April 24th – 30th: Wheaton

Just like that, another week has passed. On Monday I was kindly reminded by Facebook that 5 years ago to the date (April 24th) I committed to Quinnipiac University. What a decision that turned out to be. All the learning, experiences, people, opportunities and so much more came from a decision made fairly blindly. All I know is that someone was looking out for me that day. And here I am 5 years later, heading down a path never imaginable before I even knew where or who Quinnipiac University was.

My week followed a similar flow to the rest of April. The continued training has been great, and although I had a few knocks and niggles this past week, I have still been training well and developing the new habits to become instinctual in my general play. As the time goes on, the tests are slowly approaching as I will hope to soon be outside but also playing a few preparation games prior to the trip in July. Playing in games will be a true test of my development from the last few months.

I worked my regular work schedule throughout the week and then on Saturday Jake and I were asked to help out field marshaling at a tournament that was run by Sockers FC. Bridges relationship with Sockers is pretty strong with both our coaches also coaching for the club, and we use their facilities to train at, so it was only right we were able to help out. We were given time to go home after we coached and before we began working to eat and gather as much wet weather gear we had and anything warm we had. Out came both of our suitcases as we dug deep for gloves, hats, rain jackets, the works. It was windy with driving rain and an air temperature of just above freezing. IMG_5828Not the ideal conditions to be wandering fields and watching games, but we stuck it out. Around 7.30pm a massive thunder clap and lightning strike hit within probably a mile of the fields and so that was the message to send everyone packing. However we stuck around, huddled around a gas fire under a big tent as we began to organize and then call each and every team with their updated schedule for the next days play. It was certainly an experience and I am just thankful to still have my toes and fingers attached.

By Saturday night I was exhausted and so a full day of rest on Sunday was much needed. The weather played into our lazy mood around the apartment and hopefully we are well rested for another big week of training and work.

April 17th – 23rd: Wheaton

IMG_5785The weeks seem to be flying by at this rate. And just like that, another one has been completed here in Wheaton. It was a week that showed how quickly things can change in the world of football. By Saturday, three of the lads in the apartment had all left for various footballing opportunities. It is great for them to be receiving opportunities to go train/trial/play for various teams around the world. But this has made for a bit of an empty apartment, however I am not complaining at all. I’m quite enjoying the simplicity of only having 2 others around and to schedule with.

Individually for me, this week was another important one for my personal development. Focusing a lot on body position and footwork while defending. Small adjustments have been making all the difference, but it is making these adjustments into habits and getting rid of my old habits. So a continued work in progress for sure!

I continued to work many hours this week which keeps me busy but also helIMG_5786ps the bank account. And this week I began coaching a 14yr old football player. He is a great kid with the desire to improve and develop, but it is his willingness to learn that will help him most in the long run, whether in football or life. So the two hours a week I spend coaching him will be memorable ones for me as I am able to share my knowledge and life experience with him as I look to develop him into a better player and person.

The weather has continually warmed up with some very summer-like days but also some pretty fresh nights too. Its just nice to have trees flowering different colors and the grass looking greener, and of course the sun shining is wonderful for the soul. Onward to another week!

April 10th – 16th: Wheaton

It has certainly been a trying week for me. A week that reminds me the difficulty of perseverance, and tests me on how much I want it. It is not only all the training that I am doing, it is everything else that I am doing and going through to make this opportunity work. But these are the weeks that define the experience and I know that in the long run, I will look back and know that all the struggles, all the uncomfortable situations have been worth it, in one way or another.

This week of training was one of the better ones individually from a development perspective. Working on defensive aspects of my game that I had been struggling with, and we made a couple adjustments and it made all the difference, so that was very pleasing. I was also able to continue to do my extra speed and explosive work in between sessions. Now I’m really just looking forward to the day we get to head outside to train or play a game. That will really be the true test.

