Day 11 – Derry City FC


For highlights of Derry City’s 1-0 win against Wexford Youths on Friday, you can view here:

It was back into rhythm today and a long hard slog it was. The day began with the usual foam roll and stretch. Once we hit the field, the weather decided that we should just get dumped on for 20min. It was wet, the grass was freshly cut, studs on boots were getting filled with grass every 3 steps and I was slipping everywhere.

It wasn’t my greatest session during my time here. We began with some passing which was fine, but the body was just highly fatigued, and so was the mind. Training progressed into a massive 16v8 possession game, with the 8 defending for 3 sets of 3 minutes. It was supposed to be fitness for the defenders, but it was just a shambles. It was difficult to get on the ball, let alone get a good touch in. Ball movement and fast decisions were key, and thats what I had to focus on, ensuring that the touches I did get were quality and purposeful. Then when it was our turn to defend, we made sure that we eclipsed any of the previous defensive records and won the ball the most out of the three groups. It was frustrating to say the least, but I could see the point, just execution was a little off. From here we split off, and the likely 11 for the game against Dundalk on Friday worked on some defensive shape, while the rest of us went and played a possession based game towards goal. Once again it was myself and some of the academy players, and it was a chance for me to prove myself. I did what I could, but the conditions were trying and the body continued to be tired. By now the session had been going for around 90min. We then broke from training with the ball and did some sprint, speed, agility and power work. As much as the body didn’t want to, I pushed through it to make sure I benefited from it. After that, we played a condensed 11v11 game, where I knew that it would be an opportunity to show what I have to offer. It was the likely 11 agains the rest of us. I was playing in my regular position at center back, and distributed the ball fairly well, with a few misplaced passes. However, we didn’t concede and played some good football.

Finally we were done with the field session, drenched, grass everywhere, and tired. A nice refreshing shower and a quick dash to get lunch before gym time. Todays gym session was about power, with a lot of upper body stuff, but also some double leg and single leg power work. A good sharp session in the gym allowed me to finish the day in a better mental state. It was just a long day, 9am till 3.30pm. Finally time to head home and catch the two Euro games. Both with some exciting moments in them, however nothing truly compelling for 90min.DSC03362.jpg

Today is also a very special day as it is Mum’s birthday. Despite the very large distance for the last 4 years, I always find a way to share my appreciation for her love and support throughout my journey of life.