October 31st-November 6th: Falmouth, Plymouth, Truro

Well an eventful and productive week for me. I began in Falmouth and ended in Truro. We had two very good training sessions this week. Zane arrived this week so it gave me an extra person to train with which has been great and we were able to do extra work at the end of each session with Rory. I continued on my individual training also down at Falmouth Rugby club of all places. Because I hadn’t been playing games it has been very important for me to keep my fitness as close to match fitness as possible for when the opportunity came.

After training on Thursday I stayed in Plymouth with Rory and Zane, and then on Saturday morning, Rory dropped us off and we were on our way with a very long bus trip to Ebbsfleet. It was a lovely ground and a new stand is being built, so I’m sure at its completion the stadium will be even greater. I got my first start which was very exciting but it was straight into business. We played very well and I feel as though it was a very positive performance compared with previous games. We were well in the game until the last 10min and unfortunIMG_5171.jpgately lost 4-2. It was another long journey home and I made sure I stretched at each stop we made just to ensure my recovery was on track after playing my first full game in about 2 months. It was great to get going, and hopefully we can build on the performance as a team and begin to turn the results around. On Sunday, Zane and I packed up our stuff and headed to the train station to head to Truro. We were finally in the town that we would be settling, so that was a nice feeling. We got a good recovery training session in that evening and we were ready for the next week.


October 10th-16th: English Channel, Falmouth, Truro

img_5038Well my week kicked off with a crazy experience. Toby had gotten a call earlier in the morning asking if he would like to deliver a boat, via the English Channel from Falmouth to Brixham. He came and asked me and while I pondered it, he went a checked the winds. The next thing we know we are loading ourselves onto Fabienne, our home for the next 16+ hours. The wind wasn’t helping us at all so we motor-sailed the wimg_5087hole way. Because of this, it took a lot longer than expected. We passed the time by reliving many high school memories, sharing our experiences we had had in the last few years, and a nice guitar session. It certainly was a long trip, however the sunset was amazing and it was a great experience to spend with Toby. We arrived into Brixham around 4.30am. Slept from 5-6.30am and then we were picked up and headed home by car. I still had sea legs a little but I survived.

img_5069Tuesday we were recovering from the extensive trip, as we hung out at the flat and napped for a lot of the day. We headed down to the local pub to watch the England WC qualifier, however it was nothing special and we headed home at half time. I set an alarm for 12.45am so I could wake up and watch the All Whites vs USA. It was worth waking up for, but would have been even better if we had pulled off the win.

I woke up on Wednesday and headed off to the local rugby club to get my own training in, speed work and fitness were on the cards as I look to build back up to where I was when I was in the USA. Not having a routine has been difficult to keep consistency in my trainings. img_5107Later that afternoon, Toby and I also went down to the local park to kick a ball around, and even though it was all for a bit of fun, I would still focus on the little things, like first touch, and technique. Later we went out to Pendennis Point. It is a favorite spot of Toby’s and I can see why. We hung out there for a bit and just watched as the waves crashed in.

On Thursday we headed down to an oceanside restaurant and had a lovely lunch. The sun was out, but the breeze was fresh, however nothing beats the ocean side. After lunch we walked along a path that wraps around the beach and coast near the restaurant. It was a lovely little walk. Later that night I did have training and got a good session in. When I returned that night, Toby and I went on a few late night adventures to top off our time together. He found a lot of joy out of me driving a manual car, and I will say that I still am not the greatest, but I am improving that is for sure.

And then it was time for Toby to leave. He had packed his room up, and was driving up to London and dropping his rental car off there. It was sad to see him go, but it sure has been a great couple of weeks to catch up with him after a long few years out of contact. He is off on some great adventures, and hopefully soon I will truly be settling into my adventure too. I managed to get in a good individual session by myself at the rugby club and then relaxed for the rest of the day.

