May 29th – June 4th: Wheaton

Summer seemed to make a statement this week as the temperatures rose and the sun was out most days. Monday was Memorial Day which many of us spent by the pool, which was lovely. The pool has had many visits from us, whether its been to relax or to recover after training. Training has continued to be intense and all the evening sessions have been inter squad games. Preparing to play against different formations, but also preparing our own formations and seeing what works. So it has been very productive and just great to get out and play and compete, and getting some match fitness in. All things continue to build nicely as we are now only 4 weeks out from the trip.

IMG_5951.PNGOn Friday night, the five guys who were at the apartment for the weekend decided to head into Wheaton for some dinner. After our meal we wandered around and stumbled upon the ‘A Taste of Wheaton’ festival. There was a great cover band playing some absolute classics from Journey, Neil Diamond, Queen, etc. We had a blast, although we may have been on the younger side of the crowd!

Saturday was my last official coaching session at Soccer City for Lil Kickers. It has been a good little job that has filled time and made some money, all the while developing young players. But as my schedule gets busier I am now able to fully turn my focus to why I am here and just train and prepare myself. I still have one client who I coach 1 on 1 which is only a couple hours a week, so I’m not fully finished! Saturday was also the Champions League Final, and what was expected to be a tough battle, unfortunately did not turn out that way!

May 22nd – 28th: Wheaton, Louisville

IMG_5943.PNGWe had finally reached a week where we would be playing a game. All our training was in preparation for it. Training intensity once again rose to ensure that we were as prepared, physically and tactically to play against USL team Louisville City FC. And on Wednesday night, after our second training of the day, we finally hit the road. It was a late night arrival for us into Columbus, IN. Thursday morning we were back on the road to finish off the trip to Louisville. We arrived and we given the opportunity to use their locker for preparation. It was as professional as you can get and really set the tone for what was to come in the next few hours. Once we were dressed and coach had given his pre match talk, we headed to their training field where we were to play. Their training pitch was it great condition, and a little damp from the recent rain. The game was an eye opening experience for many of the lads on our team as they had not faced this high level competition before. Louisville was very slick, especially because they are mid season, and we are only beginning to really prepare as a team. It was a game where we didn’t have the ball too often, however we did not embarrass ourselves, losing only 3-0. Results aren’t the current focus as we continue to prepare for Europe, but for me, individual performance is very important. I was fairly happy with my performance, however a few small adjustments need to be made going forward to continue to build my game. I’m looking forward to more high level competition to allow me to test myself again.

IMG_5944This trip had put most of our schedules off, as we were returning it felt like a Sunday evening, however it was only Thursday. Friday we were given off to recover, however we still had therapy and chiropractor in the morning which was perfect for the day after a game. Friday evening, myself and 3 others took a trip into Chicago. As it turned out, BROODS were playing in The House of Blues. I went to high school with Georgia and Caleb, who make up BROODS and I was very good friends with them. So I had sent Caleb a message earlier in the week and he was able to get us in on the guest list. When we arrived, we were given our tickets and a special pass for Box 130. As it turned out, Box 130 was a private box on the second floor behind the curtain directly above the stage. So we could see out into the crowd and directly down on stage. It didn’t take long after they were on stage for Caleb to shoot a smirk up my way, and the more focused Georgia took a little more time but she sent a smile up a few times. They continue to do amazing things with their music, but they are still the same friends I went to high school with, not letting the fame influence them. After the show, Caleb came down to our box and invited us up to their green room where we hung out for an hour or so. It was great to just catch up with them, share stories from high school, but also hear stories from their journey, the various concerts the had played and the places they went. I’m sure it wont be long until I am in the same city as them to watch another concert!

Saturday we were back in training and because of the teams lack of fitness compared to Louisville City FC, we were on the track at Wheaton College doing fitness. Fitness is crucial to compete at the professional level and it may take a little longer for some for that to sink in. It was also a holiday weekend and our apartment complex finally opened the pool, so it has been nice to relax by it, but also use it for recovery after training. Next week will be a very intense week as the preparation continues and it marks 5 weeks till Europe!!



May 15th – 21st: Wheaton

This was the week we were finally headed outside for training. Of course Monday was probably the hottest day Illinois has had all year, so it was exhausting to say the least, and a little bit of sun burn too. Nonetheless, it was great to get outside and really stretch the legs. We trained twice most days, with at least one session outdoors as our preparation began for our first game next week. Although the squad is still coming together as players get out of school and other various commitments, it has been challenging to have everyone there for a full team session. The training has continued to be good, with the focus shifting to more tactical things.

