November 7th – November 13th: Truro

img_5202A lot can change in a week. Finally based in Truro, I was able to find my way around, do some errands and just get a feel of the city. It is a lovely wee town and will certainly be a nice place to wander round and spend time. During the day, Zane and I went across to the club to see one of the groundsman, Ron. We had a good chat with him and then spent the evening at his place for dinner with him and his wife. A lovely home cooked meal is always a treat, and some great conversation and stories.

Tuesday would become a very long day as we had an away game at 7.45pm. From the time we left the BnB in Truro and arrived back home that evening, it was 17hrs later, arriving in at 4am! But it was well wortimg_5179h it as we brought home 3 valuable points with us. Whitehawk’s pitch was unbelievable. It was on the biggest slope ever and I’m not sure how that is up to FA standards, and of course it was freezing and raining and windy, so a top result in those conditions. It certainly made for a happier bus ride home, and I finally had to sing a song as my team initiation. A trusty song that everyone knows, Your Beautiful by James Blunt was my choice and it got the boys going!

Perranporth beach

On Wednesday, we went over to the club again to fill Ron in on the game as he was unable to travel that evening. He was so happy that we won and the team was turning a corner. Instead of going on our recovery run around Truro, Ron offered to take us out to the beach in Perranporth to do our recovery there while he sat in a cafe. The beach was lovely and I ran a few lengths before having a good stretch and then waded into the ocean for the all natural ice bath. It was beautifully cold but refreshing and made my legs feel better!

Thursday was fairly uneventful other than having training that evening. A


nd on Friday, it was an exciting day for me as we finally got to move into the caravan. I was so happy to finally get settled and just unpack my suitcase and thats exactly what I did. It has all we need really. Fairly spacious with a good kitchen and lounge area. So I couldn’t be happier to finally have a place to call home!

After a stretch of 3 away games, we were finally back at home, and it was my first start at home. We played Margate who were a few points below us, so it was a huge game to create some distance and begin to climb the table for us. Due to all the rain during the week, the pitch was very very muddy and it was tough to play pretty football. However we ground it out, took our chances, and stayed solid defensively to get a 2-0 win. First back-to-back wins this season for the team, so things are finally looking up. Much to my surprise, the Truro City Supporters Club named me man of the match, and I received a bottle of champagne after the game as the award.

img_5209A nice surprise, however I know that I am only just getting settled and there is lots of improvement and development still need for me to get to where I want to be. Nonetheless, the recognition of a good performance is always nice. It was just lovely to return to what I can call home now after the game and relax and recover!

My Sunday tradition of a recovery run continued. Today my route took me exploring for fields that we can use to train on. I went past a primary school that had a field open to public access, and then followed a trail past Truro College’s fields and facilities, which are all top class. However, they are all locked behind high gates and recorimg_5207ded by cameras, so a little difficult to use them. The trail I continued to run was lovely and a nice little discovery. The rest of my afternoon was casual with a bit of shopping and then Zane and I headed down to the Primary School park to pass a ball around and just shake the legs out. I cooked the first full meal in our new home, which was spaghetti bolognese. Turned out great. And sadly, the Quinnipiac Men’s Soccer team season came to an end today as they lost in the final of their conference championship. A great season but just couldn’t get over the hurdle.

Sunday was also filled with lots of tracking of the Earthquake and numerous aftershocks and I hope that all my friends and family are safe and well and unaffected by the quake. Never fun being so far away and helpless during these events!