June 25th – July 2nd: Wheaton, Copenhagen Denmark

IMG_5973In our final week of training, things really started to become real. It had become only a matter of days before all the work that had been put in over the last 4 months would finally be going towards something. We continued to work on tactical aspects of our game and the way we would play in order for us to compete against some top level competition. As you can imagine, the week flew by and soon enough we were on our way. It wasn’t before we cleaned up the apartment and took the van to get cleaned. We also attempted to finish as much of the food we had bought so it wouldn’t go to waste. This made for some great meals!

For all of those who have not been following along as closely, for the next 24 days, I will be playing with a team (Bridges FC) of players some of whom are pursuing professional contracts. We will play 9 games during this period of time where we will have many scouts from around Scandinavia come and watch. For most of the guys, the hope is to perform well enough to gain interest from teams we play against, or these scouts that come to watch. At any stage during the trip, players could leave the group to go on trial or sign with a team here. Our games will be in Denmark and Sweden. There are a number of players on the team who are still eligible for College Soccer in the USA so they are here for the experience and exposure for future opportunity. Our first game is on Tuesday July 4th against Sønderjyske. This will be followed by a game on Wednesday July 5th against our hosts,  HB Køge. Hopefully for regular game updates, you can follow our teams twitter,

IMG_5991Saturday was the day, as we all arrived at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport for our 10pm flight to Copenhagen. A comparatively short flight compared to usual for me being only 7hrs, however it really messed with timing as we had dinner at 12am and then the lights were only off for 3hrs before we were up again for breakfast, and then landed just before 1pm. Once we landed our group grew by an additional 5 members as we met other guys who would be joining us on the trip. As everyone waited, I was one of the dedicated van drivers and so we headed off to get the rental vans. Of course my one would be manual, and having only ever driven a manual on the other side of the road, I was worried about the unnatural gear changing with the right hand. It didn’t turn out to be a problem, but figuring out how to get it into reverse was. I got there eventually, and we piled up the vans and off we went through the countryside of Denmark to HB Køge, our accommodation for the next 24 days. Thankfully it wasn’t a long drive and we arrived safely and got ourselves situated in he gymnasium. Our mattresses are big gym mats which aren’t bad at all to be fair. The key now was stay awake until it was time for sleep so that I could get my body clock sorted, so I headed out with a couple others to do a massive grocery shop for dinner and food for a couple days. Feeding 30 isn’t easy, but we won’t go starving, thats for sure. Once we returned, we went for a nice light jog and stretch on some of the practice fields behind the stadium. The facilities are brilliant with lots of fields, and all grass. It was great to get the legs going thats for sure. A nice big team dinner before a tactics session where most of the lads were battling to stay awake before it was time to hit the hay. Daylight hours are from 4am till about 11pm, so that will certainly take some getting used to.

For all updates, this is where you’ll want to come. Depending on how things go, I may increase the amount of posts I do just to fit in everything that is going on! And don’t worry, by next post I will have taken many photos!

June 18th – 24th: Wheaton

IMG_5985.PNGWell this week the days ticked below double digits before we leave, so it is becoming more real, but also more important. Another big week of intense training and development of style of play and tactics. So the work continues to be put in to prepare us as much as possible, but nothing will prepare us like just being there and competing in those games. That will really be the true test, and we will find out soon enough how we fare.


On Tuesday, I along with thousands of people in the football world received some surprisingly devastating news. Tony DiCicco, former US Women’s National Team World Champion and Olympic Gold coach, SoccerPlus Camps founder, Fox Sports commentator, and many more roles, sadly had passed away. It came as a huge shock as all my memories of him were spent on a field training young kids and giving inspirational lectures, not so long ago. I came to know Tony when I first joined SoccerPlus Camps in the summer of 2013, and I spent the next few summers with the organization and working alongside Tony. The best way to describe Tony was as an incredible teacher. He didn’t just coach the athlete, he taught the whole person, and that had so much more of an impact on all the kids that attended our camps. But the way he worked also impacted the other members of staff, holding us to higher standards, teaching us about life and the impact we can have, but also sharing some amazing stories about his experiences and what it takes to be successful. However all of this was always shared in the most humble way. He achieved something that I’m not sure many other coaches ever have, winning a World Cup and Olympic Gold, but that didn’t stop him from learning every single kids name at a camp of 250 kids within the first day. I am very grateful to have gotten to experience Tony and I am better for it, on the soccer field and in life. I know he will be watching over my experience as I continue to chase my dreams.