14681752_651669634992999_3722618352990885165_nToday was game day again, and I wasn’t sure whether I would be playing or not. I had to take the train from Falmouth to Truro, and Of course the 20min walk from the flat to the Train Station it poured with rain, so I got drenched! Oh well. Eventually got to the ground and by the time we went out to warm up, it was sunny. Strange weather but Ill take it. I was on the bench once again. And once again it was a disappointing game to watch from the sides not being able to influence it. We lost 3-0. So not the greatest few games, but onwards to the next one. I came home and watched the Quinnipiac boys beat Monmouth for the first time in I think 12 years, and QU currently sits top of the table, so it is great for them that they are doing so well. I also managed a lengthy catch up with Mum and Dad which is always nice!

Sunday dawned a nice day however clouds are looming. I went down to the shops to do some shopping before I went for an afternoon run and made a nice dinner. A casual Sunday is never a bad thing!


Follow the red dotted line…close to 90miles

Oct 3rd – 9th: Falmouth

0ce980c7-e48c-489f-8933-1fadb854a851Monday dawned a beautiful day and we were up and out early to go for a sail. Toby’s jobs have all been with sailing, either a deck hand or a first mate on many sail boats. He does his job very well and knows his stuff. So this morning he took myself, his dad Tony and his uncle Gary all out. Gary knows how to sail so at least he wasn’t alone, and I still remembered many of the sailing skills I learned in Outward Bound. We had a wonderful few hours out on the water. Once we came in, Tony drove Toby and I up to Truro, where Toby was picking up a rental car for the week. While we were there, we went for a little tiki tour around Truro and stopped by at the Football Club. While we were at the club, I called the Secretary to see if he was in but he wasn’t. However, he had great news for me. All my papers had come back, including my reacquisition to amateur status. So now I just have to sign the contract with the club and Ill be away. That was an incredible feeling as it has been a journey and at times I thought that moment may not come! And it was nice to share the jubilation with a friend too. Toby and I then drove back to Falmouth and he took me on a tiki tour of Falmouth. Seeing lots of the town and the0fc0f287-0318-479b-ae08-bf04ad7354d9 surrounding areas. Many lookouts across the water, which was just wonderful. All I need is some ocean and blue sky and I am happy.
We returned to the apartment and changed and then went and kicked a football around which was fun! We haven’t done that together in at least 6 years.

Tuesday was a good day, although windy. I attempted to read my book on the pier but the wind chill and my dress appearance was not suitable to allow me to not freeze. I managed to keep busy though, and fortunately, Toby has a guitar with him, so I was able to pick that up and play it for awhile. Always a nice hobby to have, just need to get my own guitar someday! Today was the day I also met up with the Clubs secretary and we sorted out all my paperwork. Everything was explained and everything was completed in the appropriate way so that my visa is not impacted. It was such a relief to finally get it all sorted and now I can focus on training and hopefully playing. In the evening I had training, but I had a journey to get there. Training is up near Plymouth, so Toby drove me from Falmouth to Truro, about 15min. I was then picked up by Debba, the Goal Keeper coach. We then drove another 20min to meet up with the Physio. And then it was another 60min to Plymouth. All for 1hr of team training. It has got to be done I guess. Training was good and competitive and there was just a refreshed mentality from the lads, I’m sure because there is a game this weekend. And then the same long journey home. I got home around 11.30pm, and made sure to eat and refuel before bed.

IMG_4969.jpgWednesday was another good day. I dressed appropriately to go read on the pier and had a nice time out there, also just observing the surroundings and the boats that would come and go. Toby and I went and had another kick around in a local park which was nice. I have still been able to get my extra training in but just having Toby allows me to do some other things. That evening I have a few phone interviews regarding my signing, one for Truro City FC and one for The Nelson Mail. Toby and I then went to meet up with a friend of his and we had a good laugh. We got burritos for dinner and then I returned home to catch the second half of the Quinnipiac game. The boys won 4-0 which was a big statement, and hopefully their success continues.

