The Practice of Patience

Patience really is a virtue. It certainly is a tough skill to learn and apply in life, especially in a society where everyone is expecting instant results or returns. We live in a world that is so fast paced and technological that we all expect things almost instantaneously after going in search for them. Not often do we see individuals working hard, and every day continuing to persevere along a path for something they really want, instead often taking the easy way towards something comfortable and familiar.
Being patient comes with many challenges, it can mean working for a lot of time for something you want, it can be waiting for something that may even never come.
Patience can also be a savior for so many people, in relationships, in decision making, in social experiences. It is a trait that isn’t often practiced or seen in many individuals today, but it can be what sets you apart. It teaches a good lesson, and even if the outcome or result of what you have shown patience for isn’t the one you wished, the learning and development of the skill of patience is so very important throughout life.

Patience is not just about waiting for something… it’s about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting.” ~ Joyce Meyer

As Meyer says, it is about how you act and react in every situation along your path while you patiently wait for something. This is defining as your actions can either assist in your journey, or they can elongate your journey. The decision is up to you, how will you  act in patience? Patience starts from an everyday attitude towards life, and can slowly become part of your character. Patience starts today, so how will you show it?

This weekend, my team showed patience. After going down 1-0, we were patient in our play, knowing that we were the better team with more quality and firepower. Our patience paid off, ultimately coming back to win 5-2. This is a small example of patience, but for a team playing a season of approximately 25 games, learning and applying patience in this situation allows us to understand the importance of it across the season, throughout the challenges we face and successes we achieve.

I have patiently waited for nearly two years to see my father again, and I was reunited with him this weekend as he came up to watch my game. Although we FaceTime each week, nothing beats seeing loved ones in person and enjoying their character and being in close proximity! It was a special weekend and I was very fortunate to spend time with him, especially after the journey and experiences I have had in the last two years!