December 19th – 25th: Merry Christmas

DSC07068.JPGA whirlwind of a week has gone by. With the Christmas festivities taking off all around, town was always a buzz with people shopping or wandering the streets. Truro certainly has done well with its decorations all around the streets and in all the shops. Certainly makes it feel like the holidays.

Regular training resumed on Monday with my gym session and yoga and in the afternoon we got a really good session in down at the local park with our Goal Keeper coach, Deba. And the biggest shock really was that Rory was relieved of his duties for Truro City FC. If it weren’t for Rory, I would not have gotten my opportunity here in England so it will be different adjusting to life without him. His willingness to give us extra training after training and to give feedback about my performances has been invaluable to my development in the English game. I will certainly keep in touch with him.

The week unfolded from Monday into a regular week really with training twice a day and getting a second session with Deba on Wednesday too. On Wednesday I took another trip into the markets to try and find a few gifts for Mum and Michelle. I was successful, however I made another trip in on Friday to get another gift that was requested. The city center was packed with many shoppers getting last minute gifts, and whichever street I went down, there was always Christmas music playing either from speakers or from a band or buskers.

dsc07103Friday evening was the event of the week as Mum and Michelle were arriving into Newquay that evening after 40plus hours of traveling. What they didn’t know was I was going to surprise them at the airport. First I had to take an 80 minute bus ride from Truro to Newquay bus station. It was a double decker, so I sat up top, and all the small towns we drove through, I got a great view of the Christmas lights in houses, on trees, or lining the streets. I then got a ride from the bus station to the airport with a friends parents. Once arrived, I found out the flight was delayed. An hour and a half after I had first arrived at the airport, they arrived, and I was certainly a surprise to them! Success! Then we picked up the rental car and headed for their AirBnB.

It was just wonderful to wake up with family around and we soon got cracking into our day. We made sure to get our Christmas Ham from the butcher before noon, then I gavdsc07061e them a quick tour of the city center before we got the rest of our supplies for Christmas dinner and beyond. I took them out to the caravan to give them at look at my new home as such which was nice. Knowing Mum, it will give her a little more comfort knowing where I am living so she knows I am safe and warm. We headed back to the AirBnb in Flushing, just across the water from Falmouth before we began baking the Christmas cookies.After the first batch, we headed back to Truro to make sure we got to the Cathedral for carols early enough, and we were well early so we did a night tour of Truro city center so they could see all the Christmas lights down all the streets. Mum and Michelle struggled to keep their eyes open during the carols but we made it and then headed home for bed.

dsc07076And Sunday was the day. Christmas had come, and Santa had somehow found me deep down in Cornwall! The day began with a lovely breakfast made by Michelle followed by FaceTiming Dad, the closest we got to all being together this year. Then we dug into our presents which is always nice, before we headed out for a walk. It certainly wouldn’t have been England if it wasn’t grey and gloomy on Christmas day. We walked out around a track on some farm land that was on the edge of the ocean. Nothing better than being by the sea for Christmas, just not like the true Kiwi Christmas on the beach. We headed back and ha
WhatsApp Image 2016-12-27 at 09.38.24.jpegd a nice afternoon before Michelle and I headed out up the hill for a 5km run. Zane then joined us for Christmas dinner, and it certainly was a feast. It was a great end to a great day, and I am very fortunate to have had Mum and Michelle join me. I went back to the caravan tonight to stay in routine and prepare for game day tomorrow. A new week begins with a game.

To all my followers, friends and family, I hope you had a special holiday shared in health and happiness with your friends and family!

Pictures © Michelle Panzer