Good News

As many of you may have seen, this week finally everything has been signed and sorted, and I have been cleared to play. It has been an arduous process to get to this point, but really only now does the journey begin. It is an exciting feeling knowing finally that I can start playing and begin the next phase of my journey.

If you would like to read more about it, you can do so here: and here:

This has been the major hurdle and I have finally crossed it, but there are still more hurdles to jump as I hopefully soon will settle down into life in Truro. Long may the journey continue!

If you would like to keep track of Truro City FC, you can do so on Facebook, Twitter, and their website.

Sorry there are no photos. Once I get playing, I’m sure there will be some to share with you!

Sept 27th – Oct 2nd: Plymouth, Falmouth

This week has certainly been a week of ups and downs, filled with many frustrations, but as things always do, they have turned out ok.

0-02-01-bef8d21e051f924f68613c63d0cb537dd5deef778e035c38cfad5790be6e5ae8_fullOn Monday, I continued my individual training, utilizing the various accessories that the turf field had to offer. Big tires to pass against and give an uneven return which kept me on my toes, walls to juggle a ball against, and corner walls to pass, return, open out and pass to the other side. I just have to find ways to train various aspects of my game and also get as many touches in as possible each day. I feel like I have been achieving that. Today was also the exciting day that I would get to pick up my visa. It is pretty much like an ID card and it has all the details on there. What it didn’t have however, was a National Insurance Number, which I thought would come with it due to something I applied for during the visa process. So I got on the phone and began the process of applying for a National Insurance Number. One more box to tick off.

On Tuesday, I continued my training and got another couple thousand touches in. I had to print a few things, so I wandered down to the local library, and became a member. I was able to print what I needed, before I spent the rest of the day until training just relaxing. Team training was alright, but it just hasn’t been what I would have expected in terms of quality and football specific. We shall see as time moves on how it goes. Head down!

Wednesday was my final full day at the hostel as I had to move our Thursday morning as a big group was coming. So after I trained in the morning, I was back to the hostel to pack and organize my things and plan the next move. One of Rory’s friends owns a hotel and had offered a fairly cheap rate for any players that Rory had coming over that needed a place to stay. 0-02-04-f85b4920f6d30332ee17a8801a92826ecc518b0e50147b9c92471555e2ffa13f_full

0-02-03-9b01ecba3f0917c0a16679e6c0540144ef51fd4758720ee10a51d6870d6e3ab7_fullSo Thursday morning after I ate breakfast, I carried all my bags across town to the Grosvenor Hotel. I stored my bags there for the day and went off on my merry way. I read my book in about 5 different spots today, and managed to finish it. A very compelling book, and certainly very relatable to the process I am currently going through. I’m pretty sure I could define myself as “gritty” for going through all of this. I also managed to wander a few streets and find a few interesting places and little gardens around the place. A worthwhile afternoon before I checked into the hotel and got settled. It was certainly an upgrade from the hostel. I headed out to a nice Italian place for dinner before Rory picked me up for training once again. Training followed similar suit to Tuesday night.

0-02-03-e6776b2e1668073f27cd81426f2b149654b484f3421c303aa828c469afe19790_fullFriday dawned a lovely day and after I had a big breakfast at the hotel, I managed to chat to my parents for about an hour. Our weekly catch ups are always nice and sometimes just enough encouragement to keep me going. Once breakfast had settled, I ran across town and over the bridge to Plymstock. I had had something delivered to Rory’s, however no one was home so they left it at the local post office. So I ran with my backpack to the post office, picked up my package and ran back to the hotel. A good morning run and the best part of it all, I have picked up my new boots. I packed up my football bag and then headed out hoping to find a closer park, but what I found was a large fenced in field, which was locked. So I continued on to my usual field and gave the new boots a good run around on the grass. After I did what I could on the grass, I switched boots and went onto the turf and got more touches in. After a while I called it a day and packed up my stuff and headed back to the hotel. I refreshed and then headed out to a waterfront restaurant for lunch and to read. 0-02-03-e0cc7c568b0682f8293a75b90469ff891446ebb707c6bf472e4d24ef0a597cdf_fullThe problem with not being at the hostel is that I cannot make or store my food anymore, so I have had to eat out meals. I make sure that I get bang for my buck though and stay awhile! For dinner, I decided to try the Australian bar, Walkabout. I had walked passed it many of times as I headed into town from the hostel so it was about time. Plus at 8pm there was Friday Night Football in the Premier League. I started with an Old Mout Cider which was wonderful and then had a burger, which I was unfortunately let down by. Oh well. I stayed the length of the game which was good, and then headed on out as the crowds headed on in for their Friday night fun.