Outside of specifically football, I had a full on work week, working every evening this week. This is a sacrifice I have to make in order to cover the expenses currently and in the future, and for me, its also very nice to not be camped up in the apartment for long periods of time. And the work I do i17992056_1987154881505693_3692614049660746477_ns not the most strenuous, its simply watching football and ensuring there are no disruptions from parents, coaches, players, report injuries, and work with the referees. Getting paid to watch football, I can’t complain!

Spring has surely sprung here in the Midwest. Some very warm days, and especially for Easter Weekend. I was able to celebrate Easter with some extended family with a nice home cooked meal and good company, and then I celebrated a second time with our coach and the lads from the apartment. It certainly made for a lovely weekend.


April 3rd – 9th: Hamden, Wheaton

My week started with me finishing off a wonderful visit back to Quinnipiac University, Hamden CT visiting friends, coaches, and professors. I had a lovely breakfast with a close friend of mine that I travelled to South Africa with in January, 2015. I was then able to catch up with my old strength and conditioning coach to go over some new workout material to help with my continued development physically. My coach then ran me through many of the exercises and I will now continue to implement these exercises in my training. Although this was a trip to enjoy friends and all, I was still able to focus a certain period of time on my future goal. My afternoon was filled with more visits to two different professors who heavily influenced my educational experience at Quinnipiac. I also visited faculty members that I worked with on different extra curricular activities during my time. This rounded out a fantastic visit that was much needed but also just showed the importance of staying connected with important people in your life. As life goes on, the connections you have and the connections you make can continue to influence the direction of your life, and as I have learned, it is very important to stay connected positively.

IMG_5670Tuesday, I was straight back into training, and the intensity has risen into a new gear. Throughout the week the sessions were tough, and I have embraced that as I know it will only get me to a better place than where I am currently. Through my experiences over the past 10 months, I’ve continued to embrace the grind knowing that it will all be worth it in the end, and that is what keeps me going. It is a mentality that I have developed, through rejection and disappointment, but my drive and grit allow me to continue. Simply put, my mentality is to chase my dreams, something that so many young people fail to do and just opt for safety and comfort.


There are various aspects of chasing a dream, and I hope that one day I can lay out every step that I took in my journey. Another piece of my current puzzle is work. Work for me not only fills time when I am not training, but it also allows me to make money to cover my living costs during this period. I have never been one to sit around all day, so it is great to now have work most afternoons or evenings during the week. It simply just adds to the experience.

IMG_5671By Sunday, I was able to relax a little bit and enjoy the great spring weather that the greater Chicago Area is treating us with. We headed into Naperville to watch some academy games of u18s and u16s. It has happened to me a few times where I am always the one playing football, that I never really get to go and watch a live game of young players, so it was nice. As I mentioned earlier, connections are something that are very important to my opportunities in life, and today was no different. Nearly 6 years on from when I attended a camp at Northwestern University as I was looking at colleges for scholarships, I ran into Neil Jones, who at the time was an assistant coach at Northwestern, and who is originally from New Zealand. He is currently the head coach of Loyola Men’s Soccer team, just outside Chicago, and he was scouting the academy games for players for his team. We had a good catch up about all that had gone on in my career in the last 6 odd years and as always, it was just lovely to have another Kiwi around! You never know who you’ll bump into, so it’s always best to leave a good impression on people so that down the line when you may reconnect or bump into them, they are willing to help!

And for those who have kept up with the blog well, you may have remembered that Sunday was my long run day. Well that has been thrown out the window as it has become inappropriate training for my current situation as I look to improve my speed, agility, and more specifically my fast twitch muscles. These longs runs weren’t exactly detrimental, but there were much better uses of my time that could be a lot more beneficial to my body and purpose. And with this in mind, although very late, I headed out to the local park at 9pm to do a sprint training session. It’s never too late, and the question that I ask myself is, “how much do you want it?”.



