Time, a Concept of Measurement

Time. What really is it? I’m not too sure myself, but from what I understand, time is just a concept of measurement, measuring what, I’m not exactly quite sure either. It’s a funny concept, using numbers to give each period from sun up till sun down or for better word, a day, an outline of the amount of ‘time’ we have. This aspect of it is at least consistent. But what these numbers really do is they set barriers each day for us to live by, which we all suitably abide by. Today’s society is so deeply regimented into living life by these numerical barriers and guidelines that what if those numbers weren’t there each day for us to live by? What if we had no barriers, what if we had no structure, what if we had no time?

But for the purpose of these thoughts, lets just continue within these barriers of time…you think you have time, and maybe by the measurement of numbers, you may. But whatever that is, it is not to be taken for granted. Life isn’t something you wait around until 5pm each day for. Life isn’t something you wait until tomorrow or the weekend for. In today’s society, life is unpredictable. Seeing school aged kids who probably thought they had a whole life ahead of them get taken too soon, or friends that never got to live out their true potential due to devastating diseases and events, you can’t even question how much more time they wish they had. If that doesn’t make an impact, if that doesn’t make you realize how fortunate you are for each and every day you live, I’m not quite sure what will.

Time, whatever it is, won’t wait around for you to get your dream job. It won’t give you enough money to travel the world. And it certainly wont always put you in the best environment for your health. You have to make those things happen for yourself. You have to take control of your life, take control of the time you have and use it to your advantage.

You can’t change your circumstances until you believe you control them. And you can’t control your circumstances until you decide to take responsibility for them.” Mark Manson

Don’t settle for an environment that the time you invest is not valued or progressing you towards where you want to go. Continue searching for the environment that gives you direction in purpose, and if you cant find it, create it. Flow your energy to that space, and create your own environment that leads you in the direction you wish to go.

The crazy thing is, time puts a number on things, and that number is this guideline we look forward to for something different to happen. But you cannot control the future, all you have is the present moment, and you can only ever be in that moment. The present moment is what matters. That is all that you have control of. You can’t fast forward, you can’t rewind.

Life is available only in the present moment” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t look back don’t look forward, just be still and enjoy life, moment by moment. Make the most of the current time you have and if you are fortunate to keep receiving more time, then cherish that!

My final thought is thanks to a close friend of mine who once shared this with me, “time is a funny thing – the less you have, the more you want it. And the more you have, the easier it becomes to let it go to waste.” Time has it’s own way. Don’t let your time go to waste. Don’t be controlled by these numbers. Go out and utilize your time in the best ways you see for yourself. Make the most of the time you are offered, enjoy those moments and live boldly.