Day 35 – Derry City FC

It was another semi regular day of training. The foam roll, stretch, mobility and then video analysis routine was the same. And because of Foyle Cup, we went back to the ground we had been using all week, only for the gate to be locked. So back to the regular training ground. A few passing drills to get warmed up and sharp and then we went onto the main pitch to run through situations that would occur in the game tomorrow. We played 11v11 and the manager would just stop it here and there explaining certain situations. It was fairly informative and productive.

After showering, two hypnotists/magician had come to do a few things with the team, so we watched a few tricks and Wardy got hypnotized which was fun. Eventually we headed for home. A casual afternoon for me, with Wardy and Connor both heading home home before the game tomorrow and would meet the team at the stadium. I did call the manager and see if there was a seat for me on the bus, which there was and I was welcome to come. So I’ll get to see a bit of the Ireland countryside via bus window tomorrow.

Wardy did leave his car behind, which is a manual. I haven’t driven a manual car in 7 or 8 years, and for some reason, I couldn’t get it engaged into reverse. So because of this, I didn’t feel comfortable just driving in because who knows when I might need to reverse it. Maybe on Saturday when I have more time, Ill try again. I felt very disheartened, because it is a skill that I should have. Oh well.

Casual evening on the couch, making a nice dinner for myself and getting a good sleep!


Day 34 – Derry City FC

IMG_4658A regular morning here at the house, however we were meeting at the Foyle Arena where our gym is, instead  of meeting at the dressing rooms because of the Foyle Cup. So on arrival we were straight into our gym work and then we did our mobility and injury prevention work, before we headed out across the road to the temporary training ground we were using this week.

The weather had dawned nicely and was still warm and the sun shone every now and then. I enjoyed the session today as it was more technical and there were educational aspects as well as tactical aspects in functional work, instead of just simply playing possession. We then went into an 11v11 game to assist in the teams preparations for Bohemians this weekend. We played about 20 minutes before we took a water break. As we took our water break, ominous dark dark clouds were gathering and heading towards us. We got in another 2 minutes after the water break before the manager called it off. So we headed back to the gym. Training wouldn’t usually be called off because of the weather, but we weren’t at the regular training ground or changing rooms. We cooled down and showered at the Arena and were all done by 12.30. I did manage to have a brief chat with the manager and he expressed to me that I was training well, which was nice to hear. He also shared with me that he is still looking for options for me. So for now I just keep training! Foyle Gym

6 of us headed off for lunch in town, and then sat at a coffee shop for an hour and chatted. We headed home eventually and enjoyed a lazy evening at the house. European Champions League qualifying has been going on and a team from the League of Ireland, Dundalk were playing. So we found a stream and managed to watch that.

Day 33 – Day Off

The sun was shining as I woke this morning for our day off. And what a treat the day would turn out to be. Hottest day on record for many places across the UK. I spent the morning in the sun where I was able to begin reading a new book.

13720674_10208376498483146_1773088738_oToday was a very exciting day, that came about pretty surprisingly. I had an email from my Psychology thesis professor/mentor, Thomas Pruzinsky, that I received a few weeks after graduation and had yet to respond to, until about a week ago. I filled him in that I was in Northern Ireland playing football, and it just so happened to be that he was traveling through Ireland and the U.K. for work, having meetings and speaking at different places. And of course one of his stops for a few days was Derry. So we planned to have lunch, and closer to time sorted all the details. We met at 1pm today at a nice restaurant in town and shared a lovely meal.

Professor Pruzinsky has really been my influence to head in the direction of Positive Psychology after I took his Positive Psychology class in the Fall of my Senior year. This led me to then take him for my thesis and focus my thesis on Positive Psychology. He is so genuine and interested in the well being of each and everyone of his students. He will give you all the time he can to help you in any way, and having spent many extra hours with him discussing and constructing my thesis with him, we built a special bond. I have the greatest respect for him, as does he have for me, which for a student of his, I appreciate greatly.

We talked about my journey here in Northern Ireland, the possibilities, opportunities, struggles, and successes. We spoke about Quinnipiac as an institution, and he shared more of his knowledge and the work he was doing while on his trip. It was a wonderful hour and a half shared with him in a completely different setting. Unfortunately we were unable to do some Derry sight seeing as he had to rush off to an unplanned meeting at 2.30pm. So we parted ways after a lovely time.

My afternoon of small world connections didn’t stop there however. Wardy came and picked me up and we headed to watch a friend of his coach a game in the Foyle Cup. Watching the young kids brought back all the memories of the various rep tournaments I played in as a kid. The friend that Wardy had gone to see is most likely moving out to New Zealand to play for Southern United in the upcoming National League season.

