January 16th – 22nd: Truro

This week started with a busy day in the kitchen, meal prepping for the next few days so that after trainings, I wouldn’t have to make food. I also whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, always go down a treat.

img_5443I was in my regular training routine which has been great, especially training with the local college has been beneficial for both parties. I get extra technical training in, in an environment where development is the focus, so thats been great. I managed to get my regular sessions in at the gym too, and down at the local park as well, so it was a busy and productive training week for sure. Feeling as fit as I can be without playing 90min, which is now the focus for me. And on Friday, I enjoyed my yoga class as usual.

Little story of the week with a bit of drama on Thursday night. To get to training I had to get the bus from the caravan park into Truro to be picked up to then head up to Saltash for training. Zane was injured, so I headed down by myself to the bus early to make sure I caught one, and I took the exact amount that I would pay £2. The bus comes and I get on and say, “train station please”, for the driver to punch it in and say “thats £3 please”. Never, in the 3 months that I have been here has it been £3, and I told him that, but he punched it back in and it came back up as £3, so I took back my money and frustratingly walked back to the caravan, grabbed an extra pound, and headed back down to catch the next bus. Of course just as I was walking out of the caravan park, another bus came by, and I tried to wave it down in the dark to no avail. Frustration grew! Finally another bus came and I said the same thing, “train station please”, and the bus driver said, “thats £2 please”. I just had to laugh, and in my head, I had just saved a pound.

Saturday was game day and we were up early and on the bus by 8.30am. The longer we drove towards the pick up point for the other lads, the more games were getting called off for frozen pitches. It wasn’t until we got to Exeter, that we got word that it had been postponed, so we turned around and pretty much did a 5hr round trip bus ride for fun on Saturday morning. We got home and I headed down to the local park to get a good one hour session in to make sure my body still did the work needed and expected of on a game day. img_5442

Sunday was a great day. I woke up and headed out for my Sunday run. I had it in my head where I wanted to go, and I knew it was far, but I wanted to do it. So I ran to Perranporth and back. Approximately 16miles, 25.6km return. It was a massive long run, but I spent 5-7min on the beach in Perranporth, just breathing in the fresh salty air. Perranporth has become one of my favorite spots in Cornwall, and so its nice that it isn’t too far away. There were times on the way back where I began to feel it in my legs, but it wasn’t too bad. In the afternoon, Deba, Jonesy, Zane and Myself enjoyed a couple games of tennis, and then we enjoyed some fresh scones and tea at the caravan later in the evening.

Thank the weather this week for clear days and a couple lovely sunsets!