Due to the change in training schedule, I have had to back from my work hours as they were conflicting with training. My purpose for being here is football, and the work was a bonus, however now as the time ticks down to the trip, it is best for me to fully invest myself in the training and really focus on the goal.


An exciting part of my week was publishing my first article about my journey and what I have learned. It had been a little project of mine for the last month or so, and I was very happy with the outcome of it. I hope it has made an impact on those who have read it. For me, this is the beginning of my writing as I would love to continue writing articles relative to various aspects of football, and eventually down the track writing about the psychological and mental aspect of the game. We shall see what my next article brings.


May 7th – 13th: Wheaton

It has been another very intense week of training as the preparation continues for our games and trip. As most University’s were finishing up this past week, a few more of the lads that are expected to go on the trip returned and began training. It raised the quality and intensity of training which was great. Beginning next week, our training schedule has been changed to allow us to begin training outside, which I am very excited for. The change in schedule however changes what hours I can and cannot work, so unfortunately I will be working less, but the whole reason I am here is for the football and so that takes precedent! Although the work has been nice and time filling, I have also been able to bring in some incoIMG_5911me to cover my current living and day to day costs. No Ill be able to rest up a little more as the intensity in training rises and really begin to focus in on the purpose of this experience.

Saturday was a very long but productive day. Jake and I coached and ran birthday parties from 9am until 6pm, before heading home for a quick refresh and then headed to the Chicago Fire vs Seattle Sounders FC MLS game in Chicago. We met up with a few other lads from training and we witnessed a pretty exciting game, along with a great crowd! It was a fun experience and hopefully be able to catch another game or two before we leave.

IMG_5919Finally, the weather has begun to turn in favor of summer and Sunday was a stunner! I was able to spend time reading my new book, The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford, in the sun on the deck, before coaching a one on one session and then doing a bit of ball work and relaxing for the rest of the day. Preparing for a new routine next week!



May 1st – 6th: Wheaton, Indianapolis

IMG_5878.PNGTime seems to be flying, but the weather doesn’t seem to be keeping up. We are now well into May and the weather is still cold and wet. Soon enough it will hopefully turn around and we will be able to get outside to train instead of being boxed up inside. Although boxed inside, training continues to be very valuable and developmental for me as it has been continuous repetitions of technical work, alongside repetitions of defensive situations in games, something you often wouldn’t receive in a team training environment.

My week was also kept busy with working my various jobs. Although fairly straight forward jobs, getting home at 11.30pm 3 nights a week can certainly take a toll when sometimes all the body needs is a nice rest from the intensity of training. It’s all part of it I guess!

IMG_5880.PNGI was fortunate enough to spend my weekend in a new city, but more importantly, with family. Friday evening I traveled down to Indianapolis, while joining my Aunt Karrie and Cousin Jeremy on the way. Saturday morning we joined my Uncle John and Aunt Darlene and headed off to Grand Park to watch my Cousin Jake, and his twins, Beau and Brady in a baseball tournament. Jake’s wife and two daughters were also there. So there was enough family to keep me company and catch up with. The boys did well in both games Saturday morning and were on the winners side of the draw for Sunday. However, they were unable to stage a comeback in their Quarter Final game on Sunday, having been down 12-5, they got back to 12-11 before the time constraints ended their comeback. Outside of the baseball, we managed to take a tour through Indianapolis, mainly the canal via a 6 person bike. The weather was glorious and we sure made the most of it. Saturday evening we spent time at the hotel with Jake and the kids before returning to our own hotel to watch Sully, a great movie about an incredible story. IMG_5879.PNGSunday morning, we went to The Yolk for breakfast, a place I have remembered since I first went in Chicago about 7 years ago. It still tasted just as good. We then walked along the river and past the zoo in the Sunday morning sun. By 3.30pm we hit the road back to Illinois. It was a wonderful visit with family, people that will always support you wherever you are, and since I am close enough, it was very special to see them and spend time with them. As always, time went quickly and soon enough I was back in my apartment in Wheaton! A weekend to remember!

April 24th – 30th: Wheaton

Just like that, another week has passed. On Monday I was kindly reminded by Facebook that 5 years ago to the date (April 24th) I committed to Quinnipiac University. What a decision that turned out to be. All the learning, experiences, people, opportunities and so much more came from a decision made fairly blindly. All I know is that someone was looking out for me that day. And here I am 5 years later, heading down a path never imaginable before I even knew where or who Quinnipiac University was.