And then to top it all off, I headed off to another Foyle Cup game, where Laura Nicholas, who plays on the Quinnipiac Women’s team, also was. We were there to see Marty Walker, the former goalkeeper coach at Quinnipiac from my Sophomore year. Marty is originally from Derry, but has been in the states for quite awhile now. He had brought over an academy team he coaches based out of Norwalk, CT. So I got to catch up with both Laura and Marty which was great. Marty had originally helped with my first few days of trials at Cliftonville, so he has had a connection throughout my journey here.

Sunset colors over Carrigans

After a very long day, in the hottest temperatures that I may experience, it was finally time to head home. Made a good dinner as always and then sat down to watch a documentary on New Zealand wildlife, Cast Adrift. One of my friends who I grew up with filmed a lot of the aerial drone footage for the documentary, so it was awesome to watch that and also just see the natural beauty that New Zealand holds!

Here are the highlights from the 4-0 win for Derry last week:


Day 32 – Derry City FC

Week 5 begun as with the regular Monday routine. We did our rolling, stretching and mobility in the normal place before we had to move to another training ground 5 minutes away. This was because the Foyle Cup is being played this week and the training ground we use is a pitch for games throughout the week. So we trained at a different field, highly sand based, and more like a local park, with only 1 goal having the resemblance of a net on it. No matter the conditions, football is football and you must adapt and that is what we did. A new passing drill at the beginning to sharpen up before we opened up and played, along with some running on the side. It was a good session although the challenges of the surface. It is my understanding that we will be there all week due to the Foyle Cup.

Panorama of our backyard (grass hasn’t been mowed in years)

Conveniently enough, the Foyleside Arena is right across the road from the field we were at, so I headed there after training and showered up before we relaxed for 70 minutes. We had our regular gym session which was good as always, and the rhythm is becoming more comfortable as I am now able to challenge myself a bit more and test my strength. We finished the gym session with a good roll out and stretch before Wardy and I were dropped back at his car which was at our regular training ground. There was an under 12 game on that we stayed and watch for 30 minutes before we headed off to the grocery store. We decided that today we would try a different way home, through some back roads that we travelled one day via taxi. It was an adventure to say the least, and certainly took a lot longer than usual, with many wrong turns, but eventually, we made it home. d5c293c6-091f-4985-8899-0879341f16da


It was another scorching day outside, and after 4 weeks of clouds and rain, it makes me cherish the sunshine a little more, so I have been making the most of it. I was able to sit in the sun for 2 hours after we got home tonight, which allowed me to finish the book I was reading, The Alchemist. I received the book as a graduation present, and I couldn’t think of a better fit for graduation than to read that.

Day 31 – Derry City FC

Once again it was Sunday and we headed off to our hour long yoga session, followed by the ice baths. Yoga has been great I think for my body, however a little difficult to judge progress when we do different things each week. As for the ice bath, it feels like it gets colder and colder every time. Who really knows!

0aada943-9a8b-4bac-acd2-1bdf8f63d2ddHome by 12, had some food, and then I was finally able to sit outside in the sun, yes the sun and read my book. We had about 4hrs of consistent sunshine and warmth and I made the very most of it. Reading a lot of my book, and soaking in the rays. And to my surprise, I got a little red. I guess after 4 weeks of no sun, my skin wasn’t as conditioned to the sun anymore. Oh well, very well worth it. It was just a lovely day in the sun.

A relaxing evening at home before another week begins in the morning!

Day 29 – Derry City FC

Today was game day, so I got to sleep in a little bit after the intense training week had caught up on me. It was a casual day at the house where I did get a few things done. I sent thank yous to all those who wished me a happy birthday, which started a few more conversations with friends. I also finally decided to unpack my suitcase a kind of organize my room. Although I still don’t know how long I will be occupying this room, I thought it was about time to be a little more organized and stop living out of a suitcase. There is now a fair bit more space in the room which is nice!

IMG_2541It also turned into a very special and exciting day for my girlfriend Shannon who is now a registered nurse after she passed her boards. She has a job lined up at Yale New Haven Hospital that she will begin in late July, which is very exciting. I also managed, with the help of a few people, to get flowers and a card delivered to her to make the day even more special. For all that could have gone wrong, it was a complete success!

Like all other game days, I headed in early. This time it was Harry who was out recovering/keeping fit that I worked out with. We got a very good intense 45min session in with a variety of drills, ball skills, ball movement, passing etc. Pearce, the strength and conditioning coach had also set aside a few exercises for us that worked on speed and agility. I finished with a few long runs. Oh and did I forget to mention, it rained again during the session. No pre game training session for me has occurred without rain I don’t think. We got showered up and dried off and then it was game time. cb9a8d82-8fb6-4d30-9778-d4fd7249050a


It was a game that Derry should have always won and dominated, and they did just that. Scoring a penalty in the first half to lead 1-0 and then just before the half, a Longford player got his second yellow card and was subsequently sent off. Not too much of half time talk other than be more clinical. And in the second half they were. The game ended 4-0, and puts Derry back on track.


Day 28 – Derry City FC

It was just another day in the books today, with the routine continuing to tick over. Same routine, with an extended scouting video session to make sure the team was ready for the game tomorrow.