Thursday was a casual day for me up until it was time for training. Due to the Physio and Goal Keeper coach not going to training on Thursday, I was left to my own devices really. Toby drove me to Truro, where I caught the train up to Plymouth. I took a train to arrive well before training to allow me to get a few things done in Plymouth. I met Carly, Rory’s wife as she had some important mail for me regarding my visa. It was nice to see her and have a brief catch up. Then I headed to the library and did a bit of printing and just hung out there to keep busy before Ryan Brett would pick me up and head to training. We went to training and had a decent session. Then Ryan dropped me back at the train station, and my journey back begun. My train was at 10.42pm arriving into Truro at 12.04am. Toby had kindly offered to pick me back up from Truro when I arrived, however he fell asleep. A few phone calls later, he woke up. All in good fun, we made it back to Falmouth and I was asleep by 1.30. For the people that think I have made it and that I am living the dream, far from it. But these are the hard yards I need to put in for the outcome to be positive down the track.

f9a74b57-fd5f-4619-8575-0b974bb51855On Friday we woke up and went on an adventure. We headed down the coast through many small seaside towns and down very narrow roads and ended up at Lizard Point. We wandered along the coastal track on the cliffs above the water and took in the view. It was lovely and the coastline is a nice change. There was a life boat station there and so it was cool to see that and read about what they do and see photos of the life boat and its entry into the water from the shed. e8b17605-686a-4c0e-9196-9483517ba50bWe then stopped off at what is considered to be a famous pasty shop, Anns Pasties, and I had my first Pasty. It was very nice and didn’t disappoint. For those wondering what it is, it is a pastry folded like a calzone and inside the one I got, it had steak, potatoes, leak and onions. We ate them in a park looking across to the ocean and then we went and sat on swings and had some childhood fun while we reminisced on high school and all the kiwi traditions that we have done in our travels. We then hit the road and stopped at a local Cider shop that also had all sorts of arts and crafts and things. We got a very educational tasting experience on the local Ciders. Some were good, and some were very different, but it was interesting to learn about them nonetheless. Finally we headed on home.

5cded832-c92e-4d7e-8754-ce896e336701It was finally game day, and I was finally able to play. I had a relaxed morning and was well fed before I headed to Treyvew Rd, home of Truro City White Tigers! Still without any team gear, but I was part of the team nonetheless. The squad was stretched a little thin this week, but we still fielded a good side. I was on the bench. It was great to finally go through all the preparation and team talks and warming up with the team finally. The sun was out and it wasn’t a bad day at all. Well it wasn’t bad until we conceded after 3 minutes, and then conceded again twice in the first half. 3-0 down at half time wasn’t what was planned. I stayed out and warmed up during half time. I would look on from the bench as two more goals would be conceded before the manager called me over, gave me a few instructions, sent me to warm up, and then on I went. I played defensive midfield, just shielding the back four. I did the job asked of me, and I was comfortable in possession. Not much of an influence I can make at 5-0 down. It wasn’t the greatest game to debut, however now that its out of the way, it is onward and upward from here. Many fans were left disappointed today, but next week we will do what we can to change that! After the post match formalities, Toby and I headed back to Falmouth and found a pub that was showing the All Blacks. We got to see the last 15min in which they piled on about 25 points to blow away the Springboks and set a record! We watched a bit of the English Football game after that before finally heading home. I was able to facetime my parents and fill them in on all the events that had occurred today and throughout the week. It is always a highlight each week to catch up with them and fill them in! Technology has made the last 5 years a lot easier being away from home. I stayed up to watch the All Whites face Mexico. It was a great performance and a completely different approach by the NZ team for the first time in a long time. Promising signs.

