Day 29 – Derry City FC

Today was game day, so I got to sleep in a little bit after the intense training week had caught up on me. It was a casual day at the house where I did get a few things done. I sent thank yous to all those who wished me a happy birthday, which started a few more conversations with friends. I also finally decided to unpack my suitcase a kind of organize my room. Although I still don’t know how long I will be occupying this room, I thought it was about time to be a little more organized and stop living out of a suitcase. There is now a fair bit more space in the room which is nice!

IMG_2541It also turned into a very special and exciting day for my girlfriend Shannon who is now a registered nurse after she passed her boards. She has a job lined up at Yale New Haven Hospital that she will begin in late July, which is very exciting. I also managed, with the help of a few people, to get flowers and a card delivered to her to make the day even more special. For all that could have gone wrong, it was a complete success!

Like all other game days, I headed in early. This time it was Harry who was out recovering/keeping fit that I worked out with. We got a very good intense 45min session in with a variety of drills, ball skills, ball movement, passing etc. Pearce, the strength and conditioning coach had also set aside a few exercises for us that worked on speed and agility. I finished with a few long runs. Oh and did I forget to mention, it rained again during the session. No pre game training session for me has occurred without rain I don’t think. We got showered up and dried off and then it was game time. cb9a8d82-8fb6-4d30-9778-d4fd7249050a


It was a game that Derry should have always won and dominated, and they did just that. Scoring a penalty in the first half to lead 1-0 and then just before the half, a Longford player got his second yellow card and was subsequently sent off. Not too much of half time talk other than be more clinical. And in the second half they were. The game ended 4-0, and puts Derry back on track.


Day 28 – Derry City FC

It was just another day in the books today, with the routine continuing to tick over. Same routine, with an extended scouting video session to make sure the team was ready for the game tomorrow.

After warming up and playing a few 8v2 circle games we went into 11v11. Kenny named his likely 11 for tomorrows game, and then named another 11 to line up how Longford was likely to lineup. I was in the Longford line up, playing with 3 center backs and 2 wing backs. Unusual for me having only ever played with 2 center backs and a back 4. However the point of the exercise was for the team playing tomorrow to work through how they will play and understand the movement that needs to be made to be effective against the team. Safe to say they were frustrated, however it was a productive exercise, and it was also the first real opportunity I got to see the Manager, Kenny truly step in a speak tactically and offering technical and tactical guidance. I was just glad to be taking part in that part of training instead of being off with the younger boys playing 4v4, and I made sure that although I was there to mimic Longford’s shape and style, I still did what I can as a defender to continue to prove myself and my ability.

My delicious dutch desert

After training 5 of us headed back down to the waterfront where the markets were still there and boats still moored. We each found different places to get lunch from the markets. I got a delicious Spanish paella and some french creamy potatoes with bacon bits. Not a bad lunch, but most impressively topped off with a plate of Dutch pancakes with Nutella and strawberry jam. I hope Dad wasn’t too jealous! We wandered the whole waterfront and back to a little coffee shop where we got coffee and tea, before we finally headed home.

A casual evening at the house, keeping track of various Europa League qualifying games in which teams from the Irish leagues were playing in.


Day 27 – Derry City FC

Today was my birthday, however no one at Derry City FC knew, not even my flatmates. It isn’t something that I publicly announce, nor need a big deal made of it. So long as I am happy and healthy on my birthday, I deem it successful.

Also, it was just another day of training really. Long morning session, quick lunch, then a good gym session and we were done for the day. Training was decent but nothing to new or difficult. Some good passing drills to continue to focus on the little things, and then the same old possession grids. As reported earlier, there was a possibility of me going to another team until January, however that team has already signed a center back. So the manager has to look at things again and said he would reach out to another team and see whether there is an opportunity there. So the bumpy road continues, but Ill just keep training and hope that something comes my way soon.


My afternoon was spent responding to birthday wishes, before we went grocery shopping and I treated myself to buying New Zealand Lamb, which I cooked for dinner tonight. Very nice!! Stocked up on groceries for the next 5 odd days or so, seeing as I don’t think I’m going anywhere anytime soon.

And finally, here are the highlights from the recent 5-0 loss to Dundalk:




Day 26 – Day Off

Today was another lazy day on our day off. All starts with a good sleep in, especially after the intense sessions we had yesterday.

I finally decided today to iMessage as many people as I could in my contacts list with my new UK number. I had yet to inform many of my friends of my new number so, I took the opportunity of a day off to do so. It took about an hour to first just text all those in my contacts. This then created numerous conversations which took another 2-3 hours of responding to. So it was a day of catching up with many friends, some asking why I was in Ireland, others checking in to see how I was doing, and others just thankful they heard from me. A successful exercise if you ask me.