Saturday began cold, but warmed up a little. I repacked my bags and headed out for the day before my bus left at 5pm for Falmouth. I was enjoying the sun over looking the water before it began to rain for a brief period, which drove me away. I headed into town, and went for somewhere dry.  I filled my day well and then caught my bus and headed south. The road we travelled was very country side like, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I arrived into Falmouth on time, and had to walk across town to pick up the spare key to Toby’s apartment, and then walked all the way back to his apartment. 1hr round trip dragging my 25kg suitcase. Toby didn’t get back until about 9.30pm and I just chilled at his apartment until he got back. We then headed out to catch up and have a drink. Was an enjoyable night and great to see Toby after nearly 5 years with minimum contact.



Sept 20- Sept 26: Hamden – Plymouth

I had my last training on Monday, and said goodbye to all of those that I could. Shannon and I spent the afternoon together, and there were a few sad moments but it was time cherished. On Tuesday morning, Shannon dropped me off at my friends families house and she headed for home. Ricky picked me up we had a nice lunch together with Matt, before my journey began.

The Quinnipiac Men’s Soccer team played in Queens on Tuesday night and my flight was out of JFK on Tuesday night, so I travelled down with my old teammate, Will’s parents. We met up with another of my teammates who graduated and his parents for dinner and we had a lovely meal. Once dinner was finished, we had a taxi called and I was on my way. It felt more real leaving this time than last time. And it also felt like one of those movie goodbyes, as I travelled in a taxi through the New York suburbs at sunset. Arrived at the airport with time to spare and made it through security and headed to my gate. We boarded and my seat was at the front of a section, so I just had the flat wall in front of me, which actually gave me more space than having the usual seat in front of me. It was a short 6hr flight in which I got maximum of 3hrs sleep. We arrived early into Dublin around 8.30am UK time and I went through customs and then onto my new terminal for my next flight. Once again I had time to kill but there wasn’t really too much I could do. Another quick 1hr flight to Exeter and I was back in a familiar place. I was instructed by the Irish Customs/Immigration Officer that upon arrival to Exeter I was to find the Customs/Immigration Officer there to stamp my Visa sticker to activate and acknowledge that I had entered into the U.K. However, the Officer wouldn’t stamp it because it was considered to be a common entry point, and she said to either call the Home Office in London, or exit the U.K. to Europe and re enter to get it activated. So that was frustrating information to learn.

I then had a 2hr wait before the bus arrived to take me from Exeter Airport to downtown Exeter. Once I arrived, I went for a walk around the block to try and find a place where I could get a top-up for my sim so that my phone would be back on the U.K. network. I succeeded and then returned to the bus stop, only to have found out that there was a delay in my bus arriving. So I sat around, and sat around, and then I looked up the progress of the bus. It showed that it was over 5hrs delayed. I needed to eat, so once again I took a walk and found a restaurant but decided against it and just went to a supermarket to get a few things. Bread, coleslaw, cheese, ham and chocolate. As I walked back I saw that a National Express bus was parked in the lane where my bus was supposed to be coming, and then I saw the number, and it was my bus number. They had sent a replacement. I boarded and made myself a sandwich! Eventually we left and an hour down the road, we made it to Plymouth. A few hours late, but I got there. I headed down the streets and got to my Backpackers/Hostel. It is what you can expect for paying $20 a night, but it does the trick. A nice refreshing shower and catch up with those who tracked my travel and I finally headed to sleep.

Thursday dawned a lovely day and I was well rested. I headed to the supermarket to get a few more supplies, mostly for breakfast. I returned and ate some breakfast as I chatted with a couple people who stay at the backpackers long term. Later I headed out to the post office where I am to pick up my visa on September 25th. I went along to just check if I could even pick it up after the problems I had coming in. They said, so long img_4898as I have the stamp from Ireland showing I entered, its fine and I can pick up my visa. That was very good news to hear. So Ill head back on Sunday to pick it up. The rest of my day I spent wandering around the streets of Plymouth and then spent a few hours up at The Hoe, which overlooks the water. There was a massive tent there for the Plymouth University Graduation. It brought back memories for sure. I spent my afternoon reading and laying in the sun just resting. Rory picked me up later that evening for training. It was good to catch up with him, and it was good to get a training in with the team.

img_4903On Friday I found a nearby park where I was able to do my own training. I took a ball from training last night and a few cones, so I had some supplies to allow me to have a good session. Once I was showered, I headed back up to The Hoe, and continued to read my book. I took a stroll down through the Barbican and in and around the surrounding streets, before finally heading home for the evening.