March 27th – April 2nd: Wheaton – Hamden

IMG_5630.PNGA very eventful and productive week began in Wheaton. The regular training routine along with coaching kept us busy. On Tuesday we had to drop James off in Chicago so Jacob and I took that as an opportunity to explore Chicago a little bit. It was good to take advantage of any opportunity we get to see the city and spend time there, and we did just thIMG_5631.PNGat. Walking a nice loop, up the main street before heading across to the Bean and walking back down along the lakeside. We got to see a fair few things, but always more to see on another visit, hopefully when the weather gets warmer! Wednesday morning, we didn’t have a morning session and so we took advantage of the time to pick up another bunk bed frame from storage and build if for the apartment. The bedroom now has two full bunk beds in it, and looks complete, and surprisingly, not too crowded as many would expect.

IMG_5632.PNGOn Saturday morning, I boarded a flight to Hartford, CT to visit all my friends back at Quinnipiac. I had a very busy schedule to ensure that I caught up with all the important ones I needed to, and of course there were many little surprises in there seeing people I didn’t expect to see, which made it all the more special. It wouldn’t be a visit to Quinnipiac without me attending athletic events and supporting fellow Bobcats. On Sunday morning, the weather was just like the lovely spring days I was used to and so I made the most of it by hiking up Sleeping Giant Mountain with a friend. It was just wonderful. The afternoon was once again filled with catching up with friends. When I think about it, it had been 6 months since I was last at Quinnipiac, and a lot has gone on since then, so I had to tell my story a fair few times to get everyone caught up. My voice took a toll but thats the way it is. It sure was well worth it. The feeling of knowing so many people care about where I am and what I am doing is so great, and along with that, they are also very supportive and admire me chasing my dreams.




March 20th – 26th: Wheaton

Another week gone here in Wheaton. Training has been a rocky road this week with a few niggling injuries popping up. Still able to be productive in various ways. My coaching job has also settled into rhythm which is nice, just still waiting on my first paycheck.

This week, a former team mate of mine from New Zealand joined us in the apartment and training with Bridges. Its been great having a familiar face around and a lot of catching up to do after 5 years since we last played together.

March madness finally IMG_5584meant something to me for once being a Quinnipiac alum. Our Women’s Basketball team took the whole Quinnipiac Community on a great ride all the way to the Sweet 16. It was an incredible and inspiring journey they went on, and I was happy to go along for the ride. They have certainly put Quinnipiac on the map! Unfortunately the journey ended in the Sweet 16, but the standard has now been set and I’m sure it wont be too long until they get there again!

My weekend was filled with Family. My cousin Jeremy was in Chicago visiting his girlfriend and I was lucky enough to head along to dinner with them on Saturday evening. And Sunday afternoon I had lunch with Mum’s cousin and her husband. It was great to see familiar faces and escape from the apartment for awhile. That is just the beginning of my family visits hopefully!

March 13th – March 19th: Wheaton, IL

IMG_5577I am certainly now settled in Wheaton, Illinois. My second week here has passed and I have begun to find a bit of a rhythm. I am more comfortable and more focused on the task ahead of me. After having a couple conversations with the assistant coach this week, I have a clearer picture of a few areas of my game that I really need to focus on. I put extra time into these areas before training, during training and also in the gym back at the apartment. As previously stated, I will get out of this experience what I put into it, and I have full control of my effort. So I am making sure I put in the work required, and more, to build a strong platform for future opportunities that I hope will arise.

Thankfully, Bridges has assisted in finding me some work through the connections and relationships they have with the local training facility. So I began coaching this week, and in a few weeks will hopefully pick up another job related to soccer too. This will certainly help to keep me busy, but also cover my costs of putting food on the table for myself. Once again, I have found myself never too far away from friends, as a former classmate and fellow student athlete from Quinnipiac lives not too far from Wheaton. We were able to catch up one evening which was great. On Saturday evening, myself and three of the other guys enjoyed a nice evening at a nice restaurant/bar. Good food, good company, and lots of sports on TV, especially with March Madness. IMG_5578

