April 17th – 23rd: Wheaton

IMG_5785The weeks seem to be flying by at this rate. And just like that, another one has been completed here in Wheaton. It was a week that showed how quickly things can change in the world of football. By Saturday, three of the lads in the apartment had all left for various footballing opportunities. It is great for them to be receiving opportunities to go train/trial/play for various teams around the world. But this has made for a bit of an empty apartment, however I am not complaining at all. I’m quite enjoying the simplicity of only having 2 others around and to schedule with.

Individually for me, this week was another important one for my personal development. Focusing a lot on body position and footwork while defending. Small adjustments have been making all the difference, but it is making these adjustments into habits and getting rid of my old habits. So a continued work in progress for sure!

I continued to work many hours this week which keeps me busy but also helIMG_5786ps the bank account. And this week I began coaching a 14yr old football player. He is a great kid with the desire to improve and develop, but it is his willingness to learn that will help him most in the long run, whether in football or life. So the two hours a week I spend coaching him will be memorable ones for me as I am able to share my knowledge and life experience with him as I look to develop him into a better player and person.

The weather has continually warmed up with some very summer-like days but also some pretty fresh nights too. Its just nice to have trees flowering different colors and the grass looking greener, and of course the sun shining is wonderful for the soul. Onward to another week!