I was able to sleep in a bit Sunday morning. Once I got up, I mapped out a loop to go for about a 45min run. It went out and around the point, so most of it was along the water. Lovely views and clear skies, made for a nice run, until I did not see a root that had raised a section of asphalt and I completely wiped out. Big cuts on my right hand, and grazes else where. A little bit of frustration later, I kept on going and finished my run strong. Came home and cleaned out the wound although it stung badly. Plastered myself up and I was sorted. Toby and I then headed to Truro for a wander around town and to check a few things out. The rest of my Sunday was casual.

**Unfortunately I was not photographed by the team photographer during the game, sorry for no shots from my debut!



Sept 20- Sept 26: Hamden – Plymouth

I had my last training on Monday, and said goodbye to all of those that I could. Shannon and I spent the afternoon together, and there were a few sad moments but it was time cherished. On Tuesday morning, Shannon dropped me off at my friends families house and she headed for home. Ricky picked me up we had a nice lunch together with Matt, before my journey began.

The Quinnipiac Men’s Soccer team played in Queens on Tuesday night and my flight was out of JFK on Tuesday night, so I travelled down with my old teammate, Will’s parents. We met up with another of my teammates who graduated and his parents for dinner and we had a lovely meal. Once dinner was finished, we had a taxi called and I was on my way. It felt more real leaving this time than last time. And it also felt like one of those movie goodbyes, as I travelled in a taxi through the New York suburbs at sunset. Arrived at the airport with time to spare and made it through security and headed to my gate. We boarded and my seat was at the front of a section, so I just had the flat wall in front of me, which actually gave me more space than having the usual seat in front of me. It was a short 6hr flight in which I got maximum of 3hrs sleep. We arrived early into Dublin around 8.30am UK time and I went through customs and then onto my new terminal for my next flight. Once again I had time to kill but there wasn’t really too much I could do. Another quick 1hr flight to Exeter and I was back in a familiar place. I was instructed by the Irish Customs/Immigration Officer that upon arrival to Exeter I was to find the Customs/Immigration Officer there to stamp my Visa sticker to activate and acknowledge that I had entered into the U.K. However, the Officer wouldn’t stamp it because it was considered to be a common entry point, and she said to either call the Home Office in London, or exit the U.K. to Europe and re enter to get it activated. So that was frustrating information to learn.

I then had a 2hr wait before the bus arrived to take me from Exeter Airport to downtown Exeter. Once I arrived, I went for a walk around the block to try and find a place where I could get a top-up for my sim so that my phone would be back on the U.K. network. I succeeded and then returned to the bus stop, only to have found out that there was a delay in my bus arriving. So I sat around, and sat around, and then I looked up the progress of the bus. It showed that it was over 5hrs delayed. I needed to eat, so once again I took a walk and found a restaurant but decided against it and just went to a supermarket to get a few things. Bread, coleslaw, cheese, ham and chocolate. As I walked back I saw that a National Express bus was parked in the lane where my bus was supposed to be coming, and then I saw the number, and it was my bus number. They had sent a replacement. I boarded and made myself a sandwich! Eventually we left and an hour down the road, we made it to Plymouth. A few hours late, but I got there. I headed down the streets and got to my Backpackers/Hostel. It is what you can expect for paying $20 a night, but it does the trick. A nice refreshing shower and catch up with those who tracked my travel and I finally headed to sleep.

Thursday dawned a lovely day and I was well rested. I headed to the supermarket to get a few more supplies, mostly for breakfast. I returned and ate some breakfast as I chatted with a couple people who stay at the backpackers long term. Later I headed out to the post office where I am to pick up my visa on September 25th. I went along to just check if I could even pick it up after the problems I had coming in. They said, so long img_4898as I have the stamp from Ireland showing I entered, its fine and I can pick up my visa. That was very good news to hear. So Ill head back on Sunday to pick it up. The rest of my day I spent wandering around the streets of Plymouth and then spent a few hours up at The Hoe, which overlooks the water. There was a massive tent there for the Plymouth University Graduation. It brought back memories for sure. I spent my afternoon reading and laying in the sun just resting. Rory picked me up later that evening for training. It was good to catch up with him, and it was good to get a training in with the team.

img_4903On Friday I found a nearby park where I was able to do my own training. I took a ball from training last night and a few cones, so I had some supplies to allow me to have a good session. Once I was showered, I headed back up to The Hoe, and continued to read my book. I took a stroll down through the Barbican and in and around the surrounding streets, before finally heading home for the evening.

