2020 shouldn’t be written off.

2020 may be a year that we are all glad to see the end of, but that should not mean we disregard all that we learned from it.

Yes many devastating things happened, but when faced with adversity, we are given a great opportunity to learn and grow.

2020 was a year where it may have felt like so much was out of our control; lock downs, lay offs, mask wearing. The list goes on.  

Although many things were out of our control, there was still so much that was in our control.

Mindset, how you view the world around you

Thoughts, what you think about

Attitude, how you interact with the world around you

Habits, what your consistent behaviors are 

These are all things that we can control, no matter what is going on around us. A healthier balance of control with these can lead to improved well being.

Start with You. Intentionally focus on these areas to improve your life, and over time with a continued intention for improvement, you’ll progress towards fulfillment.

Become fully responsible for yourself!

2020 taught us that life is fragile, it’s a gift, and it can change in an instant.

Give time to yourself. Connect with friends. Learn new things. Explore new places. Read more books. Do what makes you fulfilled. Live it up!

Go make the most out of 2021 for yourself.

Identity – What You Do Is Not Who You Are

Who are you?

I challenge you to answer that question without mentioning what you do for work…Try it, it’s not easy!

That question, usually when it’s answered, it outlines ones identity.

For athletes, this answer can show that their identity is confined to their sport. The same applies to any other persons job; a teacher, doctor, business person, cleaner, check out clerk, etc.

Through committing so much time and energy to your job, it leads to this attachment, and you begin identifying yourself with your job.

So, what happens when your job isn’t going well? You’d probably tell me that life isn’t going well. And the same goes for the opposite, if your job is going well, your life is going well.

This shouldn’t be the case. I believe that these are two different aspects of ones lifes. Your job is only a portion of your identity. Yes it plays a role in it, but it is not the main identifier of an individual.

Your job is what you do, it is not who you are.

Being able to accept this and separate the two things can be incredibly challenging.

You are you; no tag, no attachment, before you are anything else. Just you, your characteristics, and your behaviours.

To help separate your job and your identity, I encourage you to establish yourself outside of your sport or work. Take the time to step back from your sport or work and look at who you really are as a person. Explore what you’re interested in, what you care about, what makes you fulfilled and ensure that these play a large role in your life.

Each day, when you leave the office, school, field, court, etc., are you able to leave it all at the door when you get home?

Finding ways to detach yourself, and not carry the emotion from work with you into the home can be very powerful. It can give yourself freedom to just be you and be fully present with yourself or whoever you are with, because outside of your job, there are so many other important things in your life that you should give your energy and attention to each day.

Who are you going to be when that thing you give so much time to disappears?

You are so much more than your job. So I encourage you to focus on seeking happiness and fulfilment. Embrace your unique set of interests and desires, these are a large part of your identity. And if you’re struggling to find these, if you are lacking purpose or vision for your life outside of your work, let’s talk! I would love to help you onto a journey towards happiness and fulfilment.

Do Better, Be Better

In light of Nike’s commercial, Better | Mamba Forever | Nike, it got me thinking about this idea of being better.

What is ‘being better’? What does it consist of? What is the outcome? 

I believe that individual potential is endless. With enough deliberate and intentional development, matched with patience and perseverance, you can become your best at anything. But what is important for you to know is your purpose behind being better.

You don’t know how good you can be, because you’re not there yet, but can you pursue that? Of course you can!
It’s all easy and great to say you’re doing better or being better, but is you being better associated to something you are building towards achieving or are you just saying it because it sounds good? Find that purpose for being better. 

Are we being who we say we want to be and are we doing what we say we want to do? – George Mumford

Having a purpose allows you to build habits to act and behave intentionally towards it every day, and through this you will continue to grow towards maximising your potential, your better version of yourself.

For me, being better is this pursuit of excellence and a thirst for growth. It is this desire every single day to make improvements in various aspects of my life.
I am on a journey every single day to become the best version of myself that I can be. The best brother, son, friend I can be. The best athlete, performance coach, and life mentor I can be. The best person I can be!

With this purpose giving me direction for growth, I then act and behave deliberately towards this purpose in ways that will allow me to make improvements in these areas each and every day.
Every day I take as an opportunity to grow. 
Every training I take as an opportunity to improve my skills.
Every conversation I take as an opportunity to learn something.
Every thought I take as an opportunity to build compassion.

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” – Maya Angelou

Every day you are in competition with one person and one person only, and that is yourself and who you were yesterday. The more you can truly understand this and apply this to your actions, the more growth you will see towards a better version of yourself.

So I ask you this, why are you being better, and what is you being better leading you to?

What A Time To Be Alive

If there is one thing that we can all learn from these unprecedented times, it is that you can find out what is really important to you — what you need, day to day, for your happiness. 

