Day 39 – Derry City FC

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Training Pitch 

Training was very good today. A good field session with various aspects, along with a fair bit of running at the end too. Once again, it was just the senior team, so the numbers were lower which was good, but also the competitiveness and quality was higher. We did a few passing exercises to begin before we went into pressure-possession grids, and played some game like situation games. The session ended with some running that was similar to yesterdays running. As much as it was tough, its all good stuff for me to keep fit.

A quick shower and bite to eat before we met with PFA (Professional Footballers Association) who had brought along a lady who works with professional athletes on their development outside of sport. It was really a session for her to find out what the players were interested in so that they can supply the necessary means of education, workshops, online courses, and employment opportunities once football is no longer their career. For most of the team, they have not gained a University degree and most have only graduated high school at best. Some have part time jobs, some are taking online courses, and for others, football is all their life consists of. It’s a great program to have and get the team involved in, because for so many professional athletes who haven’t done anything other than sport their whole life, it is important they are prepared for life after football. For me, well I have my Bachelors Degree in Psychology, however depending on how things pan out I would love to take classes towards a Masters in Sports Psychology/Mental Skills.

Once the meeting finished, we headed over to the gym. Our gym session today was tough but very good. A balance of power and strength is always what is focused on. The legs were quite heavy during the session, but the benefits are worth it for sure.

96c22ec9-5c06-4869-84e1-9ed0768a0287.jpgWardy and I headed to the grocery store after the gym and headed home. A relaxing afternoon and then a busy night in the kitchen. With my groceries topped up I was able to get a little creative in the kitchen. It tasted as good as it looked and sure went down a treat.