Sunday rolled around and it dawned a lovely day. Blue skies, and warm sun, so perfect for me to get back into my Sunday run routine. I was able to explore the streets fairly nearby, however I took a wrong turn from my planned route. It was well worth it either way. I returned and did a few extra exercises in the gym and spent some time out on the deck in the lovely weather. Sadly, my Sunday took a devastating turn. As many of you may know, I spent 2 months training full time with Derry City FC in June and July of 2016. During that time, I got to know all the players and staff, and some of the die hard fans. Today, I was once again reminded of how fragile life can be. Club Captain, Ryan McBride had passed away in his home in Derry, less than 24hrs after leading Derry to a 4-0 victory. During my two months at DCFC he was someone who I looked up to, for his leadership, professionalism, and his passion. He wore his heart on his sleeve, he held everyone to high expectations, and he brought the best out of players. I have very positive memories to look back on when I reflect on my time spent with DCFC and Ryan. I feel for all the boys there currently going through this tough time, but I know that the culture that has been developed at the club, largely thanks to Ryan, will strengthen them and pull them through this difficult time. Life is fragile, embrace opportunities when they come, and let people impact you for the better. Forever thankful for my time at Derry City FC and to know such an incredible man. 17265043_10155812158973906_4455712874586712649_n



March 6th – 12th: Philadelphia – Chicago

IMG_5566Well this week has involved a massive step or progression in my development towards my goal of becoming a professional. On Monday I flew to Chicago where I was picked up by two future team mates. I have linked up with an organization called Bridges FC. The name speaks for itself really. Their aim is to help players build the bridges required to become professional players. Firstly they give players a full time training environment where one can develop their game and learn from experienced coaches. If the players are of a certain quality, they’re given opportunity to trial with various levels of professional and semi professional teams. And if a player is willing and able, they are given the opportunity to travel with the team to Europe for a tour where 8 odd games are played against professional teams across Scandinavia, with the intentions for these teams to offer trials or contracts to the players from Bridges. Bridges FC is also associated with Bridges Sports Management, who represent most players from Bridges that haIMG_5565.PNGve signed professionally with teams. So it is a well run organization, that is proven to be successful. But as I have already been told by the coaches, and also prior Bridges players, you will be as successful as you want to, all dependent on the work you put in leading up to the trip.

So for me, I will now be based in Wheaton, IL where I will train full time with Bridges. The training will become more focused when May comes around as the full traveling squad is established. The May-June period will be like a pre season as such as the team prepares for the trip, playing friendlies against many USL teams here in the USA, and then on July 1st the team will depart for Europe. Until May, training will mostly be inside, with a technical session for 90min in the morning and then 5v5 games for the afternoon session. The technical sessions are great to focus on areas of improvement, and then those improvements can be implemented in the games in the afternoon. The greatest thing that Bridges offers me is the willingness of the coaches to work with me and develop and progress my game, because as many know, once in the professional environment, development isn’t as important as winning. So being here in this educational environment will IMG_5564.PNGhopefully build my platform higher for when we travel to Europe and I can kick on from there. For now, the focus is not Europe. The focus is working on different areas of my game each day, and even in the first week, I have already began developing areas of my game that the coaches believe need improving and I can already see a difference.

I can say, finally I am in the perfect environment for this stage of my career, as it will truly prepare me for what is to come if/when I become a professional player. My determination to improve and willingness to learn has thankfully continued through all the ups and downs of the last 9 months. Now I can settle into a routine and really focus on improving my game.