During these current times, so many external things have become so quickly irrelevant. This is a great opportunity to reset yourself and allow yourself to simplify and clarify your life. It is a great time for self-reflection for whatever stage in life you are at. 

Don’t like your job? 

Is your job so good that you wake up each day with an energy, a thirst for the work you do? 

If not, figure out what you feel like will give you that energy and look for those opportunities and apply for those roles. Take that jump. 

Don’t like a certain relationship? 

Does your relationship give you life and excitement, a sense of adventure, and a lot of love? 

If not, talk about what’s missing, address the issues, or just step away. Don’t let it drag you down away from happiness. 

Don’t like what you’re studying? 

Are you studying something you care about? Do you get excited to learn about this topic each day? 

If not, change majors or programs. Find what you are really passionate about and study it, engross yourself in it. Let that give you a reason for waking up each day. 

Don’t like where you are living? 

Is your environment, your home, your surroundings giving you the ability to be free, creative and thrive? Or, Is it holding you back from living a life that you truly enjoy? 

If not, find somewhere that fosters creativity and freedom to allow you to thrive and give you purpose each day.  

Don’t like who you have become? 

Are you not happy with who you are, what you are doing or where you are going? Do you feel like you’ve become someone you don’t want to be? 

Isolate yourself with your thoughts, your visions. Brainstorm your purpose, find some meaning in your life, discover your passions, discover your reason for being and let that guide you to who you wish to be.  

Yes, I understand that for each of these points there are challenges and unknowns, especially financially. To make such decisions in these times can be uncomfortable, but being uncomfortable during chaos is where the most growth occurs. 

It is a time to step away from fear, and begin to move towards happiness.

The greatest thing you can do in isolation is disconnect and take some time with YOU; sit with yourself, your thoughts, your visions, your dreams. Step away from all other influences and find out about yourself on a new level. Discover your passions, your purpose, and begin on your adjusted journey, whether you decide to take a new path is up to you. 

When we come through the other side of this, you will know yourself better, your path will be clearer, your life will be simpler, and living a life of happiness should be easier. 

What having all this time has done for some is to spend more time with their kids, their families, more than they usually would. 

For others, it has given them time to reconnect with old friends, near or far. 

And most importantly, for many, it has allowed them to get creative, work on personal projects, chase their passions and do things they really enjoy. These are things that often get put to the side, as work takes priority, when they really should be front and center of what we do. 

These are three things that can make us feel more alive, more fulfilled. They make us feel happy. 

Take as much or as little from this blog, but no matter how much you take from it, I hope that your life will become richer because of it. 

Peace and love

I understand this is a challenging time. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. Whether it is to help you discover your purpose, learn how to be comfortable being alone with yourself, or just to chat about life, I am always willing to talk, discuss and assist.

Time, a Concept of Measurement

Time. What really is it? I’m not too sure myself, but from what I understand, time is just a concept of measurement, measuring what, I’m not exactly quite sure either. It’s a funny concept, using numbers to give each period from sun up till sun down or for better word, a day, an outline of the amount of ‘time’ we have. This aspect of it is at least consistent. But what these numbers really do is they set barriers each day for us to live by, which we all suitably abide by. Today’s society is so deeply regimented into living life by these numerical barriers and guidelines that what if those numbers weren’t there each day for us to live by? What if we had no barriers, what if we had no structure, what if we had no time?

But for the purpose of these thoughts, lets just continue within these barriers of time…you think you have time, and maybe by the measurement of numbers, you may. But whatever that is, it is not to be taken for granted. Life isn’t something you wait around until 5pm each day for. Life isn’t something you wait until tomorrow or the weekend for. In today’s society, life is unpredictable. Seeing school aged kids who probably thought they had a whole life ahead of them get taken too soon, or friends that never got to live out their true potential due to devastating diseases and events, you can’t even question how much more time they wish they had. If that doesn’t make an impact, if that doesn’t make you realize how fortunate you are for each and every day you live, I’m not quite sure what will.

Time, whatever it is, won’t wait around for you to get your dream job. It won’t give you enough money to travel the world. And it certainly wont always put you in the best environment for your health. You have to make those things happen for yourself. You have to take control of your life, take control of the time you have and use it to your advantage.

You can’t change your circumstances until you believe you control them. And you can’t control your circumstances until you decide to take responsibility for them.” Mark Manson

Don’t settle for an environment that the time you invest is not valued or progressing you towards where you want to go. Continue searching for the environment that gives you direction in purpose, and if you cant find it, create it. Flow your energy to that space, and create your own environment that leads you in the direction you wish to go.

The crazy thing is, time puts a number on things, and that number is this guideline we look forward to for something different to happen. But you cannot control the future, all you have is the present moment, and you can only ever be in that moment. The present moment is what matters. That is all that you have control of. You can’t fast forward, you can’t rewind.

