Day 12 – Derry City FC: Tourist Edition


Today was the teams off day. After a casual morning in the house, I headed into the city center to meet with Assistant Coach, Donal O’Brien for lunch. We met up in the town square in front of Guildhall and then headed up the street to Downey’s Bar for lunch. Donal knows the head chef there so we chatted to him for a bit. But lunch was more about the opportunity for us to talk about my plans, my intentions of being at Derry City. It was also a chance to get to know each other a little more,

Guildhall with cannon

which was nice.

Donal was upfront and honest with me as he always has been, and he said that he sees quality in my play, he sees strengths of my game that a lot of other players lack. But at the end of the day, it’s about what the manager sees in me, what the manager is looking for in his squad etc. Of course Donal will be of support for me and put good words in, but the final decision isn’t up to him. This was a positive however, because it gave me confidence to keep on working hard and keep going, because at this stage of the season, where there is still approx 18 games left, having depth in the team, players challenging for spots etc. creates a good environment for the team to keep striving. Who knows what may happen in the next few days and weeks.

St Columb’s Cathedral

Once we were done with lunch, Donal headed back to work for an hour and a half while I happily wandered the city, checking out some historical sights and attractions.

Walled City

As I said in one of the early blogs, Derry used to be a walled city, and the wall is still there, so I walked the full wall, that in spots, overlooks the city. Along the way there are various monuments, cannons, information boards and churches that I was able to look at and read about. After I circled the city on the wall, I headed down to the Peace Bridge to take a walk across it. The bridge itself is a main attraction as you come into the city as you see it cross the river. I took a nice walk across it and along a path beside the river, before I returned back to meet Donal as he finished work for him to drop me home.

Peace Bridge

It was a refreshing day for me, as things had begun to be challenging, and I was mentally slowing down a bit. But this was a nice day to get out of the house, explore the city, and have some faith restored in my efforts with training. Onward from here.

Day 11 – Derry City FC


For highlights of Derry City’s 1-0 win against Wexford Youths on Friday, you can view here:

It was back into rhythm today and a long hard slog it was. The day began with the usual foam roll and stretch. Once we hit the field, the weather decided that we should just get dumped on for 20min. It was wet, the grass was freshly cut, studs on boots were getting filled with grass every 3 steps and I was slipping everywhere.

It wasn’t my greatest session during my time here. We began with some passing which was fine, but the body was just highly fatigued, and so was the mind. Training progressed into a massive 16v8 possession game, with the 8 defending for 3 sets of 3 minutes. It was supposed to be fitness for the defenders, but it was just a shambles. It was difficult to get on the ball, let alone get a good touch in. Ball movement and fast decisions were key, and thats what I had to focus on, ensuring that the touches I did get were quality and purposeful. Then when it was our turn to defend, we made sure that we eclipsed any of the previous defensive records and won the ball the most out of the three groups. It was frustrating to say the least, but I could see the point, just execution was a little off. From here we split off, and the likely 11 for the game against Dundalk on Friday worked on some defensive shape, while the rest of us went and played a possession based game towards goal. Once again it was myself and some of the academy players, and it was a chance for me to prove myself. I did what I could, but the conditions were trying and the body continued to be tired. By now the session had been going for around 90min. We then broke from training with the ball and did some sprint, speed, agility and power work. As much as the body didn’t want to, I pushed through it to make sure I benefited from it. After that, we played a condensed 11v11 game, where I knew that it would be an opportunity to show what I have to offer. It was the likely 11 agains the rest of us. I was playing in my regular position at center back, and distributed the ball fairly well, with a few misplaced passes. However, we didn’t concede and played some good football.

Finally we were done with the field session, drenched, grass everywhere, and tired. A nice refreshing shower and a quick dash to get lunch before gym time. Todays gym session was about power, with a lot of upper body stuff, but also some double leg and single leg power work. A good sharp session in the gym allowed me to finish the day in a better mental state. It was just a long day, 9am till 3.30pm. Finally time to head home and catch the two Euro games. Both with some exciting moments in them, however nothing truly compelling for 90min.DSC03362.jpg

Today is also a very special day as it is Mum’s birthday. Despite the very large distance for the last 4 years, I always find a way to share my appreciation for her love and support throughout my journey of life.

Day 10 – Derry City FC

After having the day off after game day, it was back into recovery and preparation for the coming week. The team met at a Yoga studio and were put through an hour long session of yoga, focusing on hamstrings and core. It was as much of a workout as it was recovery. Nonetheless, it certainly helps the body. If I stay for an extended period of time, I plan to do two or three sessions of yoga a week.

Local pub for the game

Once the yoga was over, it was off to the ice baths for a quick dip before everyone headed in their own directions as the big Ireland vs. France game was kicking off in a few hours. Myself, the two lads I live with, and one other team mate headed down the road to a local pub to watch the game. It was a great atmosphere and a lot of fun, well at least when Ireland scored after the first 2min. Not a bad way to spend the Sunday afternoon.