It was an early wake up for me, and of course the kitchen downstairs was locked. I had planned what I was going to eat and what I was going to make for the long trip, but I couldn’t do any of that as my refrigerated stuff was behind locked doors. Luckily I had some supplies in my room. Rory picked me up and we headed for the meeting spot where we hitched a ride with the Manager, Lee. While we waited for Lee, we went into the supermarket, and I was able to stock myself for the day appropriately. The long journey began. It was 45min to the meeting spot for the team bus, and then another 3.5hrs by bus to the game. The trip was made all the more easier by chatting with some of the lads, and live TV. Eventually, we made it to West London. I watched the game from the stands as I am still not yet cleared to play. The first half I was camped among the himg_4905ome team fans, as I wanted to just watch our backline and see what they were doing and how they played. In the second half I was at the end we were attacking and I got to see 2 late goals. A comeback with for Truro, 2-1. I met a few of the Truro fans who had heard bits and bobs about me, and so that was nice. And then the long bus ride home began. However a happy bus ride because of the 3 points earned on the road.

Highlights here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L41L7NIZFg

Sunday was another day of training by myself. It was productive again, and just getting thousands of touches on the ball is beneficial! When I returned, there was an annual street party that goes on down the street that I am staying. It was a little different, but a bit of entertainment nonetheless. Later I headed back up to my reading spot and just enjoyed the Sunday afternod2e1caed-7e63-4609-9da0-4040aa5874a3on sun. There had been a seafood festival going on in town, however when I went late in the afternoon, it seemed as everyone was packing up to go home. I missed out unfortunately. I then went back and found a new reading seat with a little bit of a different view as the sunset. I was hoping to see a nice sunset, however the wind that was freezing me, blew in some clouds, and there was no true colorful sunset to witness. I had to head home before I became too cold to walk.



Aug 28 – Sept 4: Hamden/NYC/Maine

It was another week of hard work and relaxation. My mornings were filled with intense training, in the gym, on the field, and with a ball. I feel like I am in very good shape physically, and mentally I am ready to get going again! The training program Coach Kudrick has put me on has been great, and I have been doing a few little extra things just for my personal mentality for me to really feel that I am prepared. And my bike has been a lovely blessing to have, getting me around the place, but also a nice warm up and cool down after each training.

img_4825As time went on this week I kept on checking to see whether my return label was activated, however it was instead an email received on Thursday afternoon saying my visa was accepted and it would be returned to me along with my papers and forms. Thankfully, it arrived Friday afternoon into the safe hands of my friend Ricky, whose address I used on the return label.

On Friday, I also planned a trip to New York City to visit my Aunt Anne. For the last 4 years, I have made numerous trips to the City to meet with her, as it is similar distance for her from Philly as it is for me from New Haven. So a great meeting place. I was surprised by seeing a couple friends and their parents while waiting for the train. I joined them for the trip down which was lovely and nice to have company on that long train ride. Once I arrived, I walked up 5th Ave to the bottom of Central Park to meet another friend, Marc. img_4827We spent a few hours wandering around Central Park, taking in the sights and sounds of street performers and buskers, while we chatted about all sorts of things. I then headed off to the restaurant Anne and I would be meeting at. Soon after I arrived, so did Anne. We had a lovely meal together as I filled her in on all the events that had occurred since I last saw her at Graduation.

