January 2nd – 8th: Truro

This week was full of goodbyes unfortunately, but the memories over the last couple weeks have been very special and I was so glad to have my mum and sister over to visit what has become my new home here in Cornwall.

img_5403The week began in Bristol where we explored the city a little more before dropping Michelle off at the train station for her to head home, and Mum and I got on the road back to Truro. Tuesday was the day where I really got back into my routine where I went to the gym in the morning, and we had team training in the evening. However during the day Mum, Zane and Myself headed over to Perranporth for lunch and a lovely beach walk with great winter weather. The sun was shining and the beach was just wonderful. Always a great escape to breath in fresh salty air and be by the ocean.

On Wednesday, Mum and I headed north to Plymouth. We found a nice place for lunch, before Rory and Carly met us for a chat and then showed us around a little bit. Rory was the one who brought me to England and got me the opportunity to play for Truro, so it was nice that Mum was able to thank him in person for what he has done for my career. It was the first time I had seen him since he was let go of his duties for Truro, and he seemed to be doing well which is great. Mum and I spent the afternoon exploring Plymouth, walking the Barbican, visiting The Hoe, and seeing the Mayflower Steps. It was a successful day, as well with the weather holding off. We were back in Truro in time to meet up with Ron and his wife who have takenimg_5421 care of me during my time here, and for the week were taking care of Mum. We headed to an award wining pub for a true English pub meal, which was lovely.

Thursday morning I was back in the gym early getting my training and workout done before Mum and I got in the car and headed a little south to the coast. Our first stop was Porthtowan and it was another stunning coastline. The diversity in the coastlines that we have seen in the last couple weeks has been amazing and this was no different. We walked on a cliff above the ocean and the views were spectacular, altimg_5418hough a grey day. After a couple hours we were back in the little town to have lunch and figure out our next moved. Porthreath wasn’t too far away, so we headed there. It was a little disappointing to say the least as it looked to be a bit of an old run down port town that is no longer as active as it once was. That evening we had team training again. Training had been good this week and I felt like I was training well. Hopefully it pays off on Saturday.

On Friday, Mum joined me for my yoga class which was great. The class was busier than usual, must be New Years resolutions!! That afternoon, Mum and I headed into Truro to do some errands and a little bit of shopping. We then went for a walk along Boscawen park and around the estuary that comes up into Truro. It was nice and there are all sorts of exercise machine along the path to get an extra work out it. Great idea that!

img_5434Saturday was game day. The weather was misty and drizzling in the morning, but Mum and I still got out just to get away and clear the head a bit. We went back to Perranporth and wandered on the beach a little before we headed back so I could prepare for the game. Unfortunately, my training had not paid off and I was still on the bench, which was disappointing. The game turned out to be a positive result finally, winning 3-2. As always, just very difficult to watch from the sidelines and not even get on to contribute. This coming week will be a very important one for me! Mum and I went out for dinner that evening as our last hurrah before she headed home in the morning. It was just nice to spend some time with her and take my mind away from the difficulties that football is presenting me with at the moment.

And then it was goodbye. A very sad and teary eyed goodbye as she drove off to Newquay Airport. The last few weeks were just what I needed at this time, and Christmas with family is always more special. I was able to get out and explore Cornwall, Swansea, and more of England, which makes my experience here even more memorable. As I grow older, the time spent with loved ones becomes more and more cherished, especially as my life continues half a world away, and I just never know when the next time I will see them again will be. A very special few weeks for me for sure. To clear the mind a little bit and reflect on the time, I headed out for my Sunday run. This week it turned out to be 19km…I didn’t plan to run that far, but it just happened and the body felt fine. And now I will be ready for next week as it will be a crucial one for me.

Photo by M. Panzer