**I do have a 20second video of when Ireland scored, however I cannot upload it to the blog as the site does not support video. euro_2016_logo_detail

Day 9 – Derry City

Game Day was finally here. I would get to experience all that is a game day for Derry City FC, which I was excited about. However, I had the whole day to wait. I was able to watch a movie, make some good food and relax.

Wardy was in the squad for today, however Connor was suspended from their last game so Connor and would head to the game later than Wardy. The good thing was, Connor and I were still going to get our work in. We arrived around 6pm before the real preparations truly began. The match was scheduled for 7.45pm so we had time. We shared a bit of

Locker Room Pre Game Layout

banter with some of the staff, kit man and a few other players who weren’t playing, before we went out and got about 30-40min of work in. Some decent running, a bit of ball work and foot work and that was us for the day. All while various staff and coaches watched on before their true preparations began for the day. I was very happy to have done the extra work with Connor before the game as it was another opportunity to show my commitment to the cause.

Handshakes and well wishes happened in the locker room before they all headed out for the game. We quickly showered, dressed, grabbed a water and went and took in the first half of the game. It unfortunately wasn’t the greatest football to

General view of the field and stand

watch and Derry were struggling to keep the ball and break down Wexford Youths. Derry did take the one clear cut chance they had to lead at Half time, however it could have easily been 2 or 3 -1 to Wexford with the clear chances they had. Derry’s keeper kept them in the game by doing his job very well. Into the changing sheds for half time. The sheds are set in two direct rooms conjoined by the shower/bathroom area, so the team and manager was on one side, and myself, other non-playing players and staff were on the other side taking it all in. The manager put his foot down, admitted to his tactical mistake, addressed the problems and then gave the team a bit of a kick up the ass. He made one substitution and they were a different team in the second half. Controlling the game a lot more with better possession and a few good chances.

Pitch view from the stands

The game ended 1-0, which was a good result for the team, keeping the foot down especially coming off the mid season break. Now the focus turns to the current champions and league leaders Dundalk for next week.

Day 8 – Derry City FC

Stadium Entrance Sign
Stadium Entrance Sign

The rhythm is becoming regular for me now, however this morning was a little stagnant. We arrived to the ground for 9am beginning, however today was the day that the regular starters were getting massages and therefore we didn’t begin training until well after they were done. As always, we foam rolled and stretched, and watched more film, however this time it was of Derry’s play and not the opposition. Finally we were onto the pitch. Today’s weather was the most consistent it has been since I have been here, with it mostly sunny during most of the session!

The session today was lighter and shorter, however still some good work out of it. To begin with they split up the squad for the weekend and the rest, and we went off and played a 5v2 grid transfer game. Originally they had made the grids with olders vs youngins and I was in the olders one until they changed it, so it was a little disappointing not to be with the older and better players. However I took this chance to really show myself and quality. I was with mostly youth players and did as best I could to control the grid keeping possession, but also winning it back when I was defending. After the grid game we went into 6v6 possession, and once again I made it a point to stand out through my quality and experience and thats what I did. Winning the ball back, keeping the ball, and also keeping the ball moving within the grid.

Training Pitch Today
Training Pitch Today

I was happy with the way I mentally overcame the challenge and just put in the hard work and got on with it. At the end they played an 11v11 with the starting 11 and bench and they needed a few extra players. I was asked to step in at center back and we played for about 20min. Except for one poor pass, I was happy with my play, defending well, communicating constantly and keeping the ball. These are the chances I need to take and show what I have to offer, especially when the manager is there watching.

I came out of the session satisfied with my performance and felt as though I took another step in the right direction. After a shower and some locker room banter we headed to get some lunch. It was 5 of the lads and myself and we had a good time, all

Tea Time
Tea Time

finished off with a nice cup of tea at a nice cafe at Foyleside. Unfortunately no Euro games to watch today, so Ill just rest up this afternoon.

Day 7 – Derry City FC

WhatsApp-Image-20160622 (2)
Morning Window View

Today was another early morning to head off to training. I surprisingly woke to clear skies and the sun was shining, but who was really to know how long that would last. In the 8 days that I have been here, I’m pretty sure each day has had wind, rain, and sun. All part of the experience really.

As always, training began with a roll out session and stretch, before we did some pre scout of the opposition Derry is facing this Friday, Wexford Youths. It wasn’t too dissimilar to pre scouts we had at Quinnipiac. The manager just really wants the team to focus back on the task coming off of a two week mid season break so that was harped on a lot during the pre scout.