Being in Illinois also makes me very close to many family members, which will be great to catch up and see them across the next fews months. And I have already planned a trip back to Connecticut to visit people, now that I know where I am going to be for the next few months, it makes it a lot easier to visit. Things are certainly looking brighter finally 🙂



Feb 13th – Feb 19th: Harrisburg – Philadelphia –

As I left off last week, I had just arrived in Harrisburg. The trial was over two days, indoors thankfully as temperatures were cold and it was windy. Over the course of the two days I felt like I performed very well, displaying most of the qualities in my play that I could. But once again there was a missing piece and I wasn’t invited for pre season, however I did get some valuable feedback from the head coach. On Tuesday, I took the train from Harrisburg to Philadelphia where I was met by my Aunt Anne. Anne, her partner Fred and I had a lovely meal and caught up, after only a short couple weeks since I was last in Philadelphia.


img_5503Wednesday I was able to rest and recover a little bit after the busy few days of travel and trials, and just have a bit of down time to reflect on things and really question my intentions about what I want to achieve. Thursday I went for a run along the Delaware river and it was nice to get out of the house. I also began to re make my video and edit my Football/Soccer CV in an effort to search for new opportunities, so that was taking a lot of time in my days. I had to cut through many hours of games and get clips from various games from this season and last. It was a tedious task, but it needed to be done in order for me to be seen by coaches and teams for new opportunities. This is the final product https://youtu.be/7cXtnit-HaQ

On Friday, Anne and I had a lovely dinner before we headed to the Merriam Theatre to watch a Brazilian performance of music and dance. It traced through different phases of their developing culture and reflected on the various influences that had an impact on them. It was quite the performance! On Saturday, we headed to the gym img_5504where I was able to get a good work out in, and Anne was able to continue to do her rehab and balance work. Never thought the day would come that we would go to a gym together!! In the afternoon, we headed up to Fred’s place. He was recently completed building an incredible mansion on the river north of Philadelphia. I saw it last when he was still building, so seeing it complete was quite incredible. He has yet to fully move things into it. We had a lovely meal and watched a great film, Meet Joe Black!

img_5509Sunday morning I picked up South Street Philly Bagels for breakfast, before Anne dropped me off just passed the Museum where the statue of Rocky is on the steps, and I walked along the river before I found a nice spot to read my book in the sun. The weather has been unseasonably warm, with Sundays temperature near 20 degrees celsius.

Feb 6th – Feb 12th: Myrtle Beach – Charleston – Harrisburg

IMG_5494.jpgAnother week that began in one place and ended in another. I was at Marcos’s in Myrtle Beach until Thursday. We continued to have a great time together, going for a run together, having salad nights, going bowling, and then on Wednesday, he took me to his new office as such at Coastal Carolina University. It was great to see how another University Athletic Department functions and the different facilities etc. It was a great experience and the campus is lovely, especially with the sun shining and it feeling a little more like summer. I was also able to watch a bit of the teams training, which was good. It is only Spring season so all they did was play, but even then you could see how differently the team was drilled.

On Thursday I headed down to Charleston by bus. Once again, a friend of mine img_5498organized for me to stay with her friend, and it worked out great. A couch was all I needed to rest my head at night and I was great. In the evening, Rachel, my host took her dog for a walk down on the Battery, downtown Charleston and I joined. Although it was dark, it was a lovely evening with the air crisp and the water splashing against the Battery. That was really as much of Charleston I got to see.

Friday was the first day of the trial at Charleston Battery. The Stadium was lovely, brillIMG_5499.jpgiant grass and great facilities. Over the course of the two days, I was pleased with my play and the impact I had in the games. However, I obviously wasn’t what the coaching staff were looking for and now I am waiting to receive feedback so that I know what I need to improve on to take the next step as a player. After the second day, I showered at the stadium and then headed to the airport to catch a flight to Newark. I was picked up by James Greco, another former teammate of mine from Quinnipiac University. It was great to catch up with him as we drove to his place. We spent the evening catching up, and then Sunday morning James, his Dad, and myself headed out in the freezing rain to a local high school to get the legs going and pass a ball around in preparation for the next tryout, which James was also attending. Although cold and wet, it was good to get the legs going and for me to adjust to the temperature as I was now back in the Northeast winter. Two more of our teammates from Quinnipiac met us at James’s house and we all jumped in the car and headed for Harrisburg, PA.

Monday would be the first day of the trial in Harrisburg, but it was nice to certainly be back together with some old teammates and we enjoyed ourselves for sure.