IMG_5986.PNGMy final weekend in Chicago was one I had been looking forward to. My Mum’s cousins who live around where I have been staying own a boat on Lake Michigan, and I had very fond memories from 7 or 8 years ago when we got to take a trip out on the boat, so I had requested the opportunity to go out on the boat again, and Saturday was the day. I invited a couple of the lads and one of the lads wife joined. We had a wonderful afternoon on the water, although a little choppy, the water was blue and the sun was out and it was a magical feeling. Unfortunately, because of the choppy water we were unable to get all the way up the lake towards Navy Pier and Downtown, but the view from where we got to wasn’t half bad either. We spent the remainder of the afternoon at the dock chatting away and enjoying a lovely BBQ meal from Wayne. A wonderful way to wind down my time.

The real countdown starts this week as a handful of lasts will occur and the real purpose of being here soon becomes a reality. Stay tuned for an update from Denmark next week!

June 11th – 17th: Wheaton, St. Louis

img_5970.pngWell summer has truly arrived and the temperatures were soaring and our skin was burning. It was another ‘game week’ and our trainings focused on preparation for a trip to St. Louis to play against St. Louis FC who play in the USL, America’s Second Tier of competition. During the week, Coach had settled on a new formation that he felt would beneficial and successful with the personnel that we have. Sessions were intense, and Coach continued to challenge us all to be better. On Thursday we headed to St. Louis, a place I am very familiar with, with various family members living in and around the city, so The Arch was a welcome sight as we crossed the bridge.

We played on Friday morning at 11am, and the temperature on the turf was already pushing the 90s Fahrenheit. We were certainly tested again, but a bit more organized this time. Defensively our shape worked well and as a group defended a lot better than against Louisville City FC, however that didn’t stop us conceding some poor goals from a lack in concentration. IMG_5964This is crucial at the higher level and some are still learning the importance of this and many other aspects of the game. Although it wasn’t the result we wanted, it was progress and that is what Coach had asked for. I was also fortunate to see some family after the game which is always special.

Our Saturday afternoon was spent helping out a donor to the organization, packing up boxes and shifting furniture from a garden show. Wasn’t how we expected to spend our Saturday afternoon but for us to just give a little of our time to people who have assisted in the opportunities we are getting, it is the least we can do. Saturday also marked two weeks until we depart. Time sure is ticking by and soon enough, we will be on a plane!


June 5th – 11th: Wheaton

Time is ticking by and we are now within a month of embarking on a trip that has the potential to have a huge impact on my career. With that, the pressure and intensity in training continues to rise. Coach Bret has been putting the pressure on us for awhile now, with good intentions as it will only prepare us more for what is ahead. Coach is stilling figuring out the most appropriate way for our team to play and so we have been doing a lot of functional tactical work, along with technical work and playing. The body has been holding uIMG_5958p well except for the minor mishap of heat exhaustion last Sunday. Still room to get fitter, and in time that will come, but nothing beats match fitness, and its nice to know that our next game is on the horizon in St. Louis on Friday June 16th.

The summer weather has really set in and Thursday evening a couple of the boys headed out to Top Golf for a couple hours enjoying swinging the clubs. My golf game is fairly inconsistent, but put me on a mini golf course and I’m not half bad! Outside of this, our weekend was very relaxing with a lot of time spent by the pool and soaking in the sunshine. Sounds like the dream right? The only thing is we aren’t getting paid for it, so there is still work to be done to get to that level. Time will tell!