It was an early wake up for me, and of course the kitchen downstairs was locked. I had planned what I was going to eat and what I was going to make for the long trip, but I couldn’t do any of that as my refrigerated stuff was behind locked doors. Luckily I had some supplies in my room. Rory picked me up and we headed for the meeting spot where we hitched a ride with the Manager, Lee. While we waited for Lee, we went into the supermarket, and I was able to stock myself for the day appropriately. The long journey began. It was 45min to the meeting spot for the team bus, and then another 3.5hrs by bus to the game. The trip was made all the more easier by chatting with some of the lads, and live TV. Eventually, we made it to West London. I watched the game from the stands as I am still not yet cleared to play. The first half I was camped among the himg_4905ome team fans, as I wanted to just watch our backline and see what they were doing and how they played. In the second half I was at the end we were attacking and I got to see 2 late goals. A comeback with for Truro, 2-1. I met a few of the Truro fans who had heard bits and bobs about me, and so that was nice. And then the long bus ride home began. However a happy bus ride because of the 3 points earned on the road.

Highlights here:

Sunday was another day of training by myself. It was productive again, and just getting thousands of touches on the ball is beneficial! When I returned, there was an annual street party that goes on down the street that I am staying. It was a little different, but a bit of entertainment nonetheless. Later I headed back up to my reading spot and just enjoyed the Sunday afternod2e1caed-7e63-4609-9da0-4040aa5874a3on sun. There had been a seafood festival going on in town, however when I went late in the afternoon, it seemed as everyone was packing up to go home. I missed out unfortunately. I then went back and found a new reading seat with a little bit of a different view as the sunset. I was hoping to see a nice sunset, however the wind that was freezing me, blew in some clouds, and there was no true colorful sunset to witness. I had to head home before I became too cold to walk.



Sept 12-Sept 19: Hamden

The training continued this week and still no word back regarding my eligibility. But I kept doing my work to stay fit and ready.

Midweek Zach, Simon, Natalie, Amanda, Shelby and myself took a trip to Modern Pizza which was fun. The pizza is always so good. Shannon and I also made a trip to Wentworths, homemade ice cream place. It is well known in Hamden and a very nice treat and a must go when in Hamden. And then on Friday evening Justin and myself ventured to Eli’s to enjoy a drink and hopefully catch up with people. There was numerous recent graduates that were there so it turned into a good fun night catching up with friends that many didn’t think would see me again. But the question kept coming up of “what are you still doing here?” and this had begun to get to me a bit. So it feels as though the writing is on the wall for me to carry on my journey and leave the comfortable home of Hamden.

So I booked my flights and I’m leaving on Tuesday.

Sept 5th – 11th: Hamden

This week was similar to the previous. I trained intensely all week, in the gym, on the field and with a ball. Someone asked me how I am able to stay motivated, especially when I am training by myself. Yes it can be difficult and frustrating, but for me knowing that there will be an end product eventually, it allows for me to keep working and pushing through. All this work is building towards something, and it will be worth it when it comes.

I got my hands on my visa and read through the details it came back with. I cannot enter the UK until the 18th as that was stated as my intended travel date, so my return wont occur until then. However, Truro City FC have taken initiative and have sent in my registration, international clearance and reacquisition of amateur status forms to the FA so that I can be cleared and eligible prior to my return to the UK. This is a wise move to ensure that I will be able to play there, and we have time to jump any hurdles if they do come up in that process. Hopefully we hear back soon.

cf22efb7-f3c2-45bc-a95b-d2914c8c6938On Friday I went out to the movies with Ryan and we watched War Dogs. It was a very interesting and funny film, and a nice escape for him. We had a chat later that evening and I tried to help with his mental space as he has had a challenging year so far on the team.

And then on Saturday, Zach, Natalie, Amanda and myself headed along to the Quinnipiac Soccer game against UMass Lowell. It was a decent game, but nothing too exciting till midway through the second half when QU began to have some good chances. QU could have won the game 3-2 if they put their chances away, but unfortunately they lost 2-1. While we were watching the game, it was so hot and humid that we were sweating just sitting there. After the game we headed to a brewery about 30min away. It was the perfect afternoon for it and the brewery was packed. It was fun to relax and try a few different beers. Wfe9a767e-2857-4546-ab85-6d71c9bd8ef4hen we left we went into New Haven to grab some pizza before heading home. A good Saturday!

And on Sunday the humidity had gone away and Shannon and I went for a nice walk along the Farmington Canal Greenway before spending some time at the pool in the afternoon. We were also able to head to West Haven and catch a lovely sunset over the water. It is a spot that we have been to often, most usually to watch the sunset, so it was nice to go again.