Surprisingly enough, there were segments of time where the sun shined for more than 5min and I happily sat outside in the sun to start reading my new book, The Alchemist. Unfortunately these moments in the sun are tough to come by and so that may hinder my book reading!

I made a very yummy pasta dinner, watched a movie and called it a day!


Day 25 – Derry City FC

Irish_flag_english_flag_map_styleToday was also the start of my fourth week here in Ireland (specifically Northern Ireland), and the time has really flown by to be honest. Like all Monday’s, it was back into routine today. Arrive, foam roll, stretch, mobility. 30min technical scouting of Longford, who Derry play this Friday, and then finally out onto the field. A grueling 100min session, with many similar exercises and drills, however we finally did some structured passing drills which was good because it allowed me to focus on specific aspect of my game; controlling my first touch into a place for me to make the next pass effectively, keeping my head up when the ball is traveling to me to survey options, and most importantly, passing the ball to the receivers correct foot to allow them to take their touch effectively. Then a fitness component was added to it which challenged mental capacity and concentration to still effectively and efficiently pass the ball. All good stuff to better my game. And of course we finished with 8v8 to goal with players on the outside.

A quick shower and then I spoke to the manager briefly to try and get more of an understanding of my situation with the team that he has been speaking to about me. Not much progress there, but hopefully some movement in the next few days as this team plays a friendly next Saturday and I would love to get my feet in the door with this team if it is where I am going to end up! We shall see.

Foyle Gym
Foyle Arena Gym

We grabbed some lunch and then headed off to the gym. The gym session was a good challenge and the program is continuing to focus on specific muscles and movements the body does or requires in football, so its all really important work and I do feel stronger because of it.

Home finally for the afternoon around 3.30pm. Surprisingly enough the sun was trying to stay out longer than a few minutes, so I took the opportunity to read my book outside in the sun. Well, it was in and out for about 15-20min, before it began to rain and that was the end of that.


Day 24 – Derry City FC

After a fun night celebrating Aaron’s birthday, the coach had made a wise decision to push back yoga until 12 instead of 10am. The session was very good and I could certainly feel it in the body, but it was a good pain. It was then time for ice baths, and although I didn’t even play on Friday I put my legs in for 5 minutes. dinner

Finally we were on our way home. A productive afternoon at home, followed by a fantastic dinner created by myself, and then ending with the Euro final. Not the most entertaining game to watch, but still a great spectacle to end a great tournament. Now that it’s over, what am I going to do with myself?! euro_2016_logo_detail


Day 22 – Derry City FC

Nothing too exciting to report today other than being bogged down by a cold. However I was able to enjoy the Men’s semi finals at Wimbledon before I headed into the Brandywell as the first team was playing another friendly. I wasn’t involved this time as it was most their starting line up and regular bench in the squad. However I went along, chatted in the changing sheds with staff and players and then watched the game with a few of the injured players. It wasn’t the greatest of games and Derry should have dominated a lot more than they did. At the end of the day it was 90min for many of the lads, and they won 2-0.


Day 21 – Derry City FC

Another regular morning for Derry City. Arrived around 8.45am and soon headed over for foam roll, stretch and mobility. Surprisingly enough after playing my first full 90min in nearly a month my legs weren’t too heavy or sore at all. If I did have any niggles or soreness from the night before, the foam rolling certainly helped to work that out of the body.

Morning Window View
Training Ground

Training was expect to be recovery for some of us who had played considerable minutes the night before, however it wasn’t that way. A regular warm up, then some 4v2 and 5v2 possession grids to focus on sharpness and concentration. From here we were split into 3 teams to play 7v7 to go, with 7 players around the outside. It is always the restrictions that challenge the players in these games. It was 2 touch on the inside with a one touch finish, and for the players spread around the outside, they only had one touch. So it really works the mind and execution is crucial, especially when playing to the outside players to allow them to even be able to play a ball first time effectively. The games are always competitive which creates a good training environment. We cooled down, and that was training done for another day. The squad was named who play in the friendly on Friday, however I wasn’t included, because it is their regular first team players.

After training the manager asked if I could speak with him, so once I got showered I headed up to his office. He was very open and honest to me about the situation. He gave very positive feedback from my performance in the game last night, but also in the development I have made even in the short three weeks that I have been here. Although this was positive, the manager is in a situation where he doesn’t want to sign a player who is unlikely to get consistent and regular game time. So his recommendation is that I sign with a Northern Ireland Premier League team, in which I should get consistent game time, and I would be able to be monitored by Derry staff during my time at that team. His intentions with this are so that I gain experience at this level by playing consistently, and then he would hopefully bring me back to Derry City in January at the beginning of their preseason. No specific details have been confirmed just yet however in the coming days I shall have more information regarding this opportunity.