May 29th – June 4th: Wheaton

Summer seemed to make a statement this week as the temperatures rose and the sun was out most days. Monday was Memorial Day which many of us spent by the pool, which was lovely. The pool has had many visits from us, whether its been to relax or to recover after training. Training has continued to be intense and all the evening sessions have been inter squad games. Preparing to play against different formations, but also preparing our own formations and seeing what works. So it has been very productive and just great to get out and play and compete, and getting some match fitness in. All things continue to build nicely as we are now only 4 weeks out from the trip.

IMG_5951.PNGOn Friday night, the five guys who were at the apartment for the weekend decided to head into Wheaton for some dinner. After our meal we wandered around and stumbled upon the ‘A Taste of Wheaton’ festival. There was a great cover band playing some absolute classics from Journey, Neil Diamond, Queen, etc. We had a blast, although we may have been on the younger side of the crowd!

Saturday was my last official coaching session at Soccer City for Lil Kickers. It has been a good little job that has filled time and made some money, all the while developing young players. But as my schedule gets busier I am now able to fully turn my focus to why I am here and just train and prepare myself. I still have one client who I coach 1 on 1 which is only a couple hours a week, so I’m not fully finished! Saturday was also the Champions League Final, and what was expected to be a tough battle, unfortunately did not turn out that way!

May 22nd – 28th: Wheaton, Louisville

IMG_5943.PNGWe had finally reached a week where we would be playing a game. All our training was in preparation for it. Training intensity once again rose to ensure that we were as prepared, physically and tactically to play against USL team Louisville City FC. And on Wednesday night, after our second training of the day, we finally hit the road. It was a late night arrival for us into Columbus, IN. Thursday morning we were back on the road to finish off the trip to Louisville. We arrived and we given the opportunity to use their locker for preparation. It was as professional as you can get and really set the tone for what was to come in the next few hours. Once we were dressed and coach had given his pre match talk, we headed to their training field where we were to play. Their training pitch was it great condition, and a little damp from the recent rain. The game was an eye opening experience for many of the lads on our team as they had not faced this high level competition before. Louisville was very slick, especially because they are mid season, and we are only beginning to really prepare as a team. It was a game where we didn’t have the ball too often, however we did not embarrass ourselves, losing only 3-0. Results aren’t the current focus as we continue to prepare for Europe, but for me, individual performance is very important. I was fairly happy with my performance, however a few small adjustments need to be made going forward to continue to build my game. I’m looking forward to more high level competition to allow me to test myself again.

IMG_5944This trip had put most of our schedules off, as we were returning it felt like a Sunday evening, however it was only Thursday. Friday we were given off to recover, however we still had therapy and chiropractor in the morning which was perfect for the day after a game. Friday evening, myself and 3 others took a trip into Chicago. As it turned out, BROODS were playing in The House of Blues. I went to high school with Georgia and Caleb, who make up BROODS and I was very good friends with them. So I had sent Caleb a message earlier in the week and he was able to get us in on the guest list. When we arrived, we were given our tickets and a special pass for Box 130. As it turned out, Box 130 was a private box on the second floor behind the curtain directly above the stage. So we could see out into the crowd and directly down on stage. It didn’t take long after they were on stage for Caleb to shoot a smirk up my way, and the more focused Georgia took a little more time but she sent a smile up a few times. They continue to do amazing things with their music, but they are still the same friends I went to high school with, not letting the fame influence them. After the show, Caleb came down to our box and invited us up to their green room where we hung out for an hour or so. It was great to just catch up with them, share stories from high school, but also hear stories from their journey, the various concerts the had played and the places they went. I’m sure it wont be long until I am in the same city as them to watch another concert!

Saturday we were back in training and because of the teams lack of fitness compared to Louisville City FC, we were on the track at Wheaton College doing fitness. Fitness is crucial to compete at the professional level and it may take a little longer for some for that to sink in. It was also a holiday weekend and our apartment complex finally opened the pool, so it has been nice to relax by it, but also use it for recovery after training. Next week will be a very intense week as the preparation continues and it marks 5 weeks till Europe!!