My week followed a similar flow to the rest of April. The continued training has been great, and although I had a few knocks and niggles this past week, I have still been training well and developing the new habits to become instinctual in my general play. As the time goes on, the tests are slowly approaching as I will hope to soon be outside but also playing a few preparation games prior to the trip in July. Playing in games will be a true test of my development from the last few months.

I worked my regular work schedule throughout the week and then on Saturday Jake and I were asked to help out field marshaling at a tournament that was run by Sockers FC. Bridges relationship with Sockers is pretty strong with both our coaches also coaching for the club, and we use their facilities to train at, so it was only right we were able to help out. We were given time to go home after we coached and before we began working to eat and gather as much wet weather gear we had and anything warm we had. Out came both of our suitcases as we dug deep for gloves, hats, rain jackets, the works. It was windy with driving rain and an air temperature of just above freezing. IMG_5828Not the ideal conditions to be wandering fields and watching games, but we stuck it out. Around 7.30pm a massive thunder clap and lightning strike hit within probably a mile of the fields and so that was the message to send everyone packing. However we stuck around, huddled around a gas fire under a big tent as we began to organize and then call each and every team with their updated schedule for the next days play. It was certainly an experience and I am just thankful to still have my toes and fingers attached.

By Saturday night I was exhausted and so a full day of rest on Sunday was much needed. The weather played into our lazy mood around the apartment and hopefully we are well rested for another big week of training and work.

April 17th – 23rd: Wheaton

IMG_5785The weeks seem to be flying by at this rate. And just like that, another one has been completed here in Wheaton. It was a week that showed how quickly things can change in the world of football. By Saturday, three of the lads in the apartment had all left for various footballing opportunities. It is great for them to be receiving opportunities to go train/trial/play for various teams around the world. But this has made for a bit of an empty apartment, however I am not complaining at all. I’m quite enjoying the simplicity of only having 2 others around and to schedule with.

Individually for me, this week was another important one for my personal development. Focusing a lot on body position and footwork while defending. Small adjustments have been making all the difference, but it is making these adjustments into habits and getting rid of my old habits. So a continued work in progress for sure!

I continued to work many hours this week which keeps me busy but also helIMG_5786ps the bank account. And this week I began coaching a 14yr old football player. He is a great kid with the desire to improve and develop, but it is his willingness to learn that will help him most in the long run, whether in football or life. So the two hours a week I spend coaching him will be memorable ones for me as I am able to share my knowledge and life experience with him as I look to develop him into a better player and person.

The weather has continually warmed up with some very summer-like days but also some pretty fresh nights too. Its just nice to have trees flowering different colors and the grass looking greener, and of course the sun shining is wonderful for the soul. Onward to another week!

April 10th – 16th: Wheaton

It has certainly been a trying week for me. A week that reminds me the difficulty of perseverance, and tests me on how much I want it. It is not only all the training that I am doing, it is everything else that I am doing and going through to make this opportunity work. But these are the weeks that define the experience and I know that in the long run, I will look back and know that all the struggles, all the uncomfortable situations have been worth it, in one way or another.

This week of training was one of the better ones individually from a development perspective. Working on defensive aspects of my game that I had been struggling with, and we made a couple adjustments and it made all the difference, so that was very pleasing. I was also able to continue to do my extra speed and explosive work in between sessions. Now I’m really just looking forward to the day we get to head outside to train or play a game. That will really be the true test.

Outside of specifically football, I had a full on work week, working every evening this week. This is a sacrifice I have to make in order to cover the expenses currently and in the future, and for me, its also very nice to not be camped up in the apartment for long periods of time. And the work I do i17992056_1987154881505693_3692614049660746477_ns not the most strenuous, its simply watching football and ensuring there are no disruptions from parents, coaches, players, report injuries, and work with the referees. Getting paid to watch football, I can’t complain!

Spring has surely sprung here in the Midwest. Some very warm days, and especially for Easter Weekend. I was able to celebrate Easter with some extended family with a nice home cooked meal and good company, and then I celebrated a second time with our coach and the lads from the apartment. It certainly made for a lovely weekend.


