Day 52 – Tourist Edition #4

IMG_4750We woke up to a fairly windy morning and overcast skies. Had some breakfast and was entertained with the kids being kids. Eventually we all headed out. Katy, The Grandpa, and little Hugh along with myself were dropped off at White Rocks Beach with the two dogs and we had a lovely morning walk all the way along the beach to where we met the others. It was a lovely morning, fresh air, sounds of the ocean, and just being oceanside. Two of the sisters had gone out for a 3km morning swim, and the others were splashing around in the paddling pools by the water when we arrived. Eventually we headed up to a little cafe that overlooks the ocean for a bit of morning tea. Certainly controlling 9 kids and 2 dogs was difficult, but things settled down and we enjoyed some good conversation.

IMG_4764We headed back to the house eventually. And then Katy and I were dropped off at the Bushmills Irish Whiskey Distillery. We took the tour and learned all the stages of producing the Whiskey. It was very interesting learning about the process and all the little stages that occur. Whiskey however is not my thing, and so the free tasting we got at the end was not the best way to end. But the tour was well worth it.

Unfortunately by the end of the tour it was drizzling and we had been dropped off, so we walked home in the drizzle. Like a true kiwi, I was wearing jandals, so not the greatest footwear for a 3km walk home. All part of the fun. We got back at 4pm and I checked the train schedule. There was a train leaving at 4.45pm and so we planned to make that, but we didn’t leave the house until 4.20. Of course we hit a little bit of traffic, but like a great guide, Katy got me there just as the train was loading. I bought a ticket and rushed on. Thankfully I made it, or else I would have been waiting until 6.45pm for the next one. It was a gloomy day outside so it was tough to watch the countryside pass by, and so I got out my kindle and continued reading. I arrived back into Derry, grabbed a taxi and headed on home. IMG_4756

I finally got to watch some of the olympics that afternoon, made some dinner and called it a night.



Day 51 – Tourist edition #3

I woke up this morning and packed for an overnight. The plan was to meet up with my friend Katy who I had seen the previous week. Conor dropped me at the train station and I headed north towards Coleraine. It was a lovely ride, however I sat facing the wrong way so I had a sore neck from looking out the window the whole time. The railroad went along the coast with a few lovely stretches of beach but also at times the railroad was surrounded by paddocks and paddocks some filled with sheep and cows. Felt a little bit like home sometimes. I arrived just after midday into Coleraine and Katy picked me up soon after that.

Me on the rocks of the Causeway

First stop on the tour was Giants Causeway. The drive along the coast was lovely and once we got there, it felt like half of Europe was there to see it. Joined by thousands of others we began the walk down to the big stepping stones on the waters edge. They are simply incredible just to look at, as the volcanic activity has led to the shaping of each of these columns. It would be very interesting to see how far into the ocean the same sculpted rocks go. Unlike many of the visitors, we carried on past the rocks and up and around the causeway

Coastal Scenery from the Causeway

where we had views back down towards the rocks, but also go closer to the cliff side with some columns up there. We got some amazing views of the coast, however we came to a gate that was shut due to rock fall and erosion which restricted the distance we could travel around the causeway. It was still very cool to see it all and just be oceanside.

Once we did the full loop up and around the causeway we got back in the car and headed back on up the coast. We were headed for the Carrick-a-Rede

The Rope Bridge

Rope Bridge, which is also a site for some of the filming of Game of Thrones. It’s a shame I don’t watch it so I wouldn’t recognize it from the show. People can correct me if I am wrong, but thousands of people a day, pay entry to walk a kilometer along the coast and then walk across a 10m rope bridge which leads to the coastal island, Carrickarede. Now before you all judge me, Katy had National Trust member passes so we got in for free. But yes, we walked the 1km, waited in line for 30 minutes to then walk across this rope bridge and explore the island, before we waited in line to return across the bridge. I find it all a little obscure that there is such attraction to this single rope bridge, but maybe it is because to access my house in New Zealand, we have a swing bridge which is actually longer than the rope bridge. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the surround scenery.

IMG_4733The coastline is unlike coastline that I have seen before, and the oceans can be pretty unforgiving. The little Island that the bridge took us across to was very cool, and on a clear day we would have been able to look out across the water to friendly neighbors, Scotland.