May 15th – 21st: Wheaton

This was the week we were finally headed outside for training. Of course Monday was probably the hottest day Illinois has had all year, so it was exhausting to say the least, and a little bit of sun burn too. Nonetheless, it was great to get outside and really stretch the legs. We trained twice most days, with at least one session outdoors as our preparation began for our first game next week. Although the squad is still coming together as players get out of school and other various commitments, it has been challenging to have everyone there for a full team session. The training has continued to be good, with the focus shifting to more tactical things.

Due to the change in training schedule, I have had to back from my work hours as they were conflicting with training. My purpose for being here is football, and the work was a bonus, however now as the time ticks down to the trip, it is best for me to fully invest myself in the training and really focus on the goal.


An exciting part of my week was publishing my first article about my journey and what I have learned. It had been a little project of mine for the last month or so, and I was very happy with the outcome of it. I hope it has made an impact on those who have read it. For me, this is the beginning of my writing as I would love to continue writing articles relative to various aspects of football, and eventually down the track writing about the psychological and mental aspect of the game. We shall see what my next article brings.


ARTICLE: The 12 Lessons Learned While Chasing My Dreams

The past year has been a wild ride. I have learned a lot during this awkward and challenging transition from playing collegiate soccer to the world of professional sports.

Some players get drafted, others secure contracts in various leagues, many end up taking a full-time job, thus abandoning their dreams of the game. And then there is me…

I moved from the comforting structure of a NCAA Division I soccer program where practice and games are fully scheduled and time away from the pitch is occupied by coursework to a realm of unknowns. Where would I be training the next day? Where would I be sleeping? Would a fresh opportunity emerge?

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Photo Taken By Quinnipiac Athletics

That’s a whirlwind of chance and risk, but it is also one that generates lessons for players who share my dreams to play professional soccer. As it turns out, these lessons also apply to my life, and these can be applied to yours, too.

1. Be able to take criticism: Friends, coaches, agents, teammates, other players and fans all will comment on your performance. It seems many of the remarks are meant to undermine your dreams and sow confusion and doubt about your dreams. Interpret the words as advice to get better. Listen, apply and move on.

2. You’ll get told no: Resiliency and positive reactions are crucial in response to the ever-present no. Embrace it and let it power your motivation to prove them wrong.

3. You will have doubts: It’s easy to lose confidence under the glare of pro sports — and life. Understand that doubts are natural but can be overcome by faith in yourself and the path you have created to your goal.

4. You will want to give up: There will be times where all you want to do is pack your things into the suitcase you have been living out of and getting on the next flight home. Pros don’t quit. Neither should you.

5. Learning is the most important: The capacity to learn from every experience both good and bad must be cultivated and practiced for use in the future.

6. It’s good to know people: Connections matter. People want to help, so make sure to treat everybody with kindness and fairness. That impression will stay with the people you meet. They may reciprocate when you need help the most.

7. There’s a cost: Nothing is free, and everything worth pursuing has a price. Are you willing to pay it to chase your dreams? Ask yourself that as your experience deepens and the price becomes higher. If you are unwilling to pay it, it may be time to rethink the plan.

8. Be prepared to travel: Opportunities are rare. Say yes and take that leap of faith to take a flight to meet opportunity on its home turf.

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Giants Causeway Coastline, Northern Ireland

9. Training and preparing never stops: If you think you’ve spent enough time training, think again. You can never be prepared enough. Putting in the hours of work never stops, especially on aspects of your game you think you have mastered.

10. Professional sports are a professional business: People have no duty or responsibility to care about you or your feelings. This is a business and their only responsibility is to ascertain whether or not you can help make their team win. It’s no longer like college where the staff are responsible to look out for your best interests and guide you. You’re on your own now.

11. Continue good habits: Correct diet for workload, appropriate hydration, and adequate sleep. Live a healthy lifestyle to allow your body to perform at optimum level and recover appropriately each day.

12. Don’t make comparisons: Every player is unique, so don’t compare yourself to former teammates or opponents. Keep your focus on what makes you better and will help you on the journey.