After lunch, Anne and I set off on foot to the MET Museum. I hadn’t visited the MET in the last 4 years, so I was excited to finally get a chance to look around. There were many incredible works of art on display, with numerous historical aspects. img_4829It was a good experience wandering through the huge museum. After a couple hours of looking at all the art and history, we said our goodbyes and headed off in our own directions. I swiftly walked back down to Grand Central and got on the train that would arrive into New Haven at 7.43pm. Shannon picked me up after her shift ended and we headed straight for her home in Massachusetts. 2ef1296e-2223-4ee9-a967-72b0f0a8e0f3

Saturday morning we rose early and headed off north up to Maine, where her family has a small little cottage near the beach.
We spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday on the beach, reading, chatting, swimming and walking along the beach at sunset. Her Dad joined us with the Dog on Saturday evening. It was a lovely restful weekend and was certainly much needed for all. Monday was Labor Day so most people had work off, however this meant for traffic on the ride home. Eventually we made it back to Hamden.


Day 65 – Plymouth, UK to Hamden, USA

It was an early morning as I was getting dropped at the airport and the others were meeting for the team bus to head to their game. I arrived at Exeter Airport with plenty of time to relax. It was a short trip across to Dublin and I had a good nap. Because I didnt book my flights to be connection, I had to go through customs and then get my bag and then walk to another terminal and then check in. I had plenty of time and it all worked out. Thankfully Dublin airport had free wifi and I was able to watch the Olympics to fill my time. Everything was on time and I got away fairly pain free.

The 6.5hr flight to JFK, New York wasn’t bad and I managed a couple short naps, a movie, and read a fair few pages of my new book, Grit by Angela Duckworth. Finally we landed at 6.05pm US time, which was 11.05pm UK time. And for me, I still have 2 legs of my journey to go. After a fair hassle, I finally caught my shuttle to Grand Central and made the 8.34pm train. Arrived safe and well at 10.30pm into New Haven and my ride was waiting for me. A long day of travel but I was back in Hamden, all too familiar of a place!

Day 59 – New Adventures

I woke up after a good final nights sleep. And as I woke, It sounded as there was water running somewhere. I went down stairs to turn the hot water on so I could take a shower and the whole kitchen was flooded and water was dripping through the ceiling from what looked to be Wardy’s room. I found a few buckets to put under the dripping areas and threw a few towels down. I was getting out of there at the right time, because who knows how long that will take to clean up and fix.

We still managed to get out of the house on time and get me to the bus stop. There was an weird feeling and the town was empty as we drove through. Yes, it’s Sunday, but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Said my last good bye to Wardy as he headed off to training and I waited for the bus. Of course, it was drizzling. Just the way of life here in Derry. The bus arrived and I got on. Our trip wasn’t too bad to Belfast. I was dropped off at the Belfast International Airport, and I went inside but saw nothing for FlyBe, the airline I was traveling on. A quick check on my phone to find out that there is another airport in Belfast and that was where I needed to be. So I went back outside to look for a taxi, however my bus was still there. And so I went up and asked the question, and the bus was continuing onto the airport that I needed to go to. So the bags got put back in and I hopped back on.

After arriving at the correct airport, I knew one of my bags was going to be overweight. Thankfully, unlike other airlines and countries, the lady was lovely and helpful and I was able to unpack and sort things out. It just makes the experience so much nicer for me as I can breathe easier. Through security and out the other side. I grabbed some food to keep me going through my journey and then relaxed.

Truro-city-football-clubMy flight was quick and painless. I had wanted to try and stay awake to see the Irish coastline, however we got above the clouds and I passed out. Next thing we were circling just above Exeter as there was trouble on the runway. Soon enough we landed and my bags arrived, always a bonus. I went out and met Rory Fallon in the car park. Rory has been assisting with my new move and he is actually a Player/Coach at Truro City FC. Rory is also a current member of the New Zealand All Whites and famously scored the winner against Bahrain to send NZ to the World Cup in 2010. Rory is a lot more experienced and has been in the U.K. for 18 years now as a pro.

