September 4th – 10th: Sysslebäck, Skoftebyn

Well, positivity sheds positivity. After last weeks post, I got some great feedback and it led to some great conversations with friends, looking for advice and guidance. That is why I went into the field of psychology, to continue to help people on a personal level to allow them to perform at their potential. Having these types of conversations with people allows you to connect on a deeper level than what is just on the surface, and that is something that isn’t too often achieved in many friendships.

IMG_6252I have also begun to do more for myself, because that is one side that is very important for ones well being. After studying well being for my Senior Psychology thesis, I have a greater understanding of two types of well being, eudemonic and hedonistic. There is a distinct difference between these two types of well being, eudemonic is psychological, where as hedonistic is subjective. Simply put, eudemonic well being is an individual acting in a certain way that leads to growth and developing the best version of themself. Each individual has their own ideal of the best version of themselves, and for me, my best version of myself is a happy and healthy man, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

IMG_6253As the time ticks down on my time here in Sysslebäck, Sweden, my focus continues to shift. I have increased my self focus for the next 5 weeks to strive to be the best I can be. I have lessened the hours I work and will be spending more time training my body and mind to chase my goals. An improved mental preparation allowed me to really prepare for training and our game this week. After a 4.5hr bus trip on Sunday morning, we arrived in Skoftebyn with enough time to relax a little bit before preparing for our game. I was focused and ready, however I was tested with various challenges after things didn’t go the way I had envisioned. But that is football and you adapt and overcome. We struggled in the attacking third and lacked a bit of concentration and communication in the defensive end and found ourselves down 2-0 with 88 minutes on the clock. Somehow we came back to draw 2-2. I still can’t quite believe it. And not being too pleased with my performance I went straight to watching the film on the bus on the way home. After watching the film within a couple hours of playing, my opinion changed of my performance as I had just been very critical and hard on myself, and was fairly pleased with my performance. Of course there were little things here and there to improve, and I will review those and process them to make sure I make the appropriate adjustments. The focus on myself will continue this week as I prepare for the next game this weekend and truly prepare my body and mind!