Dunluce Castle

Katy had one more stop for me on our afternoon expedition. We headed back past the causeway to the Dunluce Castle. It is a now ruined medieval castle, but it remains fairly intact, at least for you to get an idea of the incredible sculpture it once was. It is right on the ocean, and there is actually a cave that from the backside of the castle goes down under and into the ocean. Im not sure of the true structure of it, but I’m sure there quite well could have been an escape route out below the castle into the ocean below.

IMG_4747Finally my tour was complete for the day and we headed to the home we were staying at. The house is owned by Stu, who is the father of Katy Best. Katy Best is the mother of the family my friend Katy is an Au Pair for. Stu has three daughters, who were all there with their kids, 9 and then the sisters had another friend who brought two more kids with her. So there was kids running around everywhere. I think the age bracket was 3-8yrs. But it was great to be in a family environment again. Everyone was lovely and we had a grand old time along with bits of drama here and there with the kids. A typical family fish and chips dinner, before the kids got put to bed and we spent time just chatting outside. Around 9pm Katy and I walked along the ocean side to the BayView Hotel which has a bar down stairs. We grabbed a drink and went and sat outside looking across the bay as the sunset. It was just wonderful to relax and chill out finally. We continued to share stories of our high school memories, some hilarious memories. Eventually the drizzle forced us inside where live music was being played. We spent 20 minutes listening but it was just very packed, so we headed on home for the night.





Day 50 – Derry City FC

Today was game day, so I was able to get some rest in the morning. My late morning and early afternoon consisted on more phone calls and emails trying to gain more information regarding my travel and visa things. Finally I got some helpful answers which will allow me to implement a plan come time. I have part of the process planned, now I just need a destination.

Instead of getting dropped off at the stadium 3 hours before kick off, Wardy left his car for me to drive in later. Safe to say the manual driving skills are still being practiced, and it sure didn’t help getting stuck behind a tractor trailer at an intersection. However, I made it to the ground without too many blushes. This time my training partner was Chaz, who has been recovering from injury for way too long and he is now at the point of very close return. Chaz is a very well connected, well travelled guy, spending time playing in Australia and New York, along with an extended stint with Derry when he was younger. We did an extensive warm up and chatted the whole time and then we didn’t a 20 minute run. After the run, we got into the real tough work. The heart rate was going, the lungs were doing their best, but it was tough. It is work that we both need, especially for him getting back up to fitness to play matches again, and for me to be ready when my opportunity comes. This was the longest session prior to a game that I have done. We didn’t get back into the dressing room until the game had kicked off. We missed the first 15 minutes, and of course that is when Derry scored. Safe to say we didn’t miss too much after that. A game that never reached any great heights really, and it seems to be that this is becoming a theme.

Onward from this game, with the weekend off. I managed to 3-point turn out of my parking spot and get all the way home unscathed driving, progress.


Day 49 – Derry City FC

Another morning of training, with the regular pre training routine. A shortened version of film analysis so that we could get out on the pitch and get into it. Training wasn’t too extensive really, with a warm up of hand-ball, before going into 11v11 to help prepare for the match tomorrow.

0aada943-9a8b-4bac-acd2-1bdf8f63d2ddAfter showering we headed into town for lunch and then off to get a cup of tea/coffee. There was 7 of us so it was good to just spend some relaxed time away from football. A quick stop at the supermarket before we headed home. Wardy and I also got haircuts. For me it was certainly time for a trim as it was getting very thick and bushy. A fresh look which always feels nice. The sun has been shining this afternoon which allowed to read my book outside for an hour or so.

A relaxed evening in which I continued to do research and contact people to see who can assist me and where I could go to seek out other opportunities.

Day 48 – Derry City FC

Even though we got in late last night, we still had to be at the gym for 9am. We did our gym routine, then rolled out and stretched before we headed across to the field to begin training. For those of us who had played 90min in the friendly, we didn’t think we were going to train fully and just do recovery. We assumed wrong. A warm up, a few passing drills to get things ticking before a little possession rectangle and then numerous 7v7 games to finish.