Aug 28 – Sept 4: Hamden/NYC/Maine

It was another week of hard work and relaxation. My mornings were filled with intense training, in the gym, on the field, and with a ball. I feel like I am in very good shape physically, and mentally I am ready to get going again! The training program Coach Kudrick has put me on has been great, and I have been doing a few little extra things just for my personal mentality for me to really feel that I am prepared. And my bike has been a lovely blessing to have, getting me around the place, but also a nice warm up and cool down after each training.

img_4825As time went on this week I kept on checking to see whether my return label was activated, however it was instead an email received on Thursday afternoon saying my visa was accepted and it would be returned to me along with my papers and forms. Thankfully, it arrived Friday afternoon into the safe hands of my friend Ricky, whose address I used on the return label.

On Friday, I also planned a trip to New York City to visit my Aunt Anne. For the last 4 years, I have made numerous trips to the City to meet with her, as it is similar distance for her from Philly as it is for me from New Haven. So a great meeting place. I was surprised by seeing a couple friends and their parents while waiting for the train. I joined them for the trip down which was lovely and nice to have company on that long train ride. Once I arrived, I walked up 5th Ave to the bottom of Central Park to meet another friend, Marc. img_4827We spent a few hours wandering around Central Park, taking in the sights and sounds of street performers and buskers, while we chatted about all sorts of things. I then headed off to the restaurant Anne and I would be meeting at. Soon after I arrived, so did Anne. We had a lovely meal together as I filled her in on all the events that had occurred since I last saw her at Graduation.

After lunch, Anne and I set off on foot to the MET Museum. I hadn’t visited the MET in the last 4 years, so I was excited to finally get a chance to look around. There were many incredible works of art on display, with numerous historical aspects. img_4829It was a good experience wandering through the huge museum. After a couple hours of looking at all the art and history, we said our goodbyes and headed off in our own directions. I swiftly walked back down to Grand Central and got on the train that would arrive into New Haven at 7.43pm. Shannon picked me up after her shift ended and we headed straight for her home in Massachusetts. 2ef1296e-2223-4ee9-a967-72b0f0a8e0f3

Saturday morning we rose early and headed off north up to Maine, where her family has a small little cottage near the beach.
We spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday on the beach, reading, chatting, swimming and walking along the beach at sunset. Her Dad joined us with the Dog on Saturday evening. It was a lovely restful weekend and was certainly much needed for all. Monday was Labor Day so most people had work off, however this meant for traffic on the ride home. Eventually we made it back to Hamden.


Aug 20-27: Hamden, USA

It has been a busy week, catching up with friends, training, and sorting out my visa. The time has flown by and it is like I never left really. Many familiar faces around, which makes it comfortable to return to. It certainly has been nice to catch up with many friends and see how their summers went.

5f987a1c-77c0-4bc5-888b-c1c0d39e05d7I have also been fortunate enough for my old strength and conditioning coach, Megan, to have the willingness to put me on a program and train me while I am here. I trained every day, with 3 sessions in the gym, and four sessions with running and sprinting. Adapting to the heat has certainly been a challenge but it just adds an element to it all. I have managed to get ball work in when I can, however I am still unsure whether I am allowed to train with the team. Hopefully I will get confirmation tomorrow whether I can or cannot train with them so that I can sort out a plan for the next two weeks.

And the whole reason why I returned was to apply for my visa. I applied online on Sunday, had my appointment on Thursday, and sent the package away soon after my appointment, with it arriving into New York by Friday morning. Hopefully it is processed fairly quickly and it is returned to me soon so that I can get moving with my career and start playing over there. Registration and signing a contract is all dependent on the clearance of the visa and me being present, so the sooner I receive it, the sooner I should be able to start playing. We shall see as the week goes on.

View of QU from Sleeping Giant

Being back in Hamden has allowed me to do some familiar things, climbing the Sleeping Giant, eating a familiar restaurants, and also watch both the QU Men’s and Women’s soccer teams. It is different not being a part of the team anymore, and I don’t have the
emotional connection anymore, yet I will still support them and hope for the best of them, but my time is up with them. Hopefully I will get to catch a few more games while I am here. I have also managed to rest up pool side during many of the afternoons after my hard work is done in the morning.


Day 65 – Plymouth, UK to Hamden, USA

It was an early morning as I was getting dropped at the airport and the others were meeting for the team bus to head to their game. I arrived at Exeter Airport with plenty of time to relax. It was a short trip across to Dublin and I had a good nap. Because I didnt book my flights to be connection, I had to go through customs and then get my bag and then walk to another terminal and then check in. I had plenty of time and it all worked out. Thankfully Dublin airport had free wifi and I was able to watch the Olympics to fill my time. Everything was on time and I got away fairly pain free.