April 3rd – 9th: Hamden, Wheaton

My week started with me finishing off a wonderful visit back to Quinnipiac University, Hamden CT visiting friends, coaches, and professors. I had a lovely breakfast with a close friend of mine that I travelled to South Africa with in January, 2015. I was then able to catch up with my old strength and conditioning coach to go over some new workout material to help with my continued development physically. My coach then ran me through many of the exercises and I will now continue to implement these exercises in my training. Although this was a trip to enjoy friends and all, I was still able to focus a certain period of time on my future goal. My afternoon was filled with more visits to two different professors who heavily influenced my educational experience at Quinnipiac. I also visited faculty members that I worked with on different extra curricular activities during my time. This rounded out a fantastic visit that was much needed but also just showed the importance of staying connected with important people in your life. As life goes on, the connections you have and the connections you make can continue to influence the direction of your life, and as I have learned, it is very important to stay connected positively.

IMG_5670Tuesday, I was straight back into training, and the intensity has risen into a new gear. Throughout the week the sessions were tough, and I have embraced that as I know it will only get me to a better place than where I am currently. Through my experiences over the past 10 months, I’ve continued to embrace the grind knowing that it will all be worth it in the end, and that is what keeps me going. It is a mentality that I have developed, through rejection and disappointment, but my drive and grit allow me to continue. Simply put, my mentality is to chase my dreams, something that so many young people fail to do and just opt for safety and comfort.


There are various aspects of chasing a dream, and I hope that one day I can lay out every step that I took in my journey. Another piece of my current puzzle is work. Work for me not only fills time when I am not training, but it also allows me to make money to cover my living costs during this period. I have never been one to sit around all day, so it is great to now have work most afternoons or evenings during the week. It simply just adds to the experience.

IMG_5671By Sunday, I was able to relax a little bit and enjoy the great spring weather that the greater Chicago Area is treating us with. We headed into Naperville to watch some academy games of u18s and u16s. It has happened to me a few times where I am always the one playing football, that I never really get to go and watch a live game of young players, so it was nice. As I mentioned earlier, connections are something that are very important to my opportunities in life, and today was no different. Nearly 6 years on from when I attended a camp at Northwestern University as I was looking at colleges for scholarships, I ran into Neil Jones, who at the time was an assistant coach at Northwestern, and who is originally from New Zealand. He is currently the head coach of Loyola Men’s Soccer team, just outside Chicago, and he was scouting the academy games for players for his team. We had a good catch up about all that had gone on in my career in the last 6 odd years and as always, it was just lovely to have another Kiwi around! You never know who you’ll bump into, so it’s always best to leave a good impression on people so that down the line when you may reconnect or bump into them, they are willing to help!

And for those who have kept up with the blog well, you may have remembered that Sunday was my long run day. Well that has been thrown out the window as it has become inappropriate training for my current situation as I look to improve my speed, agility, and more specifically my fast twitch muscles. These longs runs weren’t exactly detrimental, but there were much better uses of my time that could be a lot more beneficial to my body and purpose. And with this in mind, although very late, I headed out to the local park at 9pm to do a sprint training session. It’s never too late, and the question that I ask myself is, “how much do you want it?”.



March 27th – April 2nd: Wheaton – Hamden

IMG_5630.PNGA very eventful and productive week began in Wheaton. The regular training routine along with coaching kept us busy. On Tuesday we had to drop James off in Chicago so Jacob and I took that as an opportunity to explore Chicago a little bit. It was good to take advantage of any opportunity we get to see the city and spend time there, and we did just thIMG_5631.PNGat. Walking a nice loop, up the main street before heading across to the Bean and walking back down along the lakeside. We got to see a fair few things, but always more to see on another visit, hopefully when the weather gets warmer! Wednesday morning, we didn’t have a morning session and so we took advantage of the time to pick up another bunk bed frame from storage and build if for the apartment. The bedroom now has two full bunk beds in it, and looks complete, and surprisingly, not too crowded as many would expect.

IMG_5632.PNGOn Saturday morning, I boarded a flight to Hartford, CT to visit all my friends back at Quinnipiac. I had a very busy schedule to ensure that I caught up with all the important ones I needed to, and of course there were many little surprises in there seeing people I didn’t expect to see, which made it all the more special. It wouldn’t be a visit to Quinnipiac without me attending athletic events and supporting fellow Bobcats. On Sunday morning, the weather was just like the lovely spring days I was used to and so I made the most of it by hiking up Sleeping Giant Mountain with a friend. It was just wonderful. The afternoon was once again filled with catching up with friends. When I think about it, it had been 6 months since I was last at Quinnipiac, and a lot has gone on since then, so I had to tell my story a fair few times to get everyone caught up. My voice took a toll but thats the way it is. It sure was well worth it. The feeling of knowing so many people care about where I am and what I am doing is so great, and along with that, they are also very supportive and admire me chasing my dreams.