We then hit the field and got warmed up. A passing drill to get the feet going before we were into small sided possession. The session finished up with about a 20-30min 11v11 game. This was focused towards the game on Friday and the manager set up the likely

Training Ground
Training Ground

starting 11 against the rest. I was in the rest and I was put at right back. It was the first time I had played right back since my early seasons at Nelson Suburbs. However I adapted well and was able to show some of my defensive capabilities which I was pleased with. The training was kept fairly short because there were quite a few injuries compiling and so the manager didn’t want to risk many more players, with some key players missing training already. I got to speak to Donal O’Brien at the end of the session and he was checking in on how things were going and how I was feeling. I gave him all good feedback which I can only hope will help in the long run. He wants to have lunch at some stage in the next few days to really chat, so that should be great. But at the end of the day as he said, it is up to whether or not the Manager wants me. All an unknown at this stage and so I’ll just keep my head down and work away!

Training Ground
Training Ground

A quick shower and a snack before we headed across the river to the gym. It was a lighter session and only upper body today due to all the injuries there were. We were in and out in 30min, before we headed to a place to have ice baths! As always, they can be miserable but they bring good results and the legs feel a lot better afterwards.

Onwards home to eat and rest and watch the Euros. Another good training day in the books.

Day 6 – Derry City FC

Today was a day off for the team to rest the legs in preparation for Friday’s game. However, the team was still responsible to show their faces at a primary school tournament being played on the training fields of the club. It was a great succeuro_2016_logo_detailess with many happy kids.

I was able to absorb some good football at the Euro’s with a couple exciting games going on, and a huge win for Croatia.

Back to training tomorrow bright and early!

Day 5 – Derry City FC

Today was the day where routine would really begin for me. Up early, well fed and then off to training.

The session began similar to Thursday’s, with a roll out and stretch session first, before we were back to the locker room and onto the pitch. Training began with a warm up, and then a passing drill with assistant coach, Donal O’Brien. The passing drills are a great opportunity for me to focus on the little important things in my game, most of which are the simple aspects, footwork, connection, and first touch. From the passing drill we then went into some speed work, co-ordination, and explosive work with a ball. It was an intense 5 minutes of work, however what it really focused on was co-ordination with speed of play, box jumps to heading a ball and ladder work to passing a ball. It got the mind ticking over that’s for sure.

After this work was done it was now onto playing football. Two touch possession in small teams. These drills really show how much faster the speed of play is compared to previous teams and leagues I have played in. But what’s more important to allow for the speed of play is the off the ball movement. It is explosive, it is continuous, and it is tactical. The off the ball movement is so key, especially in these small sided possession games, because it allows you to find the spaces to keep the ball and to connect with your team mates. From here, we went into an 8v8 game, which really allows for the players to put in the work previously worked on. The rule is either 2 touches or less than 2 seconds on the ball. It makes for such a fast paced game, but more importantly, faster decision making. This is an aspect of my game that is always developing. Making decisions faster ensures that I know my options before I even receive the ball and then I can dictate my touch to allow for my use of the options. But this game was also a chance for me to show my defensive capabilities. Defensive headers, clearances, blocks, and tackles were all on display here, along with my continuous communication.

Another good session was in the books and we then had an hour and a half before we were to be in the gym. A good work out with the body still feeling strong and then it was off to my third and final accommodation finally. I am now staying with Keith Ward and Connor McCormack.

Day 4 – Derry City FC

Derry_City_FC_logoToday was the beginning of my two week trial at Derry. I was dropped at the ground by Mr. McKeever and was on the field soon after.

The session today was in preparation for training tomorrow but also looking ahead to their first game back in the league after a midseason break this Friday. The session began with a warm up and a few running drills to get the legs moving again. The rain came down just for the running and soon cleared up. It did however make the surface slick for the passing drills. The passing drills were new to me however they were nothing too out of the ordinary and fairly straight forward to ensure quality and consistency. The players were then divided into two teams where they played possession first before playing 5v5 to goal. I felt comfortable in my play once again, however I am consistently learning and adjusting little things in my game to improve my performance. My confidence is slowly building, and I am also making sure to apply all my skills and ability to my game.

It has been a good beginning on the field for me, however I know there is much more improvement to be made.

I am now staying with members of the team who have really made me feel welcome.

Day 3 – Cliftonville FC

Today was game day. I was picked up by First Team coach, Brian CliftonvilleDonahey and travelled to Belfast with him. Our conversations were of various topics, but it was also a chance for me to express my intent on being in Ireland. It gave Donahey a good understanding of my situation and what I am was after.
I arrived to the stadium as the sun was going down, leaving a nice glow across Solitude, Cliftonville’s Stadium name. I was greeted by the kit man who smartly made a comment saying “you’re the Australian one aren’t ya?”. It was a welcoming feeling for me. I was given the #14 kit to wear. Warm ups occurred and soon enough the game was underway. This was my first real look at the quality of football that is played in both Northern Ireland Premier League, and the Irish Premier League, as Cliftonville competes in the NIPL and Derry City competes in the latter.

Cliftonville took the lead after 14min and never relinquished it. The sun set below the far end stand and I entered the game after 60min. Playing at Center Back, I ensured the team didn’t let through anything and helped hold onto the win for Cliftonville. It was great preparation for the team heading into a new season, and it was a solid introduction to Irish Football for me.