Life is available only in the present moment” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t look back don’t look forward, just be still and enjoy life, moment by moment. Make the most of the current time you have and if you are fortunate to keep receiving more time, then cherish that!

My final thought is thanks to a close friend of mine who once shared this with me, “time is a funny thing – the less you have, the more you want it. And the more you have, the easier it becomes to let it go to waste.” Time has it’s own way. Don’t let your time go to waste. Don’t be controlled by these numbers. Go out and utilize your time in the best ways you see for yourself. Make the most of the time you are offered, enjoy those moments and live boldly.

New Zealand is Natures Best

Fern in Abel Tasman National Park New Zealand is a pretty special place. I am very fortunate to have grown up in this amazing country. From a very young age, I have been filled with adventure, to explore, to see, to learn. There is so much on offer in New Zealand for these things, and having spent a lot of time away, I have returned with an enhanced appreciation for the natural beauty of this country that I call home. Growing up, sometimes I would take it for granted, and I know many other of my Kiwi friends did too. It wasn’t until we travelled overseas to really see how lucky we were. The natural sights that I have seen overseas are very incredible, but there is just something a little bit special about the purity and serenity of the sights in New Zealand that sets them apart. Maybe its just the physical connection to the country from being born here, but whatever it is, it sure is special.

Our country is a playground filled with amazing National Parks that contain native bush, clear flowing rivers, peaceful reflective lakes, rugged mountains, incredible coastlines, lush green rolling hillsides, and everything in-between. It really is a natural paradise. And one of the greatest things is that most of it is all very accessible for the everyday New Zealander. Whatever the season, whatever the weather, there are amazing places to see. Climbing to mighty peaks, walking along lakes and rivers, taking a dip in a fresh pool along a river, camping by the ocean and waking to the crashing of the waves and morning song of the native birds. It’s hard to find reasons not to want to enjoy these experiences.

What these experiences and adventure have done for me, is they have kept me grounded. It gives me that feeling of something a lot bigger than me. When you are out in the bush, or on the mountainside with no sight or sound of civilization, and just you and your vulnerable self and thoughts, you seem so small and insignificant, it grounds you. It brings you back down and connects you with this greater life around you. It gives you peace in thought and self, taking you far, far away from any struggles or concerns in your life and just lets you be for awhile. The refreshing feeling of a light southerly breeze across your face as you sit there and admire the breathtaking beauty of your surroundings, that is something I find to be life’s special moments.

The biggest concern I have is the longevity of many places due to the popularity of the attractions. A little respect can go a very long way to ensuring that future generations are afforded the same opportunity to set sight on the natural beauty of this country. However, I still encourage all Kiwis to get out there and truly make the most of this wonderful playground that we have on offer here, I just hope that you leave it better than you found it so that it stays beautiful for years and years to come.

Time for Reflection

2017 has been an incredible year for me.

I have been very blessed to have stayed fit and healthy throughout the past 12 months as I continue to pursue football. This journey in 2017 took me to more countries, more places, than I could have imagined. The experiences I have had, the places I have visited and explored, have been incredible. The people I have met and the stories I have heard have been amazing. And the growth and development as a young man that has occurred in my life has been unmatched by any other prior experience.

2017 certainly hasn’t been easy as I have faced many challenges, making tough decisions like leaving a club, or investing in a rigorous training program, or being dropped to the bench. But I see all these challenges as lessons learned and an opportunity for growth. Although learned in football, these challenges are relative to the real world and these lessons learned give me life skills. They are lessons that I can grow from and utilize in the future when similar situations occur, whether in my own work place or whether I’m working with a client who is also in a similar situation. When times are tough, it makes me tougher and that will show true one day, near or far.

Some of the highlights were:

With all these experiences over the last 12 months, I am very excited to head into the new year with fire in my belly and a continued drive for success and adventure. Life is certainly unpredictable, and it definitely is not fair, so I look forward to embracing every opportunity that I get to develop myself and my wellbeing. The excitement of the unknown is nerving but thrilling. Knowing that there are so many more great experiences to be had, many more lessons to be learned, and best of all, more people to meet and be inspired by or even inspire them.
It is the people in my life that allow me to continue my purposeful journey. I am very thankful for the love and support from all those who assisted in my journey this year. Most importantly, I am grateful to be closer to home this holiday period and spend some precious quality time with my family.
I look forward to continuing to chase my dream in the new year!

The Fortunate Life

To be here, writing this, and for you to be here, reading this, we are all blessed with life. Some people experience life in a different way, others live a less fortunate life than most, and so each day it is important to reflect on the fortunate life that you live. Having food in your cupboards, clothes in your drawer, water in your taps, a roof over your head; having either of these things leaves you in the higher percentage of fortunate people around the world. It is important to not take advantage of this. Make the most of the opportunity you have been given, to wake up every day and truly experience life. Justify why you were given the chance to live the life you have been blessed with. Don’t waste it, when there are so many people around the world who wish they were in your shoes, and had your opportunities.