As you pursue your dream on this extraordinary journey, remember that it is your dream to follow and no one else’s. Strive to shape your own destiny with perseverance tempered with wisdom.

Go forth with confidence and belief on your journey.

Erik C. Panzer

*I graduated from Quinnipiac University in May, 2016. Since then I have spent time trialing in Northern Ireland with Cliftonville FC and Derry City FC, played for Truro City FC in Lower League England, trialed in the U.S.A. and trained with random local teams at neglected parks in the U.S.A. I have finally settled with a training program that assists players with bridging the gap to professional football, culminating in a recruitment trip to Europe in July.

You can learn more about the author at: www.erikcpanzer.wordpress.com

May 7th – 13th: Wheaton

It has been another very intense week of training as the preparation continues for our games and trip. As most University’s were finishing up this past week, a few more of the lads that are expected to go on the trip returned and began training. It raised the quality and intensity of training which was great. Beginning next week, our training schedule has been changed to allow us to begin training outside, which I am very excited for. The change in schedule however changes what hours I can and cannot work, so unfortunately I will be working less, but the whole reason I am here is for the football and so that takes precedent! Although the work has been nice and time filling, I have also been able to bring in some incoIMG_5911me to cover my current living and day to day costs. No Ill be able to rest up a little more as the intensity in training rises and really begin to focus in on the purpose of this experience.

Saturday was a very long but productive day. Jake and I coached and ran birthday parties from 9am until 6pm, before heading home for a quick refresh and then headed to the Chicago Fire vs Seattle Sounders FC MLS game in Chicago. We met up with a few other lads from training and we witnessed a pretty exciting game, along with a great crowd! It was a fun experience and hopefully be able to catch another game or two before we leave.

IMG_5919Finally, the weather has begun to turn in favor of summer and Sunday was a stunner! I was able to spend time reading my new book, The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford, in the sun on the deck, before coaching a one on one session and then doing a bit of ball work and relaxing for the rest of the day. Preparing for a new routine next week!



May 1st – 6th: Wheaton, Indianapolis

IMG_5878.PNGTime seems to be flying, but the weather doesn’t seem to be keeping up. We are now well into May and the weather is still cold and wet. Soon enough it will hopefully turn around and we will be able to get outside to train instead of being boxed up inside. Although boxed inside, training continues to be very valuable and developmental for me as it has been continuous repetitions of technical work, alongside repetitions of defensive situations in games, something you often wouldn’t receive in a team training environment.

My week was also kept busy with working my various jobs. Although fairly straight forward jobs, getting home at 11.30pm 3 nights a week can certainly take a toll when sometimes all the body needs is a nice rest from the intensity of training. It’s all part of it I guess!

IMG_5880.PNGI was fortunate enough to spend my weekend in a new city, but more importantly, with family. Friday evening I traveled down to Indianapolis, while joining my Aunt Karrie and Cousin Jeremy on the way. Saturday morning we joined my Uncle John and Aunt Darlene and headed off to Grand Park to watch my Cousin Jake, and his twins, Beau and Brady in a baseball tournament. Jake’s wife and two daughters were also there. So there was enough family to keep me company and catch up with. The boys did well in both games Saturday morning and were on the winners side of the draw for Sunday. However, they were unable to stage a comeback in their Quarter Final game on Sunday, having been down 12-5, they got back to 12-11 before the time constraints ended their comeback. Outside of the baseball, we managed to take a tour through Indianapolis, mainly the canal via a 6 person bike. The weather was glorious and we sure made the most of it. Saturday evening we spent time at the hotel with Jake and the kids before returning to our own hotel to watch Sully, a great movie about an incredible story. IMG_5879.PNGSunday morning, we went to The Yolk for breakfast, a place I have remembered since I first went in Chicago about 7 years ago. It still tasted just as good. We then walked along the river and past the zoo in the Sunday morning sun. By 3.30pm we hit the road back to Illinois. It was a wonderful visit with family, people that will always support you wherever you are, and since I am close enough, it was very special to see them and spend time with them. As always, time went quickly and soon enough I was back in my apartment in Wheaton! A weekend to remember!