Oct 3rd – 9th: Falmouth

0ce980c7-e48c-489f-8933-1fadb854a851Monday dawned a beautiful day and we were up and out early to go for a sail. Toby’s jobs have all been with sailing, either a deck hand or a first mate on many sail boats. He does his job very well and knows his stuff. So this morning he took myself, his dad Tony and his uncle Gary all out. Gary knows how to sail so at least he wasn’t alone, and I still remembered many of the sailing skills I learned in Outward Bound. We had a wonderful few hours out on the water. Once we came in, Tony drove Toby and I up to Truro, where Toby was picking up a rental car for the week. While we were there, we went for a little tiki tour around Truro and stopped by at the Football Club. While we were at the club, I called the Secretary to see if he was in but he wasn’t. However, he had great news for me. All my papers had come back, including my reacquisition to amateur status. So now I just have to sign the contract with the club and Ill be away. That was an incredible feeling as it has been a journey and at times I thought that moment may not come! And it was nice to share the jubilation with a friend too. Toby and I then drove back to Falmouth and he took me on a tiki tour of Falmouth. Seeing lots of the town and the0fc0f287-0318-479b-ae08-bf04ad7354d9 surrounding areas. Many lookouts across the water, which was just wonderful. All I need is some ocean and blue sky and I am happy.
We returned to the apartment and changed and then went and kicked a football around which was fun! We haven’t done that together in at least 6 years.

Tuesday was a good day, although windy. I attempted to read my book on the pier but the wind chill and my dress appearance was not suitable to allow me to not freeze. I managed to keep busy though, and fortunately, Toby has a guitar with him, so I was able to pick that up and play it for awhile. Always a nice hobby to have, just need to get my own guitar someday! Today was the day I also met up with the Clubs secretary and we sorted out all my paperwork. Everything was explained and everything was completed in the appropriate way so that my visa is not impacted. It was such a relief to finally get it all sorted and now I can focus on training and hopefully playing. In the evening I had training, but I had a journey to get there. Training is up near Plymouth, so Toby drove me from Falmouth to Truro, about 15min. I was then picked up by Debba, the Goal Keeper coach. We then drove another 20min to meet up with the Physio. And then it was another 60min to Plymouth. All for 1hr of team training. It has got to be done I guess. Training was good and competitive and there was just a refreshed mentality from the lads, I’m sure because there is a game this weekend. And then the same long journey home. I got home around 11.30pm, and made sure to eat and refuel before bed.

IMG_4969.jpgWednesday was another good day. I dressed appropriately to go read on the pier and had a nice time out there, also just observing the surroundings and the boats that would come and go. Toby and I went and had another kick around in a local park which was nice. I have still been able to get my extra training in but just having Toby allows me to do some other things. That evening I have a few phone interviews regarding my signing, one for Truro City FC and one for The Nelson Mail. Toby and I then went to meet up with a friend of his and we had a good laugh. We got burritos for dinner and then I returned home to catch the second half of the Quinnipiac game. The boys won 4-0 which was a big statement, and hopefully their success continues.

Thursday was a casual day for me up until it was time for training. Due to the Physio and Goal Keeper coach not going to training on Thursday, I was left to my own devices really. Toby drove me to Truro, where I caught the train up to Plymouth. I took a train to arrive well before training to allow me to get a few things done in Plymouth. I met Carly, Rory’s wife as she had some important mail for me regarding my visa. It was nice to see her and have a brief catch up. Then I headed to the library and did a bit of printing and just hung out there to keep busy before Ryan Brett would pick me up and head to training. We went to training and had a decent session. Then Ryan dropped me back at the train station, and my journey back begun. My train was at 10.42pm arriving into Truro at 12.04am. Toby had kindly offered to pick me back up from Truro when I arrived, however he fell asleep. A few phone calls later, he woke up. All in good fun, we made it back to Falmouth and I was asleep by 1.30. For the people that think I have made it and that I am living the dream, far from it. But these are the hard yards I need to put in for the outcome to be positive down the track.

f9a74b57-fd5f-4619-8575-0b974bb51855On Friday we woke up and went on an adventure. We headed down the coast through many small seaside towns and down very narrow roads and ended up at Lizard Point. We wandered along the coastal track on the cliffs above the water and took in the view. It was lovely and the coastline is a nice change. There was a life boat station there and so it was cool to see that and read about what they do and see photos of the life boat and its entry into the water from the shed. e8b17605-686a-4c0e-9196-9483517ba50bWe then stopped off at what is considered to be a famous pasty shop, Anns Pasties, and I had my first Pasty. It was very nice and didn’t disappoint. For those wondering what it is, it is a pastry folded like a calzone and inside the one I got, it had steak, potatoes, leak and onions. We ate them in a park looking across to the ocean and then we went and sat on swings and had some childhood fun while we reminisced on high school and all the kiwi traditions that we have done in our travels. We then hit the road and stopped at a local Cider shop that also had all sorts of arts and crafts and things. We got a very educational tasting experience on the local Ciders. Some were good, and some were very different, but it was interesting to learn about them nonetheless. Finally we headed on home.

5cded832-c92e-4d7e-8754-ce896e336701It was finally game day, and I was finally able to play. I had a relaxed morning and was well fed before I headed to Treyvew Rd, home of Truro City White Tigers! Still without any team gear, but I was part of the team nonetheless. The squad was stretched a little thin this week, but we still fielded a good side. I was on the bench. It was great to finally go through all the preparation and team talks and warming up with the team finally. The sun was out and it wasn’t a bad day at all. Well it wasn’t bad until we conceded after 3 minutes, and then conceded again twice in the first half. 3-0 down at half time wasn’t what was planned. I stayed out and warmed up during half time. I would look on from the bench as two more goals would be conceded before the manager called me over, gave me a few instructions, sent me to warm up, and then on I went. I played defensive midfield, just shielding the back four. I did the job asked of me, and I was comfortable in possession. Not much of an influence I can make at 5-0 down. It wasn’t the greatest game to debut, however now that its out of the way, it is onward and upward from here. Many fans were left disappointed today, but next week we will do what we can to change that! After the post match formalities, Toby and I headed back to Falmouth and found a pub that was showing the All Blacks. We got to see the last 15min in which they piled on about 25 points to blow away the Springboks and set a record! We watched a bit of the English Football game after that before finally heading home. I was able to facetime my parents and fill them in on all the events that had occurred today and throughout the week. It is always a highlight each week to catch up with them and fill them in! Technology has made the last 5 years a lot easier being away from home. I stayed up to watch the All Whites face Mexico. It was a great performance and a completely different approach by the NZ team for the first time in a long time. Promising signs.

I was able to sleep in a bit Sunday morning. Once I got up, I mapped out a loop to go for about a 45min run. It went out and around the point, so most of it was along the water. Lovely views and clear skies, made for a nice run, until I did not see a root that had raised a section of asphalt and I completely wiped out. Big cuts on my right hand, and grazes else where. A little bit of frustration later, I kept on going and finished my run strong. Came home and cleaned out the wound although it stung badly. Plastered myself up and I was sorted. Toby and I then headed to Truro for a wander around town and to check a few things out. The rest of my Sunday was casual.

**Unfortunately I was not photographed by the team photographer during the game, sorry for no shots from my debut!

