Feb 6th – Feb 12th: Myrtle Beach – Charleston – Harrisburg

IMG_5494.jpgAnother week that began in one place and ended in another. I was at Marcos’s in Myrtle Beach until Thursday. We continued to have a great time together, going for a run together, having salad nights, going bowling, and then on Wednesday, he took me to his new office as such at Coastal Carolina University. It was great to see how another University Athletic Department functions and the different facilities etc. It was a great experience and the campus is lovely, especially with the sun shining and it feeling a little more like summer. I was also able to watch a bit of the teams training, which was good. It is only Spring season so all they did was play, but even then you could see how differently the team was drilled.

On Thursday I headed down to Charleston by bus. Once again, a friend of mine img_5498organized for me to stay with her friend, and it worked out great. A couch was all I needed to rest my head at night and I was great. In the evening, Rachel, my host took her dog for a walk down on the Battery, downtown Charleston and I joined. Although it was dark, it was a lovely evening with the air crisp and the water splashing against the Battery. That was really as much of Charleston I got to see.

Friday was the first day of the trial at Charleston Battery. The Stadium was lovely, brillIMG_5499.jpgiant grass and great facilities. Over the course of the two days, I was pleased with my play and the impact I had in the games. However, I obviously wasn’t what the coaching staff were looking for and now I am waiting to receive feedback so that I know what I need to improve on to take the next step as a player. After the second day, I showered at the stadium and then headed to the airport to catch a flight to Newark. I was picked up by James Greco, another former teammate of mine from Quinnipiac University. It was great to catch up with him as we drove to his place. We spent the evening catching up, and then Sunday morning James, his Dad, and myself headed out in the freezing rain to a local high school to get the legs going and pass a ball around in preparation for the next tryout, which James was also attending. Although cold and wet, it was good to get the legs going and for me to adjust to the temperature as I was now back in the Northeast winter. Two more of our teammates from Quinnipiac met us at James’s house and we all jumped in the car and headed for Harrisburg, PA.

Monday would be the first day of the trial in Harrisburg, but it was nice to certainly be back together with some old teammates and we enjoyed ourselves for sure.