Defining Success

“The accomplishment of an aim or purpose” – Oxford languages

Success is a concept where everyone has the opportunity to define it differently. The beauty of the human race is that no one person is the same and therefore it is most likely that everyone’s definition of success is different.

Due to a lack of knowledge, people make assumptions, they create opinions, and these opinions are only based on their thoughts, their experiences, and when all they have in their head is certain voices, their perspective is very skewed with no empathetic understanding to others journey.

It is important to remember this as you travel on your journey, that no one elses definition of success is the same as yours. For some, it may be internal, for others, it may be external. The most important thing is to know within yourself what success is in your life.

So, What is success for you?

The only person that can answer that question for you, is you. No one else should determine what you consider to be successful. Success can only truly be defined in relation to what you have personally set out to achieve. And to understand what you have set out to achieve, it is critical to know your purpose.

In a results driven world, where numbers, scores, and status are so often used as the measurement for success, without purpose, these are all you really have to assess your achievement. When you have a higher purpose, what is seen on the surface to the public eye becomes irrelevant to the journey you are on.

Here’s a little story:

I once took a class at University where in my final exam I got a score of 38/100. After initial disappointment, I realized something, that my definition of success was not about the score that I had gotten, it was actually about all that I had learned. In that class, I started with a knowledge base of near zero, whereas most my classmates started with a knowledge base of over 50, so it is only understandable that when the professor came to mark our final exam, my knowledge was considerably lower than everyone elses. So I wrote an email and said this, “if you are going to grade me on what I have achieved, I have failed, but if you are going to grade me on what I have learned, then I have passed”. The professor never responded to that email….but I passed the class.

As I’ve continued to grow in this life, this has been a poignant moment to reflect upon and show me that my definition of success is about what I learn and the journey that I am on, rather than the results I achieve.

Success is the person I am becoming through the journey that I am on.

I have discovered my purpose and I follow that everyday. It reflects in my actions, in my decisions, and therefore it allows me to measure my own success and no one else.

I encourage you, whatever industry you are in, whatever path you are on, to clearly define your purpose for your life, your reason for being, to enable you to accurately measure success in your life. Don’t let society define it for you.

Find your purpose and you’ll find your way

ARTICLE: The 12 Lessons Learned While Chasing My Dreams

The past year has been a wild ride. I have learned a lot during this awkward and challenging transition from playing collegiate soccer to the world of professional sports.

Some players get drafted, others secure contracts in various leagues, many end up taking a full-time job, thus abandoning their dreams of the game. And then there is me…

I moved from the comforting structure of a NCAA Division I soccer program where practice and games are fully scheduled and time away from the pitch is occupied by coursework to a realm of unknowns. Where would I be training the next day? Where would I be sleeping? Would a fresh opportunity emerge?

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Photo Taken By Quinnipiac Athletics

That’s a whirlwind of chance and risk, but it is also one that generates lessons for players who share my dreams to play professional soccer. As it turns out, these lessons also apply to my life, and these can be applied to yours, too.

1. Be able to take criticism: Friends, coaches, agents, teammates, other players and fans all will comment on your performance. It seems many of the remarks are meant to undermine your dreams and sow confusion and doubt about your dreams. Interpret the words as advice to get better. Listen, apply and move on.

2. You’ll get told no: Resiliency and positive reactions are crucial in response to the ever-present no. Embrace it and let it power your motivation to prove them wrong.

3. You will have doubts: It’s easy to lose confidence under the glare of pro sports — and life. Understand that doubts are natural but can be overcome by faith in yourself and the path you have created to your goal.

4. You will want to give up: There will be times where all you want to do is pack your things into the suitcase you have been living out of and getting on the next flight home. Pros don’t quit. Neither should you.

5. Learning is the most important: The capacity to learn from every experience both good and bad must be cultivated and practiced for use in the future.

6. It’s good to know people: Connections matter. People want to help, so make sure to treat everybody with kindness and fairness. That impression will stay with the people you meet. They may reciprocate when you need help the most.

7. There’s a cost: Nothing is free, and everything worth pursuing has a price. Are you willing to pay it to chase your dreams? Ask yourself that as your experience deepens and the price becomes higher. If you are unwilling to pay it, it may be time to rethink the plan.

8. Be prepared to travel: Opportunities are rare. Say yes and take that leap of faith to take a flight to meet opportunity on its home turf.

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Giants Causeway Coastline, Northern Ireland

9. Training and preparing never stops: If you think you’ve spent enough time training, think again. You can never be prepared enough. Putting in the hours of work never stops, especially on aspects of your game you think you have mastered.

10. Professional sports are a professional business: People have no duty or responsibility to care about you or your feelings. This is a business and their only responsibility is to ascertain whether or not you can help make their team win. It’s no longer like college where the staff are responsible to look out for your best interests and guide you. You’re on your own now.

11. Continue good habits: Correct diet for workload, appropriate hydration, and adequate sleep. Live a healthy lifestyle to allow your body to perform at optimum level and recover appropriately each day.

12. Don’t make comparisons: Every player is unique, so don’t compare yourself to former teammates or opponents. Keep your focus on what makes you better and will help you on the journey.

As you pursue your dream on this extraordinary journey, remember that it is your dream to follow and no one else’s. Strive to shape your own destiny with perseverance tempered with wisdom.

Go forth with confidence and belief on your journey.

Erik C. Panzer

*I graduated from Quinnipiac University in May, 2016. Since then I have spent time trialing in Northern Ireland with Cliftonville FC and Derry City FC, played for Truro City FC in Lower League England, trialed in the U.S.A. and trained with random local teams at neglected parks in the U.S.A. I have finally settled with a training program that assists players with bridging the gap to professional football, culminating in a recruitment trip to Europe in July.

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