Day 52 – Tourist Edition #4

IMG_4750We woke up to a fairly windy morning and overcast skies. Had some breakfast and was entertained with the kids being kids. Eventually we all headed out. Katy, The Grandpa, and little Hugh along with myself were dropped off at White Rocks Beach with the two dogs and we had a lovely morning walk all the way along the beach to where we met the others. It was a lovely morning, fresh air, sounds of the ocean, and just being oceanside. Two of the sisters had gone out for a 3km morning swim, and the others were splashing around in the paddling pools by the water when we arrived. Eventually we headed up to a little cafe that overlooks the ocean for a bit of morning tea. Certainly controlling 9 kids and 2 dogs was difficult, but things settled down and we enjoyed some good conversation.

IMG_4764We headed back to the house eventually. And then Katy and I were dropped off at the Bushmills Irish Whiskey Distillery. We took the tour and learned all the stages of producing the Whiskey. It was very interesting learning about the process and all the little stages that occur. Whiskey however is not my thing, and so the free tasting we got at the end was not the best way to end. But the tour was well worth it.

Unfortunately by the end of the tour it was drizzling and we had been dropped off, so we walked home in the drizzle. Like a true kiwi, I was wearing jandals, so not the greatest footwear for a 3km walk home. All part of the fun. We got back at 4pm and I checked the train schedule. There was a train leaving at 4.45pm and so we planned to make that, but we didn’t leave the house until 4.20. Of course we hit a little bit of traffic, but like a great guide, Katy got me there just as the train was loading. I bought a ticket and rushed on. Thankfully I made it, or else I would have been waiting until 6.45pm for the next one. It was a gloomy day outside so it was tough to watch the countryside pass by, and so I got out my kindle and continued reading. I arrived back into Derry, grabbed a taxi and headed on home. IMG_4756

I finally got to watch some of the olympics that afternoon, made some dinner and called it a night.