Day 13 – Derry City FC

Derry_City_FC_logoBack to training today. It was massage day so we spent a good 45min in the locker room before we headed over to foam roll and stretch. Then we did video analysis, and finally got onto the pitch, a lot later than usual. And of course, it was raining. But actually raining today, not drizzling with it clearing after 2omin and then drizzling again. It rained consistently the whole session. Made for a very slick surface and a few guys on their asses during training.

A gentle warm up, some basic passing drills, and bit of speed and footwork and then we split up. The likely 11 and another 11 players possible to play went away and did functional training with the manager, focused on shape and pressure systems they plan to use against league leaders Dundalk this Friday. The rest of us, and a few goalkeepers went with Donal and played 3v3+1 or 4v4+1 possession games. It was fairly intense work with a good competitive side to it. Yes, this type of thing is getting repetitive, however consistency is key and so it’s really just about putting the head down and working hard during the session. Once we were done and the other players had finished we split into 3 teams of 9 to finish off with a few 5min games. The field was condensed and the conditions were still wet, but it was nice to play and get out there. At the end of training the manager asked for myself and a few other players to head up to his office after we showered.

Morning Window View
Training Ground

I headed up to the managers office and made myself a cup of tea while he finished off lunch and then I headed in. It was another good opportunity to get on the same page about my intentions and what I am looking for really. He was open and appreciative and understood everything and he was also pleased with me and the way I have fit into the team environment and how well I get along with the boys, because for him that is very important. So that was a very positive thing. And he had also seen some good stuff out on the field, but still wants to see me in a game environment because it’s a completely different situation, so he’s asked if I can stay around longer and hopefully get involved in a friendly game in the coming weeks. All positive things really, and I am happy to continue training in the professional environment, challenging myself and developing myself as a player. It’s all about gaining experience for me at this stage of my career. So this was another refreshing talk, which I’m sure will make me more comfortable and settled at training which will be good, and when my opportunities come, I just have to make sure I take them.

Once I finished meeting with him I headed with Harry for some lunch and then off to the gym. Another strength, speed and injury prevention session. Body is feeling pretty strong, which is always a nice feeling. Then it was time for ice baths. Today was the coldest ice bath I think I have ever had, going waste deep, with the jets on the whole time. Home to shower and then have a casual night in!