October 17th – October 23rd: Falmouth

img_5133My week began as my recent weeks all had. Nothing too exciting really. I walked to the park in which I do my training at and got a good session in; ball work, fitness, and speed work. In the afternoon I did some errands before I walked to the oceanside to watch the sunset. It was lovely.

Tuesday was the same. A casual day where I was able to do some reading. And then In the evening I set off on my 6hr round trip to training and back. Its a 25min train ride from Falmouth to Truro, then I get picked up in Truro and we drive to training. Train for 60-75min and then head on himg_5145ome. By the time I get back to Truro, the train service no longer runs so I have to take the bus, which goes each hour. Of course I arrived at the bus station 15min after the bus left so I had to wait 45min for the next one. I take my foam roller so I use this time to stretch and roll out. Not a bad time filler at all, and great for my body!

Wednesday involved individual training where I got 2500+ touches on the ball through juggling, dribbling, and passing against a wall. I also got some fitness in and then had another casual afternoon.

img_5147-2Thursday was a lovely sunny day and so I took my book(kindle) and headed for the oceanside. Usually when the days have been lovely, there is always a breeze at the beach, but for the last few days there haven’t and I have been able to comfortably sit there in the clothes I dressed in. I ran a couple errands later in the day, before I set off on my trip for training again. Trainings have been changed to earlier, well at least a little bit earlier so when I returned from training I managed to catch the earlier bus which meant I got back to Falmouth before midnight….bonus!

On Friday I went off and did my own training in the morning again. Similar fashion to the other sessions I do, with ball work and speed work, however I extended my fitness session today, as I was made aware that I wouldn’t be starting on Saturday last night. So it was a little frustrating, but I just put my head down and put in the work I needed to to keep my fitness up and be ready when I get my opportunity! I was able to do some more reading in the afternoon, making the most of the weather, before a casual evening. img_5115

Saturday dawned and it was game day. I ate appropriately and sorted my things out before I headed to the train station for the game. The weather was fairly sunny, but the wind was brisk, however throughout the afternoon the weather kept changing. The routine is getting more familiar now, especially having three home games in a row. Go through the warm up, split off from the starters, and then head back in just before they come out and we get dressed for the bench and then we watch on. We conceded early again, but the opposition wasn’t anything like the previous two teams we had played. Still it was frustrating to watch from the bench. We clawed our way back into the game and were leading 2-1 until they scored with 10min to go. The game finished 2-2. I came on in the 93rd minute because of an injury to one of our players, and I was on the field for all of 45seconds before the ref blew for full time. Showered and dressed and back to the train station to head back to Falmouth. I was able to talk to my parents which is always nice, especially during my challenging transition. And then it was just a casual evening.

img_5148On Sunday, I carried on my tradition of the last 3 weeks of going for a run. I scouted out a new path to take for this one which took me all along the coast. It was very windy and the weather wasn’t great, and I was hoping that would decline the number of people on the track. It did not, so I was consistently ducking and weaving and saying “coming through on your right”, which 90% of people then decided to move to the right…Language barriers huh….Oh well, it was a lovely long run to get my mind clear again. 8miles/13km in just under an hour isn’t too bad at all! My afternoon consisted of watching the Blackcaps and then Manchester United. Both very disappointing results. Onward! Hopefully next week there is more action in various areas of my life.