I was given a gentle reminder earlier last week about the life that I am lucky to live. I was involved in the presentation of medals at the National Summer Games – Special Olympics NZ. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, I am not taking anything away from these incredible athletes, their abilities, their appreciation for life and their ability to live life without inhibitions. What these athletes reminded me was that life is lived everyday by other people in different capacities. These humans also have a chance to play a sport they love, interact with their friends, and experience the feelings of jubilation and despair. All of these are just experienced in a different capacity.

Maybe what these humans experience is considered the fortunate life? I’m not here to make comparisons, I am just here to spread a message.
My message is for everyone in this world to be more appreciative of your abilities, opportunities, and experiences you have or are offered, because not everyone in this world is offered similar. No matter your situation, no matter your frustrations, I believe that it is important to sometimes take a step back from a frustrating situation to reflect and remember how fortunate you really are. Take a lesson from these athletes and live life without inhibitions. Don’t do things for the recognition of others, do things for yourself, and live life to the fullest capacity that you have been blessed with.

When I look at the bigger picture, my ability to play football has given me so much. It has given me the chance to travel the world, it has given me the chance to inspire others, it has given me the chance to meet so many people from different cultures. I wake up each day reflecting on how lucky I am to have a new chance, and a new opportunity to make the most of the day I have been gifted. I am physically capable of playing a sport I love, intellectually capable to converse with others, and consciously capable to know that today is a gift, and I am fortunate to live it.

See Life Through Different Lenses

Each and every individual in this world views life from their perspective, from their personal lens. Your family, friends, colleagues, teammates, classmates, they all view the world in a different way to you. Individual perspectives and opinions create diversity and without this diversity, our world would be one sided and boring. No this isn’t about conflict, this is about each individual having something to believe in, something to live for through what they see. This is about people taking a step back before making judgement and looking at someones situation from a different lens to your own; perspective taking. It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for a second and allowing them to be them, and believe in what they believe.

This isn’t easy. It is often difficult and frustrating as differing opinions can create conflict or difference, but with a little empathy, we all have the ability to step back and just respect what others see and let them embrace their perspective. With this empathetic understanding of others opinions, we will still have our diverse world with individual perspectives, however embracing this difference instead of creating conflict will lead to a more peaceful world.

Personally, I would say I am a strong minded person, and I have my opinions about things in this world. But I know that others are also strong minded and they also have opinions about things that may be very different to mine. We all need to realize that this is what makes life unique and interesting, that we can all believe different things, but still get along. We don’t have to agree on something, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to get along. Embrace others for who they are, and what they believe in, even if it is different to yours. Your friendships and relationships with people will be forever richer because of it.

Life Is Full Of Learning And Growing

Learning never ends in life, or at least I don’t believe it does. Learning is a crucial element to life, to continue to adapt to this ever changing society we live in. Each and every individual has the ability to learn, about themselves, about their environments, about this world, it is whether or not the individual is open and willing to learning. As previously mentioned in my ‘The 12 Lessons Learned While Chasing My Dreams’ article written 6 months ago, one of the most important lessons I shared was the importance of learning. Learning in every situation, every experience, whether it is good or bad is so important to ensure you grow from it and use it in the future.

I shared the importance of learning with 550 High School students last Monday during my speech as the guest speaker at Garin College‘s Colors Awards ceremony. It was the focal point of what I wanted these high school students to take away, that success or failure isn’t the key, it is the learning in the process and experience that is. For students, I believe that their learning should not be restricted between the walls of a classroom, nor should it be restricted to the walls of their home. Most of the greatest education I have learned has been outside of these walls, interacting with new people, learning about new cultures, and most importantly, getting outside of my comfort zone to learn more about myself. I encourage all of the students to get out and explore the world and learn about themselves, and I encourage you all that read this to do the same. Learn to become a better version of yourself!

My journey has been one of many ups and downs, and this was something that I wrote down awhile ago, and I feel it is appropriate to my life over the last few years:

Succeeding isn’t just about achieving, it’s about learning, and when it comes down to what I have learned, I have succeeded” – Erik Panzer

And on the football pitch this week, my teammates and I continued to learn. Learning and understanding how our style of play is to counter the oppositions, however we learned a harsh lesson in our game, and that was that of the desire and will to win. Although we had a game plan which we had learned, we only partially executed it, but the greatest let down was our desire to win. It is a lesson that we need to learn as we continue to strive for the levels of performance that we expect from ourselves. Back to training this week to grow from it and put things right this coming week.