Rory celebrating that famous goal 

The drive from Exeter to Plymouth where he lives with his wife was filled will conversation of mostly football, and also Kiwi memories. We arrived at his house eventually which is a lovely wee place on the inlet. Currently another player from Truro City, Adriano Basso, is staying with Rory until he finds a house. So it will be a full house for a week, until should be getting my own place and Adriano finds a place so that his family can move down from Manchester.

Adriano Basso 

We had a lovely evening chatting and making a good feed on the BBQ. My Kiwi lingo will certainly be coming back with Rory always using it. I have the air mattress for the next few days, but I don’t mind at all.


Day 52 – Tourist Edition #4

IMG_4750We woke up to a fairly windy morning and overcast skies. Had some breakfast and was entertained with the kids being kids. Eventually we all headed out. Katy, The Grandpa, and little Hugh along with myself were dropped off at White Rocks Beach with the two dogs and we had a lovely morning walk all the way along the beach to where we met the others. It was a lovely morning, fresh air, sounds of the ocean, and just being oceanside. Two of the sisters had gone out for a 3km morning swim, and the others were splashing around in the paddling pools by the water when we arrived. Eventually we headed up to a little cafe that overlooks the ocean for a bit of morning tea. Certainly controlling 9 kids and 2 dogs was difficult, but things settled down and we enjoyed some good conversation.

IMG_4764We headed back to the house eventually. And then Katy and I were dropped off at the Bushmills Irish Whiskey Distillery. We took the tour and learned all the stages of producing the Whiskey. It was very interesting learning about the process and all the little stages that occur. Whiskey however is not my thing, and so the free tasting we got at the end was not the best way to end. But the tour was well worth it.

Unfortunately by the end of the tour it was drizzling and we had been dropped off, so we walked home in the drizzle. Like a true kiwi, I was wearing jandals, so not the greatest footwear for a 3km walk home. All part of the fun. We got back at 4pm and I checked the train schedule. There was a train leaving at 4.45pm and so we planned to make that, but we didn’t leave the house until 4.20. Of course we hit a little bit of traffic, but like a great guide, Katy got me there just as the train was loading. I bought a ticket and rushed on. Thankfully I made it, or else I would have been waiting until 6.45pm for the next one. It was a gloomy day outside so it was tough to watch the countryside pass by, and so I got out my kindle and continued reading. I arrived back into Derry, grabbed a taxi and headed on home. IMG_4756

I finally got to watch some of the olympics that afternoon, made some dinner and called it a night.



Day 51 – Tourist edition #3

I woke up this morning and packed for an overnight. The plan was to meet up with my friend Katy who I had seen the previous week. Conor dropped me at the train station and I headed north towards Coleraine. It was a lovely ride, however I sat facing the wrong way so I had a sore neck from looking out the window the whole time. The railroad went along the coast with a few lovely stretches of beach but also at times the railroad was surrounded by paddocks and paddocks some filled with sheep and cows. Felt a little bit like home sometimes. I arrived just after midday into Coleraine and Katy picked me up soon after that.

Me on the rocks of the Causeway

First stop on the tour was Giants Causeway. The drive along the coast was lovely and once we got there, it felt like half of Europe was there to see it. Joined by thousands of others we began the walk down to the big stepping stones on the waters edge. They are simply incredible just to look at, as the volcanic activity has led to the shaping of each of these columns. It would be very interesting to see how far into the ocean the same sculpted rocks go. Unlike many of the visitors, we carried on past the rocks and up and around the causeway

Coastal Scenery from the Causeway

where we had views back down towards the rocks, but also go closer to the cliff side with some columns up there. We got some amazing views of the coast, however we came to a gate that was shut due to rock fall and erosion which restricted the distance we could travel around the causeway. It was still very cool to see it all and just be oceanside.