Derry_City_FC_logoToday was the day where I finally got answers regarding my future. Unfortunately after being here close to 2 months, I am not required and nor will I be required come January. These decisions are all part of football, and I’m sure there are many other opportunities out there for me. Now that I know, I can start planning and seeking out what other opportunities I may have. The time spent with Derry City FC has been very valuable for my experience and I will use it in my future opportunities. While I figure out my next move I will still be training with the team.

My afternoon at home was nothing too exciting as I began to lay out options and things I needed to get sorted and know, before I began to seek out new opportunities. As always, a good conversations with the parents helps.

Before I went to sleep, I was able to catch the first half of the Olympic game between the NZ White Ferns and the USA Womens National Team. NZ competed, but the USA showed their class.

Day 47 – Derry City FC

Today Wardy and I got to asleep in as we were playing in a friendly match later on, while Conor had to go and do recovery with the team at 10am. The day was not filled with too much excitement. I did a few errands, did some more research and just relaxed.

IMG_4694Wardy and I headed off to meet the rest of the lads who were playing in the friendly that night to travel down in a minivan. Our trip was disrupted due to what seemed to be a bad crash and we were diverted. Eventually we got there. The game was against Magaherafelt Sky Blues FCThe pitch was narrow, but very long. The grass was cut but still long. Our team consisted of all the subs from the night before against Limerick, some youth players, and myself. It was a difficult game to fully get into, but it was more about not making mistakes and doing the simple things right for me. The pitch was making some things difficult but we adapted to the conditions. It was a good challenge nonetheless and good to get solid minutes under the belt. We went into half time up 2-0, when it should haveScreen Shot 2016-08-02 at 11.56.45 PM been a few more. At half time we were told to be more ruthless and put them away and dominate more, which we did to an extent. Our keeper only had to make one save. We won the game 6-0. Most our goals came from set piece play. I managed to put two in the back of the net via my head. Always nice to score goals, but its the whole performance that matters.

We showered in what had to have been one of the smallest changing rooms I have ever been in and then went down to a local bar for some food before we headed on home.

Day 46 – Derry City FC

Today was the semi final of the EA Cup against Limerick. The day was fairly casual and laid back. Got a few things done around the house, read a bit of my book, but mostly just relaxed. The boys dropped me off at the stadium as they headed to the hotel for the pre match stuff. I was pretty early, but eventually others that were doing extra work before the game showed up. We did our rolling out and then he youth team coach had set up some speed and power exercises on the training ground for us. After a warm up we were straight into it. The work was tough, short, sharp explosive sprinting and turning. I was certainly blowing, but it was needed thats for sure. Our work was done and we headed in for a shower.

The team had warmed up, got their last little pep talk and then headed out for the game. We grabbed a cup of tea and then headed into the stands. It was a frustrating game to watch. Yes, Limerick are in the league below Derry, however they only got relegated last year and are right in line for promotion this year, so they were a bad side at all.

Freddy retrieving the ball for a goal kick

Derry tried to put them under pressure but it just wasn’t cohesive enough and they were able to break us down too often. They scored fairly early in the first half and that is how it stayed. Both teams had good opportunities to score more but both keepers made some excellent saves.

Limericks keeper, Freddy Hall, graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2010, so we had a connection. I was able to grab him before he got back on the bus and we had a quick chat which was good. Very nice down to earth guy.


We headed for home finally to get some much needed sleep.

Day 45 – Derry City FC

Roll, stretch, mobility, video analysis and eventually we were on the field. A sharp warm up before we went into some attacking phases of play which lead into an 11v11 game to practice a few things that Kenny wanted the team to work on. Before finishing with set pieces, which ended up dragging on for a fair while. When they were finally done and the boys went for a stretch, I went to do some of my own extra running. It is becoming more and more important for me to raise my fitness levels, because I am not playing 90 minutes each week, and also if I am to go away from Derry I need to be fit and ready for whatever team. So I was about 75% of the way through the extra work I had decided to do when Donal and 3 of the other younger lads were setting up some sprinting things. I jumped in that knowing that extra work would always be beneficial, and just put the head down and got on with it. We were out there for another 15 minutes before we were finally done. After a fairly light session, I felt like I took something away from the session for my own personal benefit.