After warming up and playing a few 8v2 circle games we went into 11v11. Kenny named his likely 11 for tomorrows game, and then named another 11 to line up how Longford was likely to lineup. I was in the Longford line up, playing with 3 center backs and 2 wing backs. Unusual for me having only ever played with 2 center backs and a back 4. However the point of the exercise was for the team playing tomorrow to work through how they will play and understand the movement that needs to be made to be effective against the team. Safe to say they were frustrated, however it was a productive exercise, and it was also the first real opportunity I got to see the Manager, Kenny truly step in a speak tactically and offering technical and tactical guidance. I was just glad to be taking part in that part of training instead of being off with the younger boys playing 4v4, and I made sure that although I was there to mimic Longford’s shape and style, I still did what I can as a defender to continue to prove myself and my ability.

My delicious dutch desert

After training 5 of us headed back down to the waterfront where the markets were still there and boats still moored. We each found different places to get lunch from the markets. I got a delicious Spanish paella and some french creamy potatoes with bacon bits. Not a bad lunch, but most impressively topped off with a plate of Dutch pancakes with Nutella and strawberry jam. I hope Dad wasn’t too jealous! We wandered the whole waterfront and back to a little coffee shop where we got coffee and tea, before we finally headed home.

A casual evening at the house, keeping track of various Europa League qualifying games in which teams from the Irish leagues were playing in.


Day 27 – Derry City FC

Today was my birthday, however no one at Derry City FC knew, not even my flatmates. It isn’t something that I publicly announce, nor need a big deal made of it. So long as I am happy and healthy on my birthday, I deem it successful.

Also, it was just another day of training really. Long morning session, quick lunch, then a good gym session and we were done for the day. Training was decent but nothing to new or difficult. Some good passing drills to continue to focus on the little things, and then the same old possession grids. As reported earlier, there was a possibility of me going to another team until January, however that team has already signed a center back. So the manager has to look at things again and said he would reach out to another team and see whether there is an opportunity there. So the bumpy road continues, but Ill just keep training and hope that something comes my way soon.


My afternoon was spent responding to birthday wishes, before we went grocery shopping and I treated myself to buying New Zealand Lamb, which I cooked for dinner tonight. Very nice!! Stocked up on groceries for the next 5 odd days or so, seeing as I don’t think I’m going anywhere anytime soon.

And finally, here are the highlights from the recent 5-0 loss to Dundalk:




Day 26 – Day Off

Today was another lazy day on our day off. All starts with a good sleep in, especially after the intense sessions we had yesterday.

I finally decided today to iMessage as many people as I could in my contacts list with my new UK number. I had yet to inform many of my friends of my new number so, I took the opportunity of a day off to do so. It took about an hour to first just text all those in my contacts. This then created numerous conversations which took another 2-3 hours of responding to. So it was a day of catching up with many friends, some asking why I was in Ireland, others checking in to see how I was doing, and others just thankful they heard from me. A successful exercise if you ask me.

Surprisingly enough, there were segments of time where the sun shined for more than 5min and I happily sat outside in the sun to start reading my new book, The Alchemist. Unfortunately these moments in the sun are tough to come by and so that may hinder my book reading!

I made a very yummy pasta dinner, watched a movie and called it a day!


Day 25 – Derry City FC

Irish_flag_english_flag_map_styleToday was also the start of my fourth week here in Ireland (specifically Northern Ireland), and the time has really flown by to be honest. Like all Monday’s, it was back into routine today. Arrive, foam roll, stretch, mobility. 30min technical scouting of Longford, who Derry play this Friday, and then finally out onto the field. A grueling 100min session, with many similar exercises and drills, however we finally did some structured passing drills which was good because it allowed me to focus on specific aspect of my game; controlling my first touch into a place for me to make the next pass effectively, keeping my head up when the ball is traveling to me to survey options, and most importantly, passing the ball to the receivers correct foot to allow them to take their touch effectively. Then a fitness component was added to it which challenged mental capacity and concentration to still effectively and efficiently pass the ball. All good stuff to better my game. And of course we finished with 8v8 to goal with players on the outside.

A quick shower and then I spoke to the manager briefly to try and get more of an understanding of my situation with the team that he has been speaking to about me. Not much progress there, but hopefully some movement in the next few days as this team plays a friendly next Saturday and I would love to get my feet in the door with this team if it is where I am going to end up! We shall see.

Foyle Gym
Foyle Arena Gym

We grabbed some lunch and then headed off to the gym. The gym session was a good challenge and the program is continuing to focus on specific muscles and movements the body does or requires in football, so its all really important work and I do feel stronger because of it.

Home finally for the afternoon around 3.30pm. Surprisingly enough the sun was trying to stay out longer than a few minutes, so I took the opportunity to read my book outside in the sun. Well, it was in and out for about 15-20min, before it began to rain and that was the end of that.