Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the sand, one minute they are there, the next minute they are gone.

No matter what the surface layer shows, the footprint that you left is still there, just unseen below the surface.

In life, people of all ages, and backgrounds, come and go. Each moment of human interaction has the ability to be a footprint in the sand.

Whether a single, short interaction, or longer lasting relationship, each of these experiences have the potential to leave an imprint on you. No matter what the moment was, below the surface, conscious or unconscious, a part of that moment will stay with you forever.

Over time, these footprints wash to the surface. All just very fleetingly from those moments, you might feel the emotion again, refelct on the knowledge gained or remember the connection you built.

What is exciting about this, is what type of footprint you can have on others, friends or strangers.

What type of moments can you share with others, to leave a footprint in their sand to one day wash to the surface and have an impact on their life. 

Walk your own path, leave your own footprints and be present and aware of the footprints being left on you.

See Life Through Different Lenses

Each and every individual in this world views life from their perspective, from their personal lens. Your family, friends, colleagues, teammates, classmates, they all view the world in a different way to you. Individual perspectives and opinions create diversity and without this diversity, our world would be one sided and boring. No this isn’t about conflict, this is about each individual having something to believe in, something to live for through what they see. This is about people taking a step back before making judgement and looking at someones situation from a different lens to your own; perspective taking. It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for a second and allowing them to be them, and believe in what they believe.

This isn’t easy. It is often difficult and frustrating as differing opinions can create conflict or difference, but with a little empathy, we all have the ability to step back and just respect what others see and let them embrace their perspective. With this empathetic understanding of others opinions, we will still have our diverse world with individual perspectives, however embracing this difference instead of creating conflict will lead to a more peaceful world.

Personally, I would say I am a strong minded person, and I have my opinions about things in this world. But I know that others are also strong minded and they also have opinions about things that may be very different to mine. We all need to realize that this is what makes life unique and interesting, that we can all believe different things, but still get along. We don’t have to agree on something, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to get along. Embrace others for who they are, and what they believe in, even if it is different to yours. Your friendships and relationships with people will be forever richer because of it.