Wardy and I stopped at the supermarket to get food before we headed on home. While I was at the supermarket, a friend from my high school, Garin College, Katy Sinnott sent me a message as she was driving through Derry on her way back over to the East coast. We had been in touch earlier that week after she found out I was in Ireland, as I wasn’t aware she was, and I let her know where I was. So it turned out that she was driving through Derry and she picked me up and we went for a cup of tea/coffee and a catch up. It’s crazy how small and connected this world is. It had been at least 4 years since I had last seen her and there is always lots to talk about especially good old high school times and what all our friends were up to. It was a lovely afternoon. The sun had come out so we went for a walk IMG_4584across the Peace Bridge, before she dropped me home and then headed on her way. She lives about 90 minutes away working as an Au Pair for a family, who happens to have various holiday houses around Ireland. I have next weekend off, and depending on how things go this week, I may finally get to see a bit of the country and possibly stay at one of the holiday houses. We shall see.

I fairly uneventful evening with a nice FaceTime chat with Shannon who begins her second week at Yale New Haven hospital. Her first official shift in the Pediatric Emergency Department isn’t until Tuesday however as it has all been orientation and education so far.


Day 44 – Derry City FC

Early morning for all. The team didn’t arrive back until 1.30/2am last night, so for them it was even earlier. Fortunate enough, management had brought a few boxes of cereal, some loaves of bread and tea and coffee so that everyone could begin their mornings right after a short night. A 30 minute video analysis of EA Cup opponents, Limerick FC for the semi final on Monday before the players were split. Those who played last night stayed and did recovery, massage, ice baths, treatment etc. and then the subs, myself and two others went out and trained. We started with a passing drill, then some possession, a bit of crossing and finishing, and then finished off with passing sequences leading up to finishing. A fairly productive morning and good to get the legs going. Although my ankle was on my mind, I did not feel it during the session at all which was nice.

0aada943-9a8b-4bac-acd2-1bdf8f63d2ddA nice shower and icing of the ankle before we headed home. I was able to watch more of the Blackcaps vs Zimbabwe test match, and also the Super Rugby Semi Final between the Lions and Highlanders. A little more reading of my book and then I headed outside just to see what I could do/keep busy with around the house. As much as I wish we had a lawn mower so that we could tidy the place up, we don’t so for now all I could do was weed one of the boxes out there. Nothinga41bb29a-6370-4a82-9d76-1ef8fa449a85.jpg productive is growing in there, but at least weeding it gave me something to do and made a difference to the look of it.

I kept myself fairly busy in the evening, with the sun finally coming out also. I enjoyed a very good dinner. The sunset was just as lovely too. Watched a show on tele and then sat outside and read a chapter in the dimming light. It was finally clear enough that there were stars out, which I always enjoy gazing at!

Day 43 – Derry City FC

Today was game day, however this time I wasn’t traveling with the team to Sligo. Wardy and Conor left the house to meet at the hotel at 2pm before they departed. I had the afternoon to myself where I got a few errands done down at the local post office in Carrigans and had a restful afternoon. The ankle wasn’t too sore and I was able to comfortably walk around.

The Derry game against Sligo was on TV, however the T.V. in the house didn’t have the channel, but I managed to find a stream online. It wasn’t the greatest performance as neither team really grabbed ahold of the game. Derry had some very good chances, but not enough of them to put them away. Sligo also had a few good chances. 0-0 was probably a fair outcome, however it is not the result Derry would have hoped as the team continues to push and keeps its spot for European Competition next season.

Ben-Sigmund_Book_3Once the game was over I was able to have my weekly catch up with my parents via FaceTime. For the last 4 years I have been away from New Zealand, I have been able to either Facetime or Skype them at least once a week to catch up and fill them in on all the happenings. As always it was great to see and talk to them. Funnily enough, during our talk they bought me a book for my kindle which I got for my birthday, however they are still technically challenged sometimes. Eventually I received the gift email of a book and I was able to add it to my kindle. The book is Fully Committed: The Ben Sigmund Story. Ben was a footballer from back home who took a fairly different path to becoming a pro, but being a true Kiwi, he continued through tough times and found the passion for the game again which often alluded him. It is a story that as I read, I continuously relate to, and therefore it is often difficult to put down. Before I went to bed I read at least 5 chapters.