December 12th – 18th: Truro

img_5318It was a busy week to say the least. On Monday, I had to balance my training because we had our Cup replay on Tuesday, so my routine was adjusted a little bit. Zane and I were invited to one of the teams supporters house for a nice Christmas meal. It was a lovely afternoon and the roast was fantastic, and the conversation was just as good. The supporters have been great throughout our time, and its really nice to be able to get to know them all better and share our lives with them. It certainly makes me feel more welcome at the club and in the city too.

img_5304The week picked up on Tuesday as we had our FA Trophy replay against Forest Green Rovers. A relaxing morning and then some radio promotion around lunch time was how I spent the day leading up to what was a very big game. Once again, we were up for the challenge against a very good team. And before the game even kicked off, we had a little victory, they changed their formation to match our formation hoping that they would be able to play it better than us. However, the game was once again very even. It was a battle for sure and neither could break the deadlock inimg_5305 regular time, so we headed to extra time. We continued to fight, and 3min into the second half of extra time, an absolute rip from 25yds out that went top corner from an ex premier league player was to be the difference in the end. We had given everything, and had many great chances, including hitting the woodwork a few times. But we just couldn’t sneak one home. So that ended two great games against a higher opposition, which gave me confidence to know that I can compete at that level, however it will take consistency in my game in the second half of the season for me to hopefully get that opportunity.

Although it had been a longer game the night before, I still did my recovery run on Wednesday, aimg_5308nd I found a few new roads which took me through more countryside which is always nice. I made sure to treat my muscles appropriately because it is a long season and so the body has to be able to cope! That evening we went into town and this week there were Victorian Markets, with all the stall sellers dressed in Victorian era clothing. It was a lovely experience with many great things for sale. Always nice to just look around it all.

Thursday and Friday had a little bit of my routine back together as I was able to work out and do ball work and then get my yoga in on Friday. But it was still important not to burn myself out as Saturday would be a 19hr round trip for an away game. It was a very early morning as we had to be on the bus for 5.45am. And it wasn’t the happiest of away trips. Another foggy match, and a less motivated team after having been up for the two big games last week. I personally wanted to focus more on my individual performance and make sure that I was switched on and playing consistently right from the first whistle. My refined focus helped my individual game which I was happy with. As a team, we dominated the first 30min and were up 1-0, but then two mistakes led to us going into the half 2-1 down. And we just got nailed in the head in a 3min spell in the second half when they scored 3 goals. And so we went down 5-1. It was difficult mentally to lift everyone up to keep going, so just a disappointing result for sure. As always, I wanted to learn what I could from that game, even if there wasn’t too many positives to gain from it. I had a 90minimg_5316 chat on the bus ride home with Rory about a lot of aspects of the game. It gave me a greater understanding of my position and my role, and just gives me more things to focus on developing in my game. So a very productive chat that allowed me to take the game, and put it into something that I can positively learn and develop from.


On Sunday I headed out on another recovery run and then relaxed for the rest of the day. It has been a roller coaster of a week, with lots of learning and many challenges in all sorts of way. But it is all part of the experience and what I continue to learn is great to develop me as a person and a football player.