The 6.5hr flight to JFK, New York wasn’t bad and I managed a couple short naps, a movie, and read a fair few pages of my new book, Grit by Angela Duckworth. Finally we landed at 6.05pm US time, which was 11.05pm UK time. And for me, I still have 2 legs of my journey to go. After a fair hassle, I finally caught my shuttle to Grand Central and made the 8.34pm train. Arrived safe and well at 10.30pm into New Haven and my ride was waiting for me. A long day of travel but I was back in Hamden, all too familiar of a place!

Day 64 – Plymouth

Woke up early and Carly and Rory had a few challenges with their work overnight and were fixing them this morning. Eventually Rory and I went off to train in the rain. We had a short and sharp session of mostly technical work, and some passing. Im still pretty tense in these trainings because of the importance of them and can sometimes get frustrated because I know Im better than I am performing. I just need to settle down and focus on what I can control and improve on. I finished with three runs around the cricket pitch again, and Rory was impressed on my fitness and commented that that is one thing that I will be able to use to knock off those in the team ahead of me. Once the runs were completed, we headed home. A quick shower and a big breakfast to refuel. I spent the rest of the morning packing and organizing my things.

7f0f5dad-a302-4984-acf6-48e5b32f3961My afternoon has been nothing extraordinary. I have just been tracking the Blackcaps cricket as well as following the olympics as best I can. I made a good lunch as well. An uneventful evening also, just preparing my last little things to return to the USA tomorrow. Of course I wrote this previous sentence before my evening occurred. I had assumed a casual evening at the house, however when Rory and Carly got home from work around 4pm, they freshened up and suggested we go into town for a wander and some food. It was a lovely evening where we spent some time on the old Navy base at a nice little restaurant having tea, coffee and treats, before we went off to another restaurant on the other side of the water to have dinner. The night was filled with lots of chat about various topics. Lots of business chat, some football chat, and some general chat. It was nice to relax and hang out and get to know them a little for and for them to get to know me. It was just the Friday night we needed. Finally we did head home and I sorted my last few things before the early ups tomorrow morning. 6e435f94-4d68-4d1d-983c-f32fd0ae7f9a

Once I return to the USA, my blog posts will be only once a week, and most likely when I return to England after hopefully obtaining my visa, they will stay at once a week.


Day 63 – Plymouth

This morning I began my packing and organizing on what I would take back to the states and what I would leave here for when I returned. It wasn’t too much of a process, and ill finish it all off tomorrow.

IMG_4798With keeping the trend of seeing friends from NZ in my travels, High school friend Alice Gray was up in Plymouth from Falmouth today to do a bit of shopping. I endured a 45min walk into town because I didn’t understand the bus system and didn’t want to get stuck in somewhere I didn’t know. I was able to wander around a little bit and see a few sights before we met up for a bit of ice cream and a catch up in the Olympic Fanzone. We also managed to catch Kiwi Lisa Carrington race to bronze in here K1 500m race on the big screen. It was lovely to catch up as we figure out that the last time we had seen each other was 2013. She is doing well and enjoying some travels before she begins her first full time job as a nurse in Christchurch! I then made the 45min journey home, as I felt blister begin to form on my feet, but I made it home. IMG_4803

We headed off to training eventually. This was my first real session with the team so it was nerving but exciting. After a good solid warm up, they split the players up. Those who played on Tuesday night went off with the manager and played soccer tennis, and then the 5 others and two goal keepers went off and did a lot of hard work. We would play 2v2 plus a floater and have the goalkeepers in the smaller goals. It was a run around and frustrating because it wasn’t game realistic and the situation wasn’t defined as any specific in a game. 2v2 in a game usually occurs in a breakaway situation, where as here we are on a small pitch trying to play. I did what I could and when we did the running I put in the extra effort to prove my fitness. We eventually finished with a 6v6 game which was better to play in because it was a little more realistic having more numbers on the field. I was fairly satisfied with the session, but just a little frustrated because if we only have one session a week with the team, I have to make the most of every minute of that session to prove my ability to gain a starting spot on the team. I will just have to worry about that when I return from getting my visa, and Ill continue to work hard while I am away. If there is one thing I can be better than everyone on the team, its my fitness and attitude and I will continue to use that to my advantage until I get given my chance.

We headed for home and Carly had prepared a lovely dinner for us to have. Always good to have food ready upon return from night training sessions. Reminds me of my days in Nelson getting home at 8.30pm and dinner being ready 🙂