Once we did the full loop up and around the causeway we got back in the car and headed back on up the coast. We were headed for the Carrick-a-Rede

The Rope Bridge

Rope Bridge, which is also a site for some of the filming of Game of Thrones. It’s a shame I don’t watch it so I wouldn’t recognize it from the show. People can correct me if I am wrong, but thousands of people a day, pay entry to walk a kilometer along the coast and then walk across a 10m rope bridge which leads to the coastal island, Carrickarede. Now before you all judge me, Katy had National Trust member passes so we got in for free. But yes, we walked the 1km, waited in line for 30 minutes to then walk across this rope bridge and explore the island, before we waited in line to return across the bridge. I find it all a little obscure that there is such attraction to this single rope bridge, but maybe it is because to access my house in New Zealand, we have a swing bridge which is actually longer than the rope bridge. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the surround scenery.

IMG_4733The coastline is unlike coastline that I have seen before, and the oceans can be pretty unforgiving. The little Island that the bridge took us across to was very cool, and on a clear day we would have been able to look out across the water to friendly neighbors, Scotland.

Dunluce Castle

Katy had one more stop for me on our afternoon expedition. We headed back past the causeway to the Dunluce Castle. It is a now ruined medieval castle, but it remains fairly intact, at least for you to get an idea of the incredible sculpture it once was. It is right on the ocean, and there is actually a cave that from the backside of the castle goes down under and into the ocean. Im not sure of the true structure of it, but I’m sure there quite well could have been an escape route out below the castle into the ocean below.

IMG_4747Finally my tour was complete for the day and we headed to the home we were staying at. The house is owned by Stu, who is the father of Katy Best. Katy Best is the mother of the family my friend Katy is an Au Pair for. Stu has three daughters, who were all there with their kids, 9 and then the sisters had another friend who brought two more kids with her. So there was kids running around everywhere. I think the age bracket was 3-8yrs. But it was great to be in a family environment again. Everyone was lovely and we had a grand old time along with bits of drama here and there with the kids. A typical family fish and chips dinner, before the kids got put to bed and we spent time just chatting outside. Around 9pm Katy and I walked along the ocean side to the BayView Hotel which has a bar down stairs. We grabbed a drink and went and sat outside looking across the bay as the sunset. It was just wonderful to relax and chill out finally. We continued to share stories of our high school memories, some hilarious memories. Eventually the drizzle forced us inside where live music was being played. We spent 20 minutes listening but it was just very packed, so we headed on home for the night.





Day 23 – Derry City

e7088591-e86b-4897-b1ba-b4bc651574a1Today was our day off, and although I didn’t play in the match the night before, nor did I do any extra training, it was nice to relax and recover. Obviously the workload has taken a bit to get used to, so taking the breaks when I can!

Having the day off finally allowed me to catch up with Laura Nicholas, who lives in Derry, but is on a scholarship at Quinnipiac University to play football. So we have known each other for 3 years, and now we got to hang out in her hometown. It was great because today there was more boats on the waterfront and all sorts of food, arts and craft stalls all along the waterfront too. So we took a wander down through all the stalls, looked at the boats, chatted away and enjoyed what was the war33f2fab8-85ed-48c8-95f6-ed709c630b43mest day I have experienced since I have been here. The food stalls were from all over the world, as the boats in the race were all from around the world too, so it makes for a great few days of different cultures and food. The stalls I felt were very similar to the Saturday markets back home in Nelson. I could happily wander and taste many things on a nice afternoon every weekend of the summer if similar events were on.

Eventually Laura and I parted ways, however I’m sure I will see her again in the next few weeks before she heads back to Quinnipiac for her Senior year! I grabbed some groceries and then headed home.

A quick shower, some food to eat and then Wardy, Jarvy and I headed to Aaron’s place to celebrate his 21st. It was most of the lads from the team there. We had a good time with lots of banter and it was great for me to get to know more of the lads outside of the team 13626472_10209708032755969_7426291694723086165_nand training environment. The night led us out to a bar in Derry where Aaron had booked an area for us to hang out in, but also enjoy the bar and dance floor. It turned out to be a great first night out for me in Derry.