museum. I hadn’t visited the MET in the last 4 years, so I was excited to finally get a chance to look around. There were many incredible works of art on display, with numerous historical aspects. img_4829It was a good experience wandering through the huge museum. After a couple hours of looking at all the art and history, we said our goodbyes and headed off in our own directions. I swiftly walked back down to Grand Central and got on the train that would arrive into New Haven at 7.43pm. Shannon picked me up after her shift ended and we headed straight for her home in Massachusetts. 2ef1296e-2223-4ee9-a967-72b0f0a8e0f3

Saturday morning we rose early and headed off north up to Maine, where her family has a small little cottage near the beach.
We spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday on the beach, reading, chatting, swimming and walking along the beach at sunset. Her Dad joined us with the Dog on Saturday evening. It was a lovely restful weekend and was certainly much needed for all. Monday was Labor Day so most people had work off, however this meant for traffic on the ride home. Eventually we made it back to Hamden.
