Day 43 – Derry City FC

Today was game day, however this time I wasn’t traveling with the team to Sligo. Wardy and Conor left the house to meet at the hotel at 2pm before they departed. I had the afternoon to myself where I got a few errands done down at the local post office in Carrigans and had a restful afternoon. The ankle wasn’t too sore and I was able to comfortably walk around.

The Derry game against Sligo was on TV, however the T.V. in the house didn’t have the channel, but I managed to find a stream online. It wasn’t the greatest performance as neither team really grabbed ahold of the game. Derry had some very good chances, but not enough of them to put them away. Sligo also had a few good chances. 0-0 was probably a fair outcome, however it is not the result Derry would have hoped as the team continues to push and keeps its spot for European Competition next season.

Ben-Sigmund_Book_3Once the game was over I was able to have my weekly catch up with my parents via FaceTime. For the last 4 years I have been away from New Zealand, I have been able to either Facetime or Skype them at least once a week to catch up and fill them in on all the happenings. As always it was great to see and talk to them. Funnily enough, during our talk they bought me a book for my kindle which I got for my birthday, however they are still technically challenged sometimes. Eventually I received the gift email of a book and I was able to add it to my kindle. The book is Fully Committed: The Ben Sigmund Story. Ben was a footballer from back home who took a fairly different path to becoming a pro, but being a true Kiwi, he continued through tough times and found the passion for the game again which often alluded him. It is a story that as I read, I continuously relate to, and therefore it is often difficult to put down. Before I went to bed I read at least 5 chapters.