Life Is About Choices

Routine leads to habits, and habits can lead to overall increased health and well being. The habits I have formed certainly lead me to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life. The habits of training hard, individually and with the team, of waking up early and being grateful for a new day, of feeding my body the appropriate nutrition, these habits allow me to live a better life for myself. Creating these habits are a choice that I make.

Your life is made up of choices. You make choices for yourself, how you behave and act, how you impact society, how you impact the world, how you simply live. Whether visible or not, not only do your choices impact yourself, but they also have an impact on others, it is your choice what type of impact that may be. The most important thing to remember is that you and only you are in control of your choices, and therefore your life. No one else can make choices for you, no one else can live your life for you.

“Control what you can control” – Andre Agassi

You are given the opportunity to control your life, you can take control of your life by making choices. Every choice leads to another, and some choices can change everything. I have made many choices in my life that have led me to where I am, and I will continue to make choices for where I will go. Take control of your life, take control of your choices, and make this world a better place because of it.

My Swedish experience was improved this week because of two different people I worked for. Firstly, I am continually impressed by their ability to speak English, thankfully, or else conversations would be pretty rough. Because of this, the conversations I had with the people I worked for were enriching. I learned a lot from these people about their history, about the region, and about Swedish culture. I keep getting told about the great things to do here in winter, unfortunately my visa will not allow for me to stay that long, but maybe one day in the future. I was also very thankful for the interest they took in me and my journey, my story. I love sharing my story to those who are interested and hope that they can take something away from it.

Now, back to choices. On Saturday, as a team we had many choices to make. Anyone that has ever played sports knows how many choices are made during competition. We chose to fight back after going a goal down, we chose to fight after half time to take the lead, however as I said, some choices can change everything. And that is exactly what happened. We were less than 60 seconds away from securing our place in Division 2 for next season before we made a choice to lose focus, to make the wrong decision with the ball, which ultimately led to the opposition scoring a late equalizer. It felt more like a loss than a draw. Now, I have a choice to make, to dwell on it and be frustrated, or pick myself up and move on to next week and prepare for the next game. I think you can guess which choice I made.

Now its your turn to go make some choices.