Visit Seattle boat as it arrived into Derry

Five of us then headed out for lunch and then a walk along the waterfront where a few of the boats from Clipper Round the World were on the river. Clipper Round the World is one of the “biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other. With no previous sailing experience necessary, it’s a record breaking 40,000 nautical mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht.” Across the weekend there will be more boats, venders and market type food venders along the waterfront, with only a few their today. I may visit it on the weekend also. After our walk we then headed back to the bowling alley where we played another 2 games of bowling. This time I redeemed myself from my previously poor performance, placing 2nd in both games. Eventually we headed for home.

Day 20 – Derry City FC

Derry_City_FC_logoWell the big day has finally arrived. Well maybe not that big, but an important day nonetheless. I made sure that I was well fed and hydrated throughout the day before our friendly game. I spent the day watching some great tennis matches and just relaxing.

Wardy and I headed into the ground at 5.45pm. The manager spoke to us about what he expected from the game, gave the sides that would be playing each half and then we went out and warmed up. A few first team regulars were playing so they could get some game time, and one of them was Wardy, another was captain and fellow center back, Ryan McBride. It was good to play next to him because he sets the standard really. The warm up went well, of course a few nerves, but at the end of the day, football is football and I just had to go out and play my natural game.

The first half was fairly quiet, as we kept most of the possession, but just couldn’t find that crucial final pass. I was getting used to a different type of shape in the backline, and adjusting to how the players around me play, but also how the opposition was playing. Midway through the first half we won a corner, and the big boys went up. The ball was played over the far post where I was to head it back across the goal, where Ryan was to finish it off. We went into half time 1-0 up. A short half time with no talk really. The new players that were coming on got their instructions and we went back out. About 4 players stayed on from the first half team. The second half ran the same course of the first, however it took some time for the new players to settle into the same rhythm. I also had a new center back partner, Scott, and a new left back, Gareth. So once again I was having to adapt to them and continue playing. We kept possession fairly well once again and I continued in my solid play. Only one really miscued pass, but other than that, very consistent. We scored again in the first 10min of the second half. I played a long ball to the left winger who had come off his wing and he flicked it on for the striker to finish past the goalkeeper. And then another 15min later we scored again. This time I had the ball just inside my own half on the left hand side, played a switch ball across to the right side where the right back got in behind their left back, took a touch and finished. It was a very well struck ball, and it got many comments from the lads and staff congratulating me. So although, my position is about stopping goals predominantly, which we also did today, I had a foot in all three goals we scored which was a nice feeling. IMG_4555

All in all, I was happy with my game, how I played, and confident in my performance. Yes, I’m not perfect, so their was a mishap here or there and a bit of lack of execution, but the more I settle and play at this level, the better it will be for my game. Time for a shower and a quick watch of the semi final between Wales and Portugal before we headed home for the night.

Day 18 – Derry City FC

First of all, Happy Fourth of July to all my American friends. I was fortunate enough to celebrate this holiday for the last 3 summers, and these celebrations are still great memories 🙂

Today marked the beginning of a very important week for me. This week is an added week with Derry, and I will be playing in at least one friendly if not two friendlies this week. My performance in those games will be very defining in the decision the manager will eventually make. So it is important for me to have another good week in training.

The session started like all others did, foam roll, mobility, and stretching. From here, we split off, with the 18 involved in the game went and did analysis from the game and the performance, while the other 8 of us went and put our boots on and went onto the field. We warmed up with Pearce and then did some plyometric work, then went into a 4v4 game, before Donal arrived from the other groups meeting and ran a passing drill for us. Our group then had to wait around for the other group to do the warm up, plyos and passing drill, before we all joined together to play 2 touch possession for what seemed like forever. When we thought we were finally done, we did more. The final segment of training was three different stations, 5v5 to goal, 4v4 possession, and 3 different types of running exercises. This was the longest session since I have been here and most likely the hardest too. The possession grids became difficult with fatigue and the wet conditions, but it was a challenge mentally too as some of the players got on my back with decision making, but I just kept on going. Finally we were done after being on the field for 2.30hrs.

We showered and then went and grabbed a bit of lunch, before we were back and took a big photo with 250 kids who were doing a summer holiday program. It was a loud few minutes with kids screaming like they do, but then we were out of there and off to the gym. The gym session went well, but just like training, when we thought we were done, there was more. 2 4min extra sets of various exercises. Oh joy!

IMG_4560Finally we were done, with the body barely hanging on, and thankfully a day off tomorrow. And during our gym session, the manager came in and gave the list of the team for the Wednesday friendly against Limavady. I will be playing in that game, along with a mixture of older and younger players. It will be a good opportunity to finally play and hopefully show what I can do on the game field, and give him a more developed picture of who I as a player.

Home for the afternoon to relax, watch a bit of tennis, and rest up!