Day 17 – Derry City FC

A semi drama filled morning, with Wardy waking Connor and I up an hour earlier than we needed to. Yoga was at 10, meeting at 9.45am. Instead of waking at 9.15, Wardy came into both of our rooms and woke us up to get ready and go to Yoga. I said to him, yoga is at 10, and he was like yea I know, but for some reason he didn’t realize it was 8.15am and not 9.15. Connor didn’t even look at his phone and got everything and we got in the car. I had tried to say something, but by now I had assumed things had been changed and yoga was now at 9am. It wasn’t! We got into town and we were supposed to pick up Dean, and it wasn’t until Connor looked at his phone to ring Dean and said, it’s 8.30, what are we doing here. We killed the time by going to Harry, AB and Jordan’s house.

Yoga was another good workout but very good for the body. Yes it’s challenging but I know it’s helpful for sure. Sometimes it’s difficult for the lads to keep focused in there, but we get there eventually. Onto the ice baths and then home. The ice baths were freezing today for some reason and I come out of there so numb I can barely sense touch to my legs. Oh well, much needed recovery.

Once I has home, I made myself some nice lunch and then sat on the couch to watch the end of the Tsonga vs. Isner Wimbledon match. I started watching at 4-4 in the 5th set, and I ended up staying on the couch for about two hours as the game finally finished at 19-17. The three of us lads and Connors girlfriend headed out for Sunday dinner at a nice restaurant/bar. Unfortunately, the service was poor, with us waiting at least 30min for our drinks, and then it was another 30 odd minutes before our meals came. The food was good, but the service just tainted the evening a little bit. Nonetheless, it was nice to have a meal and chat.

Onward home to watch the final Quarterfinal, France and Iceland, and unfortunately, the fairytale ended for Iceland. euro_2016_logo_detail