Sept 27th – Oct 2nd: Plymouth, Falmouth

This week has certainly been a week of ups and downs, filled with many frustrations, but as things always do, they have turned out ok.

0-02-01-bef8d21e051f924f68613c63d0cb537dd5deef778e035c38cfad5790be6e5ae8_fullOn Monday, I continued my individual training, utilizing the various accessories that the turf field had to offer. Big tires to pass against and give an uneven return which kept me on my toes, walls to juggle a ball against, and corner walls to pass, return, open out and pass to the other side. I just have to find ways to train various aspects of my game and also get as many touches in as possible each day. I feel like I have been achieving that. Today was also the exciting day that I would get to pick up my visa. It is pretty much like an ID card and it has all the details on there. What it didn’t have however, was a National Insurance Number, which I thought would come with it due to something I applied for during the visa process. So I got on the phone and began the process of applying for a National Insurance Number. One more box to tick off.

On Tuesday, I continued my training and got another couple thousand touches in. I had to print a few things, so I wandered down to the local library, and became a member. I was able to print what I needed, before I spent the rest of the day until training just relaxing. Team training was alright, but it just hasn’t been what I would have expected in terms of quality and football specific. We shall see as time moves on how it goes. Head down!

Wednesday was my final full day at the hostel as I had to move our Thursday morning as a big group was coming. So after I trained in the morning, I was back to the hostel to pack and organize my things and plan the next move. One of Rory’s friends owns a hotel and had offered a fairly cheap rate for any players that Rory had coming over that needed a place to stay. 0-02-04-f85b4920f6d30332ee17a8801a92826ecc518b0e50147b9c92471555e2ffa13f_full

0-02-03-9b01ecba3f0917c0a16679e6c0540144ef51fd4758720ee10a51d6870d6e3ab7_fullSo Thursday morning after I ate breakfast, I carried all my bags across town to the Grosvenor Hotel. I stored my bags there for the day and went off on my merry way. I read my book in about 5 different spots today, and managed to finish it. A very compelling book, and certainly very relatable to the process I am currently going through. I’m pretty sure I could define myself as “gritty” for going through all of this. I also managed to wander a few streets and find a few interesting places and little gardens around the place. A worthwhile afternoon before I checked into the hotel and got settled. It was certainly an upgrade from the hostel. I headed out to a nice Italian place for dinner before Rory picked me up for training once again. Training followed similar suit to Tuesday night.

0-02-03-e6776b2e1668073f27cd81426f2b149654b484f3421c303aa828c469afe19790_fullFriday dawned a lovely day and after I had a big breakfast at the hotel, I managed to chat to my parents for about an hour. Our weekly catch ups are always nice and sometimes just enough encouragement to keep me going. Once breakfast had settled, I ran across town and over the bridge to Plymstock. I had had something delivered to Rory’s, however no one was home so they left it at the local post office. So I ran with my backpack to the post office, picked up my package and ran back to the hotel. A good morning run and the best part of it all, I have picked up my new boots. I packed up my football bag and then headed out hoping to find a closer park, but what I found was a large fenced in field, which was locked. So I continued on to my usual field and gave the new boots a good run around on the grass. After I did what I could on the grass, I switched boots and went onto the turf and got more touches in. After a while I called it a day and packed up my stuff and headed back to the hotel. I refreshed and then headed out to a waterfront restaurant for lunch and to read. 0-02-03-e0cc7c568b0682f8293a75b90469ff891446ebb707c6bf472e4d24ef0a597cdf_fullThe problem with not being at the hostel is that I cannot make or store my food anymore, so I have had to eat out meals. I make sure that I get bang for my buck though and stay awhile! For dinner, I decided to try the Australian bar, Walkabout. I had walked passed it many of times as I headed into town from the hostel so it was about time. Plus at 8pm there was Friday Night Football in the Premier League. I started with an Old Mout Cider which was wonderful and then had a burger, which I was unfortunately let down by. Oh well. I stayed the length of the game which was good, and then headed on out as the crowds headed on in for their Friday night fun.

Saturday began cold, but warmed up a little. I repacked my bags and headed out for the day before my bus left at 5pm for Falmouth. I was enjoying the sun over looking the water before it began to rain for a brief period, which drove me away. I headed into town, and went for somewhere dry.  I filled my day well and then caught my bus and headed south. The road we travelled was very country side like, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I arrived into Falmouth on time, and had to walk across town to pick up the spare key to Toby’s apartment, and then walked all the way back to his apartment. 1hr round trip dragging my 25kg suitcase. Toby didn’t get back until about 9.30pm and I just chilled at his apartment until he got back. We then headed out to catch up and have a drink. Was an enjoyable night and great to see Toby after nearly 5 years with minimum contact.